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Everything posted by JardyB10

  1. That's an interesting shootout lineup we got there...
  2. Whoa, 4 PIM for Naomi. That might be a single game PB.
  3. Weird, I thought of a similar tinfoil ending on Reddit last night
  4. Yeah that's why I decided to do a 1:00am sim tonight. Gotta keep you guys on your toes.
  5. I feel like there should be a pun here about cologne smelling like shit.
  6. We know each other so well by now, it's like a well-oiled machine. I told him A FULL DAY IN ADVANCE(!) to sim that Friday due to my anticipated alcoholism. He nailed it, and then, perfectly anticipating my post-drinking map-dropping-off, swam Saturday as well. What a gem!
  7. Just kidding. April Fools, faggots.
  8. That was actually a rather helpful hint, as that is essentially what I ended up doing. I just found three things I kinda wanted to talk about and rambled about them for about a page each (The actual guideline said no more than 10 pages, and that's 12pt doubled spaced, and includes Abstract and References). I literally stayed up all night finishing it. I stole a Vyvance from my brother. I couldn't tell if it helped me focus or not, but last time I did that I couldn't sleep, and I figured insomnia might be helpful. So I also drank a Redbull. And a beer. Because obviously. I've been at this fucking computer so long I think my right wrist started getting carpal tunnely. So I made a make-shift brace out of hockey tape. This conveniently discouraged masturbation; one less distraction! The class is in an hour and fifteen, so my schedule is now to shave my beard, wash my face or shower or something, and maybe have a Cheerio.
  9. Tell me about it. I don't know if it's because I simmed more 10 game days than normal, or if just the standard amount of time flew by. Add to the fact I have to rush the last dozen or so games because of my VHLM scheduling boner, and we might finish record time. And then WC... :\. I believe I'll rig the playoffs so every single series goes to seven games.
  10. The original series won't be done until like, 2020 optimistically... so who knows. I feel like the Season 7/8 series finale will be super epic and make everyone poop. And cry. And smile. And cry. As for this season, they'll *vague expectation spoiler* definitely be setting up another Ned tragedy(ies). Almost every episode will be actively flirting with killing one or two or three of our favourite characters, including Hodor. Then when it all comes to an end, that exact thing(s) may or may not happen. YOU'LL JUST HAVE TO WAIT AND FIND OUT!!
  11. The S37 VHL and VHLM Trade Deadline will take place Monday, April 7, 2014 at 7:00pm CST. Those who wish to retire and recreate for the S39 VHL Entry Draft may do so on the same day. You don't have to wait until 7:00pm though. As soon as it is the hour of the owl, you're good to go. Happy trading season! I hear Naomi Young is on the block.
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