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Everything posted by Ball

  1. Ball


    Cant grow a mustache to save my life (not sure id want to lol) but I'm definitely going no shave November
  2. I agree, good idea. Would love to see this take flight.
  3. Its Mr. Stupid to you pal. Rude much
  4. 1. Yet 2. Call me Mr. Stupid then
  5. Imma go with Helstinki, too much firepower
  6. Ill take you up on that. I tried to let Jason know I wasn't the man for the job, I'm on a temp computer right now.
  7. As it should be lol. But it all comes down to if i give him an offer sheet. Dun Dun Dun
  8. Show off. lol nice job on these Lightning
  9. You missed your chance now you can be happy with being an updater
  10. New GM in Seattle? With the recent absence of Bears' general manager Greg Harbinson, one man has decided to step up and fill his shoes. After a win over the rebuilding New York Americans, second year forward Sebastian Ball Jr. stood up and requested the attention of his teammates. "I have an announcement to make," stated Ball Jr. to his teammates. "The era of Greg is over and now it is my time to shine. From now on you can call me your friend, your teammate, and the general manager of your sorry asses." And as soon as it had started, it was over, as Ball Jr. left the locker room and headed to the post game conference. "I don't know what he is on," said goaltender Steven Smyl. "But whatever it is, can you guys get me some?" After the recent attacks on the VHL in which Ball Jr. went incognito for several weeks, it seems the young forward has become an entirely new person. He has put out personal ads on Craigslist in order to acquire more offensive weapons for the Bears, wears a fake mustache when he is not at practice or competing in an exhibition, and now has declared that he is in charge of the Bears and Seattle's hockey operations. Bears' management put out a statement shortly after the media caught wind of Ball’s antics, which stated that, "Sebastian Ball Jr. is not and will never be the general manager of our Bears' organization. He is here for one reason and one reason only and that is to help our offense score goals and win games. With that said, Greg Harbinson is on personal leave and should be back as soon as he sees fit." After conversing with the owners of the Seattle Bears, Ball Jr.'s antics have seem to have caught them off guard just as much as it has the public No one knows what has exactly happened to Greg Harbinson, the newest general manager of the Seattle Bears, but the police have filed a missing persons report and are looking into his disappearance. Harbinson took over the position a few seasons ago, after former general manager and current Board of Governor’s member Noah Lefevre decided to step down to pursue “bigger and better” things in life. Harbinson was doing a phenomenal job picking up where Lefevre had started, as the Seattle organization was finally making its way to becoming a competitive team within the North American Conference. But, out of the blue, Harbinson stopped coming to the Bears’ practices and missed countless press conferences this past week. The organization as a whole, but mainly the players, was becoming a bit concerned with their general manager’s absence and was in a panic. “I mean it’s like complete chaos in the locker room know a days,” said Seattle center Sergey Brovalenko. “I was thinking about taking the reins, but all the sudden this guy stands up and announced that he was taking over. Everyone kind of looked at each other and just went with it.” Since declaring himself general manager, Ball Jr. has shown up and skated in a suit every practice, claiming he is getting closer to his players despite his new role in the organization Since self-promoting himself to general manager, it seems that Sebastian Ball Jr. has been hard at work. He has reportedly contacted several teams about acquiring pieces to help the Bears compete in S35. While no names were given as to whom he was trying to trade or trade for, Ball Jr. let us know, “when it goes through, the whole VHL is going to be taken by storm.” “Obviously you have seen my Craigslist ad in the papers right? Hilarious I know,” continued Ball Jr. as he kicked his feet up on Mr. Harbinson’s desk. “But in all honesty, I am looking to acquire a big name, offensive juggernaut from a certain team that shall not be named. I have also looked into the possibility of shipping off a couple players, just in case I can’t put the trigger on this player. The only problem is no one has more than 2 first round picks this season. And I am no push over, so if you want my players, you’re going to have to meet me 70 percent of the way.” After talking to Ball Jr., we met up with a few higher up within the Seattle Bears’ organization who reassured us that, “the man is not the general manager for crying out loud. In fact, we have no clue how he keeps getting into Mr. Harbinson’s office. We have told the janitor to lock the door time and time again, but I don’t know if the man understands a lick of English. There won’t be any transactions performed while Mr. Ball pretends he is general manager. As of right now, we are happy where the status of the teams stands and will wait upon Mr. Harbinson’s return to reevaluate anything personnel wise.”
  11. I never noticed that but that is pretty hilarious. Fucked up, but hilarious
  12. I don't have the text nor know where to find it, therefore i will withdraw my name from the TPE. I'm handicapped when it comes to photoshop
  13. Ball


    Yo I know basic math and would love to do this, VHL or VHLM.
  14. Good game Helsinki Great win boys!
  15. O damn I knew I forgot something, well rome wasn't built in a day and this banner wasn't perfected in 5 minutes either
  16. But on a real note, if these aren't done by the time I get home tomorrow night, I'll really do them.
  17. Boy did this take forever. but I'll have the other two done tomorrow
  18. I hear ya on this one, but this shit happens all the time with athletes but they get to play because they're famous. I'm just saying if he did it, then he deserves the maximum punishment but i fully understand that she might be a scheming biotch who just looking to get my mans money. But the turning himself in part really makes me feel like he did do something, maybe not as crazy as the shit ESPN stated he did, but to some degree he is in the wrong and should be held out until they get to the bottom of it.
  19. Did I just walk into church, cause my man right here is preaching heavy!
  20. Anyone got a pair of pants I can borrow, mine are ruined
  21. His girlfriend, hes beaten her on multiple occasions, but she hasn't said anything until now because she went home to find her stuff thrown all over their hallway.
  22. Its a tie between Taco and Rafi for me, but yea i don't hate any of them. All of them crack me up and the show is awesome
  23. Hes a major doucher, but you have to hand it to em, hes arguably one of the best hip hop artist of all time. Haven't heard much of his new shit, but back in the day, everyone was bumping his music. I really hate how he presents himself and how he acts but overrated seems a bit much scratch that, that shit cray
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