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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. Whatever you think, this was a great insight into the reasoning and thought process of a GM in the VHL. Learning why certain moves were made was really interesting. Thanks for this read Tyler.
  2. That gif is freaking me out.
  3. New York seems a little busier than Davos. Much more traffic. I wasn't told about this, can I go back to Switzerland?
  4. I'm not sure whether it was the Tylenol or your explanation, but my headache is now gone. Thanks.
  5. You are now a NA rival @Green I can't like you any more. Goodbye.
  6. I now have a headache.
  7. I concur!
  8. NY was robbed!
  9. Proof here.....
  10. I only drink the finest wines when I partake in that area of alcohol... Let's see the french make something as excellent as that!
  11. You did a great job Corco. Thanks for your efforts and good luck with the school stuff.
  12. What the hell happened to that Odin Sig?
  13. There's actually some really great ciders and some of the best undoubtedly come from the UK. Not sure what Austin had, but he seems happy with it.
  14. BOOM

    NYA/DAV; S56 Offseason

    Looking at this comparatively, a 3rd is fucking cheap and a very good piece of business by the genius New York GM.
  15. BOOM

    NYA/DAV; S56 Offseason

    Let's see eh?
  16. No, I think you'll be headed out as well. It's a complete clean out!
  17. Tempting.
  18. Back to what I do best...... playing with myself.
  19. BOOM


  20. You could have made it interesting!
  21. Waiting for Will to decline.
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