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Everything posted by Ball

  1. Im more confused than Hellen Keller at a traffic light. Should I go to Seattle or not?
  2. I'm afraid its true, i'm the Blaine Gabbert of forwards
  3. Hes famous and that is what happens. People act like these athletes and celebrities are god like therefore above the law. I bet it turns out that the judge is a Colorado fan. Any other average Joe does this, its immediate jail time no bail given. Its corrupt
  4. Apparently he kicked her in the chest and stomped on it as she laid on the ground. He's most likely getting jail time, he just has the money to post bail. Plus she's claiming this is the fourth time. If he gets off with a slap on the wrist, America is as fucked up as ever.
  5. to make me a sig please. I would greatly appreciate if you could use Patrick Sharp but do not mind if you can't. In fact do your thing, imma let you do you. Thank you kindly!
  6. Ball


    Get the fuck off of the Seattle Bears and make way for Henrik Larsson. It is his time to shine and time for you to sit on the bench with the scrubs
  7. Its nice having the worst performing player of all the actives on the board. Builds character or some bull like that
  8. You should hire me because if you don't, im gonna pull the race card. It's hard for a young black male to find a job out here
  9. Not really a selling point, he just happened to be one of three players whos last name ended with a B lol
  10. Oh, so yea i'd say gg calgary but we didn't put up much of a fight now did we?
  11. We showed them who the real a'muricans where. The S36 finance sheets of course!
  12. To come play in Seattle Why would you want to play for the Seattle Bears? That's a great question friend and for that I have great answers. Seattle is a the place to be for all the best players in the VHL. Just look at the young talent we have. Smyl is the goalie of the future, Ball, Blade, and Brovalenko are three of the nicest guys you will meet (unless you meet them on the opposite end of the ice), and don't get me started on that defense they got there. I mean why go head to head with those brutes when you can have them behind you, protecting not only the net, but your ass when you start to run your mouth on the ice (believe me, when your a Bear, there's a lot of reasons to be trash talking the other teams). Hell you don't even really have to wanna play for the Bears to join the team. Do you like coffee? Seattle is world renown for it's hot cup of joe. Do you hate the sun and nice weather? Of course you do, I mean we play inside a rink, ontop of ice, freezing our asses off. Well, you can enjoy that cold, miserable feeling at all times in Seattle. It rains half the time anyway and we are right at the top of the country, so you know its gonna be cold. Do I got your attention yet? I'm sure i do but i'll keep going anyway. Seattle's got some of the best fans around. They show up loud, proud, and ready to cheer their home team every single game (I mean they got nothing better to do anyway so why not) So, to sum it all up, were probably gonna see you this offseason and we look forward to having (insert your name here) be apart of the greatest team to ever set foot in the VHL. Together we stand, divided your gonna lose to the Bears.
  13. Ball Jr. struggling to hit his stride It seemed that nothing was going to stop the young forward as he made his way to the top. Sebastian Ball Jr. had it all, a plethora of untapped talent, a great hockey I.Q, and the will to become one of the greatest players to ever lace up their skates. He was the best player on the ice at all times throughout his high school and college careers. He was always bigger, faster, and more talented than anyone opposing teams put on the ice. In his senior year of high school, Ball Jr. was already being scouted by both the NHL and the KHL. “The kid out-shined everyone on the ice,” said Mike Browner, a former scout for the NHL’s Montreal Canadians. “Even when you knew he wasn't giving it his all, he flat outplayed the competition. I remember seeing scouts watching him for the first time and their jaws would hit the floor. There was a lot of potential in the young forward and everyone was trying to get their hands on him.” But, Ball decided to go a different route with his professional career, enrolling in the VHL and the upcoming VHL Entry Draft. Upon entering the S33 VHL Entry Draft, Ball Jr. had a lot of questions surrounding him. While he was a promising young prospect, Ball Jr. had shown a very poor work ethic throughout his school years, due to the fact he believed he was better than everyone else. At 6’ 4”, Ball Jr. did not possess high end speed on the ice, but rarely used his size and strength to his advantage. But Ball Jr. silenced all of the critics his first season in the VHLM, helping lead the Vasteras Baby Eagle to the European Conference Finals. Still, VHL general managers had doubts in the young winger despite rumors that Ball Jr. would be taken early in the first round. “From what I was hearing from my agent, I was projected to go as early as six but wouldn't fall past 10,” said Ball Jr. “I thought I proved to everyone that I was no joke. I was better than everyone they put in front of me. I mean did you see our offense in S32? We were the most dynamic offense the VHLM has seen in years.” Despite the rumors, Ball Jr. fell out of the first round, but was picked up by the Seattle Bears with the first pick in the second round. Though he didn’t let him affect him off the ice, Ball Jr. didn't look the same on the ice. An early favorite to win the VHLM MVP award in his second season, Ball Jr. had a subpar year, racking up only 86 points which was good for third on his team. “Yeah I was disappointed in my play that season, but it took a back seat to losing the Founder’s Cup,” stated Ball Jr. “I always said I could go that season without scoring a point if only we could have taken home the cup.” The struggles would continue when Ball Jr. finally made his way to the big leagues. Again Ball Jr. was one of the favorites, this time to win the rookie of the year trophy. But, yet again, he performed poorly on a bad Seattle Bears squad and only managed 39 points in 72 games. Becoming more and more frustrated in his play, Ball Jr. would spend the off-season working out with friend and NHL star Pavel Datsyuk, honing his offensive skills and learning to be a smart player rather than a flashy one. So far the hard work has paid off in S35, as the young forward has already accumulated 23 points in 30 games. But for Ball Jr., it just isn't enough. “Every time we lose a game, I feel it is because I haven’t played well enough to get these victories,” stated Ball Jr. earlier in the season. “I feel like if we lose by one, I didn't score enough goals. If we lose by two, maybe I didn't set up my teammates with enough scoring chances. I know it’s not all on me, but if I’m on the ice, I feel that I am solely responsible for that loss.” A fiery competitor, Ball Jr. has stated on multiple occasions that he will become an elite player in the VHL in the foreseeable future. And with each passing day, once again, it looks like nothing will get in his way as he makes his way to the top.
  14. Insert Quote hating on Vasteras I mean am I right or what guys
  15. DAV G might be the best goalie to grace the VHL
  16. O boy its great to come back to this! GG Toronto
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