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Posts posted by Aimee

  1. This morning I had the opportunity to sit down with one of the VHLM’s newest players. Having opted for the draft during the final week to join, Jesse Teno has started to gain a bit of a name for themselves already.

    Jesse, thanks for sitting down with me. I know you’re busy so I won’t take much of your time today. How are you enjoying Saskatoon so far?

    So far, it’s great! I’m getting to know the city a little at a time and it reminds me of home a bit. I come from a small city too so it’s familiar enough. I went to a few museums, tried some real poutine, even went shopping for some souvenirs to send home to my parents. Everyone here has been really nice and welcoming. A few people around the city have already recognized me which is definitely a new feeling. I’m not a big deal at all back home so that was a new experience.


    Great to hear. You mentioned beforehand that you’ve already gone to the arena and practice facility. How were they?

    The arena is amazing. I love the look and feel of it. I stepped out onto the ice and it felt so weird to be surrounded by so many seats. It feels massive compared to UVM. I even checked out the merch store just to see what there was so I also picked up my parents a few things there as well.


    Sorry to interrupt but any chance you found your name on a jersey?

    [laughs] No, not yet. I would imagine it will take a few weeks if not months before my name makes it to anything in the store.


    As you mentioned, you had quite the career at UVM. Your final year you went 25-7-2 with 2 shutouts. Do you think you’ll be able to recreate those kinds of numbers in the VHLM?

    Man, I hope so. I know it’s going to be hard and given how talented the veterans in this league are, I know I’m going to have my hands full. I know what my weak points were in college so I’m hoping to really utilize the facilities and the scrimmages to work on closing those up.


    What would you have to do this year to make it feel like a good first year?

    If we’re talking stats wise, I think I just want to have a winning year. If I can hold my own against this higher level of opponent and come out over .500, I’ll be happy. Anything above that will be the cherry on top. Now that’s not to say that that’s all I will give. I’m going to go out and play every game with the intention of winning. But I need to be realistic. Being the only goalie means little rest time between games so I’m going to have to push myself harder than I ever have before.


    Thank you for taking the time to talk with me. Just one last question before I leave you to your day; if you could be drafted by any VHL team, which one would you choose?

    Oh, without a doubt the New York Americans. I know they’ve been struggling for a while but they’re my team, you know? It’s always a dream to be drafted or play for the team you grew up cheering for. I know Vermont and New York are a few hours distance but I would consider them my hometown team.


    582 words, using for PT weeks June 27 – July 3



  2. With the first professional draft of their career behind them, Jesse Teno will be taking the last few days they have prior to the start of the season to get in as much training as possible. While the whole season itself will be a test of their capabilities, Jesse has decided to try and energize themselves in one last push before it all begins.


    Jesse made sure to take a few days to walk around and tour their new home of Saskatoon; hitting up the Antiquities and Aviation museums during their first full day. They also had their first taste of real poutine at The Rook and Raven Pub after having had it suggested to them by an arena worker.


    While small and in the middle of nowhere, Jesse figures he could come to love Saskatoon as it reminds them of their small town back home. With the Wild they would make friends, and with time they would make memories. Jesse is looking forward to starting their professional career and they hope to not only make an impact on the team and the VHLM, but also to have the people around have an impact on them.


    196 words for Week June 27- July 3

  3. Growing up in a relatively isolated part of Vermont, Jesse’s childhood ventures all revolved around sports. Being part of the Vermont school system meant that gym class was a few hours out on the slopes of the nearest ski area. So it was no surprise when as a kid, Jesse discovered hockey. With the nearest VHL team being the New York Americans, Jesse would watch the games from home every season, cheering on his team.


    It was in middle school and high school when Jesse really got their feet under them. Joining not only local teams but making the junior varsity and varsity teams in school. College at the University of Vermont also brought Jesse tons of experience. Getting to play at a higher level allowed Jesse to hone their competitive skills. Four years at UVM and Jesse posted a total record of 99-34-10 with 10 shutouts. It would continue to bug them that they never made it to 100 wins. But hopefully playing for the VHLM and beyond would bring them that satisfaction.


    Jesse had doubts that they would be able to play professionally after college but when the opportunity came to have scouts check them out in their senior year, it was just blasting out a whole wall - forget opening a new door. With the performance they gave in their senior year, helping UVM to get to the semi-finals of the championships, it was easier for Jesse to see how they could possibly go pro: though doubt still hung with them.


    With all of this in mind, Jesse decided to enter into the VHLM draft though didn’t expect much. Brand new, coming in late, and barely a foot in the door, Jesse was selected 30th overall by the Saskatoon Wild. The middle of Canada called and Jesse was ready for the adventure.


    So what’s next for Jesse? Hopefully a promising and budding career. They hope that time will allow them to build up their abilities and that all the hard work they have put into hockey up until now will pay off. Jesse looks forward to the future and can’t wait to see what Saskatoon and the VHLM have in store for them.


    Maybe one day it would mean a shot at the VHL, or maybe they would hang around at the low levels and just feel grateful to have been drafted. It was an experience few had the opportunity to get and Jesse wouldn’t waste it.


  4. 18 minutes ago, Bulduray_1 said:

    Saskatoon Wild Press Conference

    Answer these 6 questions for 2 TPE!



    1. Well the Draft is behind us now, how is your player feeling after it’s all said and done?


    2. Looking at our roster, how are you feeling about it? Any areas of improvement we can work on?


    3. Any early season predictions?


    4. What’s the best thing that grows on trees?


    5. Looking at other teams around the league, are their any teams that we should be cautious about talent wise?


    6. Your player arrives in Saskatoon for the first time ever, what’s the first thing he does?


    @8Ovechkin8 @RobBro34 @Tetricide @Logan herzog @Vector olafson @JigglyGumballs @Ripper @Abaddon @aimkin


    1. Jesse is feeling pretty jazzed. Going 30th overall after joining the league only a week before the draft is pretty great.


    2. I think a bit more experience would benefit us but I always appreciate newbies getting a chance to prove themselves.


    3. I think we'll come out swinging and hopefully our veterans will give us the support we need to get our feet under us.


    4. It doesn't grow on trees, but I would argue for maple syrup.


    5. From what I've heard, Las Vegas seems to be the favorite to take it a second year in a row. I think we really need to keep and eye on them.


    6. Given the long flight, Jesse is probably going to take a much needed nap followed by a walk around the city to take in the sights. More than likely they would also stop by the arena and try to check out what they can.

  5. Jesse Teno – Week 1 Update: Unto the Breach, My Friends


    Jesse Teno, a new draftee to the VHLM, has found themselves in an interesting situation with this year’s draft class. According to every GM that they have spoken to, Jesse is one of only a few goalies available. Being such a hot commodity could either go to their head, or be a real fire under their padded behind. Only time will tell with this new addition to the Victory Hockey League.


    After realizing the late start to the off-season, Jesse found themselves diving into a draft that they hadn’t expected to come so soon. A few days of quiet were followed by a slew of GM messages. “I’m still learning about the league and how to navigate the new environment”, Jesse remarked to friends when the VHLM Draft swept them though the whirlwind that would be a busy weekend. Answering GMs questions, hearing different points of view as well as figuring out the teams, “I was beside myself”.


    A draft with almost no other goalies meant that even as a new player and someone new to the workings of the league, they were automatically in high demand. Unsure of what to do, Jesse has been weighing their options of who to engage with; trying to be careful with what they say. As a lot of teams are seemingly so highly interested despite being brand new to the league, they seem to almost be guaranteed a draft spot.


    The pressure of this realization and reality is high, especially with the potential to be a starting goalie right off the bat. “I just hope I can take the next few weeks to make myself as ready as possible for my first season in the VHLM. It’s going to take a lot of hard work but if I’m going to be drafted, I want to prove to my team that I was worth the pick.”


    With pressures mounting each day, Jesse has not only decided to focus on their abilities on the ice, but off them as well. Having also spent some of their youth playing tennis and basketball, Jesse continues to play those as their own style of practice. “I think tennis is an obvious choice. Hand-eye coordination is pretty much a goalie’s bread and butter. Basketball just helps me keep aware of my surroundings. Anything to try and gain just a little bit of edge over anyone trying to score on me.”


    Jesse’s family also seem to be preparing themselves for the upcoming season by preparing signs with only enough room for the logo of whatever team drafts them. “Honestly I’m just so proud of them for even getting this far,” said Jesse’s mother. “Even if every team passes, we know that there is always next year and that it takes a lot to even be considered.” Jesse’s father declined to speak but was just as hard at work preparing for draft day at home.


    With a supportive family, continuing dedication to training, and high hopes, Jesse Teno seems ready for the upcoming draft and season. Now all they can do is wait for draft day to roll around and see what fate has in store.


    536 words, using for PT weeks June 20-26

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