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Everything posted by JardyB10

  1. This is the single worst thing to happen to me today. And I just finished spending the last two hours making my house smell slightly less like SARCAN.
  2. One day. By the way, did one of your relatives who shares your last name move to Saskatchewan recently? Because I all the sudden remember overhearing someone saying something about a Knight who moved from Toronto...
  3. I repeatedly read it as "This guy sucks." To the point where I read the article and was like "I don't get it," and still didn't until I read Jason's comment. I don't know if it's because I've been drinking since 5:00pm, but I honestly think I'm slightly dyslexic.
  4. For incentive, Jason's sister will probably be there too.
  5. It felt weird when he was going over all the names nobody knows, and I knew every single one of them and thought he was an idiot for 95% of them. THAT'S JEOR MORMONT! AND OSHA! AND ASHA/YARA GREYJOY! AND BALON GREYJOY! AND SYRIO FOREL, HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW SYRIO FOREL?? FUCKIN' MAESTER LUWIN. MANCE FUCKING RAYDER. THE FUCKING LIGHTNING LORD BERIC DONDARION. BARRISTAN THE FUCKING BOLD SELMY DON'T ACT LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW THAT. And R+L=J is common knowledge.
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