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BOOM last won the day on January 23

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  1. Depreciation is theft.

    1. Scurvy
    2. Tetricide


      No depreciation without representation!

    3. Ricer13


      Amen brother! 

  2. BOOM

    GLU sniffer

  3. 1. GM Zef Gonçalves (praise Leandro) has made some significant deals to extend the competitive period for the Wranglers. What are your thoughts to these moves? I think the window is rapidly closing, so it's pretty much now or never. Good moves though, just hoping they have an effect. 2. How do you welcome the newbies to our team/town. I give them all a $2000 gift voucher to Calgary's finest establishment, Blondies Cabaret @ 736 10 AVE SW. I have a referral code. 3. The previous players of Doomsday and Riley, netminder Lindbergh and forward Larry Abbas Jr. were essential in CGY's last cup win. Why will it be the same this time around? The STHS world operates in weird ways, so returning users is just as good of a reason as any for success. 4. We all know that Françesinhas are Leandro's guilty culinary pleasure. What is yours and share with us when and why you decided that it is this dish? Damn, I googled that and it sounds pretty awesome. Make that two of us now. 5. Your player gets a weekend in Vegas. What activity does he/she enjoy the most and why? Hehehehehehehe....really? Well, except of the testing and usual antibiotics prescribed. 6. If your player would get a car sponsoring, which one would they get and why? I'm quite simple, so I'd go with Mercedes, but because it's snowy Canada I'll pick this one:
  4. BOOM

    The GLU

  5. Same, but I lost track when I saw "Hot babe" and "Snickers bar".
  6. Nice write-up @badcolethetitan Articles like this are great.
  7. BOOM

    CHI/CGY; S98

    Should have thrown Dassler in for that 3rd.
  8. BOOM

    MAL/PRG; S98

    Save your 1st rounders...I'm recreating.
  9. BOOM

    Jack off

    ...icial sig
  10. Holiday Draw Win 5 uncapped TPE Doubles Week 1 mil player store
  11. BOOM

    Jaromir Jagr

    Adi Dassler - OV
  12. BOOM


  13. We have two players retiring, all-time Moscow great and a true Menace to the league, David Rashford, and our newest defenseman, Montgomery Burns. Do you have any message for these guys as they move on? Proshchayte i spasibo za vash vklad v organizatsiyu Moskovskaya ugroza. These retirements are leaving some big holes in the lineup, though we do have S97 Founders Cup champion Kazuma Satou (@Spartan), moving up and switching to C. How do you think Moscow should aim to improve for next season? They should tank and thus allow another team to compete for a change. Are you planning to participate in any offseason tournaments? I'm contemplating retirement but I think Dassler is entered into something this offseason. Who is your favorite athlete outside of the NHL? Brooke Wells Who is your pick for MVP of the Four Nations Faceoff? I don't know...Austen Matthews? Will Alexander Ovechkin hit 895 goals and break Gretzky's record this season? Hopefully yes. Records are made to be broken.
  14. Congrats to all the winners and thanks to @Beketov for streaming/doing the actual draw.
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