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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. Yours will drop eventually.
  2. Serve your own damn penalties Moher!
  3. Damn you Jason. Pick someone from the last decade!
  4. If I was from Alabama or Mississippi...... Jericho's impression is better....with him I only sound like I'm from Manchester, England.
  5. Some of us know certain progressive metal groups...just not very well
  6. It has all left the current assistant GM rather rattled.
  7. Good series happening here. All the best boys!
  8. Decisive.
  9. Sounds like the Beatles. Where's Yoko? As for the friendship angle, there's always times where people drift apart. If you can be civil towards one another there is no reason you shouldn't be able to remain friends with the others in the group. Why should one person come between you and a whole bunch of friends that you have no issues with. Whatever happens, all the best with it.
  10. Yep, best of luck to all involved.
  11. That does look amazing...thanks Sandro. http://www.worldsfactory.net/2014/02/18/the-order-1886-brings-cg-like-visuals-on-ps4
  12. Hey, you got it working?!?
  13. Shortest GM tenure ever?
  14. BOOM

    L&O PC

  15. BOOM

    Ban Thread

  16. Well this was rather messy but congrats d3.
  17. Well firstly, Longfellow...... ummmmm, sorry I forget.
  18. Yes, Sterling did say he wanted a newer member to get a gig and as Asst. Gm, apologized to me(not needed) for stepping down for that reason.
  19. BOOM

    Ban Thread

  20. True...Brick Wahl has been awesome! xxx
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