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Everything posted by Anthique

  1. Thanks for the great words guys! Like you said, my first season was not very good, but this last one was really more what I was expecting with this player. You put some high expectations for Champagne, but my goal was nothing less than that
  2. 1. The season has finally concluded after a hard fought journey to the finals but unfortunately, we fell short. What are your final thoughts on our season? We had a really great season! Better than the last one. Of course the series didn't went our way, but we (and I too!) made progress. 3. We have just had two blockbuster trades! What do you think about these moves? We gonna miss Cole, but we got a first round pick, two 3rds and Kovalski for it. Hope it will work great for us. 5. Outside of the NHL, which hockey leagues do you enjoy watching, if any? The AHL and QMJHL. Been through some live games in the Q and ECHL this year. 6. Which NHL player do you model your own player after? Profile picture, Josh Anderson. Wish he could be more offensive in the real NHL, but well I love the way he plays. 7. If you could live in the world of any video game/TV show/movie/etc., what would you pick and why? Mass Effect. Find new species and travel in space seem really nice! 8. Is a hot dog a sandwich? I think yes, it's a sausage between two "slice" of bread so...
  3. 1: It’s been an intense series against Malmo. Do you expect the series to end tonight or will we go into game 7? It will end tonight. We are playing really well and we are due to explose offensively. 4: Let’s say someone goes back in time and finds a young Wayne Gretzky and brings them to our timeline. Do you think Wayne will still be the best or would it be too much of a change? Bring him from his timeline to ours? No, he would not be the best player. Now it's more about the speed and he would not be protected as before. 5: Alternatively which NHL legend do you think would still be good if their career was restarted today? Mario Lemieux. He had it all. Speed, physicality, skills, leadership, shot, hockey IQ. Heatly, he would still be the best player, if not closer to McDavid than anybody right now. 6: If you had to change your hair color, which color would you choose and why? Red. My mother was, so probably would fit me lol. 7: If you had to choose an Emoji for a Hockey Jersey, which Emoji would you choose? Between the one with dollar bill on his face or the stars. A hockey jersey cost a lot of money (the real ones), but they are so beautiful, better than any team sport on the planet. 8: What was the most recent Show you’ve watched? I'm watching Flash, Kaleidoscope at the moment. Will need to watch The last of us soon.
  4. 1: How many games do you think our first series will be? 5 games. They will get us one time, but sadly for them, we are no match. LET'S GOOOOO! 2: Which player on Davos do you think would win an arm wrestling tournament? Me lol. Not even a question. Look at my arms bro. 3: What is your players nickname? Pop. Like the sound when you open a champagne bottle. Short and easy to remember. 4: Which teammate do you expect will lead us in points at the end of our playoff run? It will be between Thunder and Teekirque. They had a good season and are on the right track at the moment to lead us. 5: Which NHL player's jersey would you want to get as a gift? Crosby. I do not have a Pittsburgh jersey even if they are my team. Crosby is my all time favorite so yeah. 6: Who is your favorite NHL defender? Hard to say. Really a fan of Letang and I always loved how Dahlin skate so easily. I could say the same things about Quinn Hughes. I know Makar is good, but I don't know why he's not one of them for me. 8: What is your dream car? Audi R8. The look is amazing and with the power it have I would have so much fun with it.
  5. 1: With only a handful of games remaining, how many goals/wins do you expect to end this season with? I would like to have two more to get the 25 goals mark. Might not be easy but will try my best. 2: Do you have a specific stick your player uses? If not then do you have a favorite brand? Not really for real! Try to get a similar curve, but any brand is okay for me 5: Connor McDavid just scored his 50th goal of the season, how many do you expect him to end with? Will pass the 60 goals mark, will say 63. 6: The NHL trade deadline is right around the corner, which trade do you think is the most impactful? Hard to say only one, but the Rangers got two offensive stud for almost nothing. Boston got what they needed and Toronto are getting really good too. 7: If you could move to any city, which city would you choose? New York. Love going there, even if I'm from Canada, I went there at least 5 times already. 8: Which movie do you wish had a sequel? Chips. Was funny, great motocycles stunt in the movie with some action.
  6. 1: Are you a lefty or a righty? Lefty for the majority of things. Like I write with my left hand, but I throw the ball with my right. The craziest is that I catch in baseball with my left hands, but catch in hockey with my right... Doesn't make sense but well! 2: Which All-Star event do you think your player would have a chance of winning? Or would you want to compete in one? Hard shot competition. Big guy who can shoot, but will get better in a couple of season to maybe win it. 3: Which WWE superstar (Past or Present) would your VHL character want to team with for a match? Keven Owens. He speaks French like me and two big guys in the ring would do some damage. 4: Which VHL team is your favorite to play against? 5: If you could replace one VHL team with a VHLM team, which teams would you choose? 6: Who do you think will become the next Captain of the Vancouver Canucks? I would have said JT Miller, but with everything that happen this season I'm not sure he's the best choice. The other assistant OEL is not a better option so for real I would not name one. 7: What was the first Videogame you played? Something like NHL 2002 on PC. Wish they can make it again on PC god dammit. 8: Do you think drafting Connor Bedard makes the team a playoff team? In his first season? Absolutely not. Like Crosby and McDavid before him, he will need some help to get his next team competitive and reach the playoffs.
  7. 1: We’re past the halfway mark in the season, are you happy with your player's performance so far? Yes way better than last season! Already 11 pts more than last season in 29 less games. Worst defensively (at my suprise!), but offensively way better. 3: What do you think of the Tarasenko trade? Good for both teams! New York got the best player that will help them in the playoffs and St Louis got a young player in Blais that already played for them in the past so he knows the organization and a first round pick in a really good draft. 5: Who is your favorite NHL player currently? I think you asked me this question this season, but I will answer the same, Sydney Crosby and Anze Kopitar are my favorite right now even if they are close to 35 years old. 6: Which NHL team(s) do you cheer for? See the question above and you have a good idea. Pittsburgh and Los Angeles. Sadly, the Nordiques are no longer in the NHL. 8: Who is your favorite videogame character and why? Commander Shepard from the Mass Effect serie. The serie as a whole is fantastic and the meme «we'll bang okay» is hilarious! 9: In honor of Valentines' Day I figured I'd include this. What on-screen relationship is your favorite? can be a videogame, movie, or any media. Madelyn Cline (so hot!) and Chase Stokes are in a real life relationship and they are also together in the serie «Outer Banks» and they make the video clip of a Kygo song, «Hot Stuff».
  8. ah ok thought the minimum was 1 tpe no matter what hahaha! I will try to be better then
  9. 1: Which NHL team would you do a rebuild of in NHL23? The Detroit Red Wings. Love the team and they already have some really good prospects. 4: How did you decide on your forum username? I use the same everywhere, close to my real name so that's an easy one. 5: How did you decide on your player's name? I wanted a french name since I'm from Quebec. Kinda proud of myself on this one haha! 6: What is your opinion on the NHL All-Star Game? The players should play for something, like a reward. Now it's just for fun and the games could really be better than what we have at the moment. 7: Do you like The NHL All-Star Jerseys this season? Yes! Would have prefer a different one for the "home" one, but loved the vibe they had. 8: How likely do you think it is that Connor Bedard’s first NHL goal is a Michigan goal? 0%. It will be 100% a shot from the front of the net, directly in the top corner.
  10. 1: Davos has started strong this season, currently at the top of the European conference, do you think we will finish the season in that spot? Why not? We have a strong offensive group, the best goalie and the defensive squad help offensively. 2: Pete Mitchell is currently leading Davos in scoring, Did you expect such a strong start from them? Yes! I saw him train very hard this off season, so his success is no surprise to me. 4: Who is your favorite active NHL player? Sydney Crosby is still my favorite since I saw him in junior in Québec. 5: Who was your favorite NHL Player growing up? Mario Lemieux when I was younger, but around 2000 I follow the Sens and Alfredsson and Havlat were also my favorites. 5: What is your opinion on the Bo Horvat trade to NY Islanders? I think Vancouver could had a better deal. I just hope for them that Beauvillier can be a little more offensive and Raty can live up to the expectations everyone had in him the year prior to his draft. 8: Hypothetical question here. You’re teleported to a stage of a singing show, which song do you sing? Some french song that you don't know haha! Cowboys Fringants or Eric Lapointe maybe.
  11. So much leadership in this group!
  12. Thanks for the good words! Me too I expect a better season this time. Hope I will get those 25-30 goals like you said
  13. 1: What is your players Jersey number and why did you choose that number? Number 9. Birthdate and because of Maurice Richard who I tried to play a little like him. Speed, physical and scoring abilities. 2: Which attribute do you intend on upgrading throughout this upcoming season? Just respond it in the question above, and in that order lol. 4: If you could go back in time to any game this NHL season, which game would you go back and watch in person? The game when Ovechkin passed Howe for the all time scoring. 5: Which NHL team do you think needs to change their Logo? The Kings should bring back their old logo with the Crown. Their current is the worst right now. 7: Seems like it’s been a while since we’ve had a good hockey movie come out, do you think we’ll ever get one that lives up to your favorite hockey movie? Nah, no chance that something came up better than Slap Shot haha! 8: If you only have to eat one food item for the rest of your life, what would you choose? If it can't affect my metabolism, I would say poutine. If yes, probably salmon poke bowl.
  14. 1: Training Camp has opened! Which attribute do you plan on upgrading? Yes! It will be Speed and wrist shot. I've never put points in speed so I hope it will help him get the puck more often. 2: How do you think Davos did this draft? We got the player we wanted in the first round, so I think we did good. 3: How many points do you expect to score this season? My goal is to double my points from last season. To more I'm close to 40, the more I will be happy. I've got some great series and Pro Am tournament so hope to build on those performance and really help the team win this season. 4: How many points do you think McDavid will end this season with? I think it will be close to 130. Will probably be his best offensive season if he stay healty. 5: Which mechanic or feature would you add/improve in the next NHL game? One of the rule that I would change, is forbiden teams in 3 vs 3 to to back passed the red line. That way they would tend to stay in the offensive zone and create sometging while taking more risk than takin a penalty because they got back in their zone with the puck. 8: Which video game have you replayed the most? The Mass Effect serie. I've played the first 3 two times each. I've also played the last one too.
  15. 1: How does your player plan on spending this Off-Season? Visit his family and Europe. Spend so time doing motorcycle, training, going to the beach and read. 2: The Vancouver Wolves won the championship this season, did you expect them to win at any point this season? Nope, not even one time. I always had faith in our team. It will be us next season. 4: Alright, hot take time... Which NHL captain do you think is the most worthy of the title? Gotta go with my boy Sydney Crosby. The Captain needs to be THE exemple, the one that you should follow with closed eyes. Always at 110% on the ice. 5: Shane Wright was traded from Kingston to Windsor, what do you think of the trade? Good for both teams. Kingston was going nowhere and Windsor are in the second place so they got one of the best player in the entire CHL. He will help them in the playoffs. 6: In videogames character creation do you often try to make a character than resembles yourself or do you make up your own fictional character? Most of the time someone that looks like me. If it can't be, I try to make him look very different just to see haha. 8: Who is your least favorite Show or Movie character? Not a specific one, but a genre. Those who put some "celebrities" on a island or a beautiful place around the world and try to match them together. Man fuck that shit.
  16. 2: Which player on Davos, besides yourself is the most important player on the team? Our goalie! Save us so many time! Best player in our team hands down and way better than me lol 3: Does how you tape your stick affect your play? Not really. I do a simple tape job and my style of play won't change because of it. 4: Which is your least favorite NHL mascot? Tied between the one of the Senators and the Hurricanes. Don't fit the team and are ugly lol. 6: Did you watch Connor Bedard’s Overtime winner on Monday? Yes I've watched most of the tournament, and not only Canada's games. The gold medal overtime goal was crazy too. So much talent on that team. 7: Alright here’s an interesting one…Maybe…If you had the 4th overall pick in an NHL fantasy draft with current NHL players. Mcdavid went first, Matthews went second, and Draistal went third….Who’d you pick? Maybe Cale Makar for a defenseman, and a forward Nikita Kucherov. Thompson this year is amazing, as Hughes (finally). 8: Can you smell what The Rock is cooking? If so, what is it? Cooking his third chicken of the day lol. I've tasted his Tequila, and man that's really good!
  17. After his season in the VHLE with Bratislava, Alfred Champagne was a prospect and he was not sure if he will play in the VHL or stay in the VHLE. During the after-season, his agent calls him each day telling him that teams were trying to acquire him from Prague. That's where he got drafted in S85 at the 11th rank. The day has finally come when his agent tells him that he will have to move to the other side of the globe to continue his career. The Calgary Wranglers made him the newest member of their team. They had to let go some of their older players to fit the cap so why not acquire a top prospect in exchange! Prague also gives a lot of picks, but it's a good trade for both teams. A week later, his agent calls him again about a trade : «Wtf not again? I haven't even had the chance to meet my teammates and the management before getting traded! I was hoping to visit Canada, go skiing and become a cowboy! » No man not gonna happen! You're staying in Europe with the HC Davos! Only a 8 hours drive from each other and it's closer to your home! You will have more time to visit your family so it can be good for you. You got traded for some picks this time. Good luck my man! That doesn't stop him in his training and he didn't play a single game for them so the only thing in is mind is he's happy that teams want him and he has nothing against is old GMs. So Champagne got traded two times in the same off season. It was not clear at this moment if he will begin the season in which league, but his training will not be affected by that. With a talk with the Davos Management, they decided that he will enter the VHL right away with an offensive role. The season didn't go as planned offensively for Champagne. Only 17 pts in 72 games while playing sometime on the first line and having some powerplay time. Rookies are not supposed to lead the team in scoring, but he thought he would help more than that. After getting 47 points in the VHLE, having less than half of that amount is disappointing. He is not supposed to be the most skilled player on the team, but he needs to bring some secondary scoring when the top guys are having a night off. The good news is that he always more efficient when he is in the playoffs. In the VHLM, 4 points in 5 games and in the VHLE, 5 points in 7 games. Those stats are way better than the regular season like we show earlier in the VHLE, but in the VHLM he got a magnificent 82 pts in 72 games. After two rounds of playoff, Champagne is having a good run with 5 points in 9 games. Less hits, but more concern on his offensive game and that lead Davos to eliminate the best team in Europe this week.
  18. 1: Does your player do anything unique with their equipment? (Jersey Tuck, Colored laces, tinted visor...) The only thing that my player is doing is putting the left side of his jersey in is pants. Nothing too fancy but it worked well for him. 3: Do you think the VHL should have an all-stars game? Of course! We need to have a contest between the best in the business! 4: How many seasons / years have you been involved in the VHL community? Not a year yet! Still a newbie with not a lot of experience. 6: What are your player's New Year’s resolutions? Put the puck more often in the net. Also train harder to hit harder. 7: If you had to get an NHL jersey right now, which one and what name would be on the back? Probably a Crosby jersey. The Pens have some beautiful jersey and always want one of him. 9: Which current NHL player (That hasn’t yet scored a Michigan/Lacrosse goal) will score the next Michigan goal? Maybe one of the young players like Cole Perfetti, Kent Johnson or Logan Cooley.
  19. 1: If Davos had a daily sim award, what would you call it? The Ghost. The player that maybe help the team win, but doesn't show on the scoresheet. I would have won it often hahaha! 2: Which company/brand would you want to sponsor Davos’ jerseys? One of the compagnies that make chocolate! Would eat some free haha 3: Which NHL player is the second faster skater? Dylan Larkin. Always close to McDavid in the All-Star game. 4: Which NHL Prospect are you excited to see in the NHL one day? Gabriel D'Aigle, goalie in the QMJHL. Start the season at 15 years old and already dominate the league. Was the second overall pick in the last draft. 6: What is your favorite Christmas Themed episode of a show? 7: You get to name the next NHL team, but it has to be a Christmas theme. What Name and Logo do you choose? The Grinchs. The color would be green, black and white. 8: Which year was your favorite Christmas and why? It was about 10 years ago, when my grantsparents were still alive, all my family was there. We were like 50 of us for the last time.
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