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Posts posted by Aimee

  1. It is locker clear out day here in Cologne and Jesse Teno is taking time to say goodbye to their teammates, the staff, coaches, and their home for the last season. 

    “Jesse, how are you feeling moving on to the VHL?”

    “It’s bittersweet, to be honest. I’ve made some great friends here and I’ve gotten really close with my teammates and coaches. I’m sad to say goodbye but it feels good knowing I’m moving up to the major league.”

    “Any plans for your last bit of time here in Cologne?”

    “Yea, I think a couple of the guys and I are going out drinking one last time and I’ll probably just bum around the city and take in the sights one more time. But I’ll definitely be coming back for vacation or to watch some Express games when I’m in the area.”

    “How does it feel to know that you’ll be facing up against a few old teammates this coming season?”

    “I’m really excited, to be honest. The guys I played with in Saskatoon and Cologne have come just as far as I have and I’m looking forward to seeing them on the other side of the ice. It’s going to be a challenge but I like a challenge.”


    209 words for week ending 11/6/2022

  2. 12 hours ago, JCarson said:

    1) What should be Dil's main positional target for the upcoming draft?

    2) What are your thoughts on changes made so far this offseason?

    3) Do you expect to have more points in Season 86 than you did in Season 85?

    4) Free agency opens up shortly, do you think we should be aggressive in free agency?

    5) London was 38/28/8 in the regular season for season 85, do we have more wins in season 86.

    6) Can Jerome Reinhart finish their career with more than 800 points?

    1. Defense for sure!

    2. Honestly, I haven't been paying much attention. 🤣

    3. Well, as goalie I hope to have a better win/loss ratio.

    4. Probably since we have less later draft picks.

    5. I hope so!

    6. I guess we'll be finding out soon enough!

  3. Applying! 


    I know I'm still relatively new to the VHL but I think I've found my way around the forum and discord server pretty easily. I am EST and while I do have a 9-5 job, I do have the occasional work from home day and I am usually able to check in during work hours so I would be able to pop in and take quick looks at things. My mornings (8am - 9am) as well as my evenings (after 6pm) I'm usually glued to my phone and checking in on discord always already. My weekends I am also pretty open. I have discord notifications on as well as forum notifications on my cell. 


    I am currently an AGM but hold no other job and have only previous had one other job as a JST GM.


    I am 33 which I hear makes me almost ancient around here so I'm definitely on the more mature end for this job. 


    I have no moderator experience but I have previously dealt with conflict in a discord server that I own that resulted in a three strike system and a ban. 


    Thanks for your consideration. 

  4. As the resident writer of this publication on Jesse Teno, I decided to follow their game-by-game performance in their first professional finals. After the lackluster showing in the VHLM postseason, Teno finally had a chance to really show the VHL what they could do.


    Game 1: COL @ OSL 0-2


    Being shutout in game 1 was not what Jesse Teno had been hoping for. First seed Oslo vs third seed Cologne would hopefully make for an even match-up but that ended up not being the case. Cologne was out-shot 44-14 and one can only imagine that perhaps Jesse Teno had some flashbacks to their season in Saskatoon. Jesse still managed an impressive save percentage of 0.955 stopping 42 of 44 shots. Both goals were scored by Oslo in the first period so perhaps Teno was working off some nerves or needed a boost because they put up two perfect periods after that.


    Game 2: COL @ OSL 2-1


    With shot totals nearly even (50-47) in Oslo’s favor, the Express showed up to game 2 in a way they were missing in game 1. Jesse Teno made some incredible saves, getting first star of the game and putting up an incredible 0.980 save percentage. Jesse also pulled off an impressive hold out in overtime, preventing any of the 15 shots from getting in while the Express managed to win it with only 5 shots in OT.


    Game 3: OSL @ COL 3-0


    A painful shutout for Jesse as the shots were even at 27. It seems Jesse will continue to be behind Henry Tucker Jr. for quite some time, always on his heels but never able to catch up or pass. With Oslo’s dominant first period, the Express just weren’t able to get any past the Oslo goalie. Teno managed to keep it together during the third period but it wasn’t enough to prevent the shutout. A measly 0.889 save percentage caps off this painful loss.


    Game 4: OSL @ COL 3-1


    Another tough home loss but at least not a shutout this time. Teno let in a goal a period as the Express failed to capitalize on home ice once again. Jesse managed a respectable 0.925 save percentage but it wasn’t enough to stop the relentless oncoming Storm from Oslo. From here on out every game is an elimination game for the Cologne Express and Jesse Teno is feeling the pressure of being the starter.


    Game 5: COL @ OSL 2-0


    And just like that with elimination on the line, Jesse and the Express managed a shutout. Teno stopped all 41 shots from Oslo and managed to keep this series alive. This series has been tight all the way and it’s a real testament to these two goalies, keeping everything so close. The back and forth has been amazing to watch.


    Game 6: OSL @ COL 3-2


    This heartbreaking loss means an end to the season and Cologne’s hopes at a cup this season. Jesse managed to hold off until double overtime before letting in a tic-tac-toe shot at 8:29. They ended the game with a save percentage of 0.938, stopping 45 of 48 shots.




    Jesse finishes the postseason run with the following stats:

    13-6-4 Record
    3 OT losses
    1 Shutout

    1.72 Goal Against Average
    0.95 Save Percentage


    Jesse Teno will now head into the off season ready to join the London United as their backup. We can only wish Jesse the best as they continue onto the VHL.


    579 words for week ending 10/30/2022


  5. Today we caught up with Jesse Teno as they headed into the practice rink for a morning skate. The Express are one game into round two and we wanted to see how everyone’s favorite up and comer was doing.


    Jesse, how do you feel going into Game 2?


    “I’m feeling pretty good. Game 1 wasn’t the best but I think it was mostly due to how low they kept our shot chances.”


    How does it feel to be this far into a series? In Saskatoon you just barely made it into the playoffs and now you’re in the VHLE finals.


    “To be honest with you, that is what feels so amazing. Last season my production was a real reflection of the situation I was in and I think this season does also but in a much better way. I have a great team in front of me, a coach who is beyond supportive, and I just feel better all around.”


    Thanks for taking the time to talk with us. Good luck tonight!


    172 words for week ending 10/30

  6. 5 hours ago, leandrofg said:

    :col: Express Press Conference :col:

    (Week Ending October 30th)

    Answering three questions gets you 1 Capped TPE

    Answering six questions gets you 2 Capped TPE


    1. Here we are. The VHLE Finals. How rewarding was the path to get here?

    2. 4 Wins is all it takes. What's the key to do it?

    3. The Finals in the VHLM are set. Who takes the Founders Cup?

    4. In the VHL there have been a few surprises. The European Conference already has its finalist. And who wins the North American?

    5. Can Moscow break the curse?

    6. Some great answers to last week's dummy question. X of X's and high V's killed me. So, on a completely unrelated note... do car tyres get tired?


    1. Very rewarding. It feels so good to be able to prove right anyone who has had confidence in me.

    2. Shots! Gotta keep that shot total up. Can't score if you don't shoot.

    3. I really want to see Vegas three-peat just because I'm rooting for Shindigs.

    4. DC Probably.

    5. I hope so! Rooting for Spartan.

    6. Yes and they won't spare you from their complaining about it.

  7. On 10/17/2022 at 5:21 AM, leandrofg said:

    :col: Express Press Conference :col:

    (Week Ending October 23rd)

    Answering three questions gets you 1 Capped TPE

    Answering six questions gets you 2 Capped TPE


    1. We finished the regular season in 3rd place, which gave us a bit of a rest before starting the playoffs. How good was that?

    2. What are your feelings about the team's regular season?

    3. We are now starting the playoffs. What are your expectations for the team?

    4. We have Oslo going against Vasteras in the other semi-final. Who do you think I'll take that series?

    5. Are you following the VHL Playoffs? If so, who do you reckon is taking the Cup this season?

    6. As you know, I was vacationing in Rome. So... do Roman nurses and healthcare workers refer to an IV as a four?

    1. So good! Like so much better than my first VHL season.

    2. I think we did amazing and I hope we can pull this off in the playoffs.

    3. Have fun! But hopefully win lots!

    4. I'm scared to say Oslo because maybe we play them and it hurts.

    5. A little behind on the current stats but will catch up soon.

    6. Yes. And they call them High V's. 

  8. Jesse Teno was spotted last night getting off of a flight from Orlando, Florida where they took a 4-day vacation with their partner to Disney World. Jesse looked exhausted as they seemed to rush for the nearest bathroom. Flight status updates tell us that their plane had been circling the airport for over a half hour before landing, during which time the bathrooms are inaccessible. They were also spotted hobbling a bit and favoring their right leg. Hopefully this injury won’t affect their performance as the Cologne Express hang onto round 1 for dear life. 


    Jesse was later spotted in a taxi line and when we approached to ask about their vacation, only a nod and a small grunt were given in response before they climbed into the back of a cab with their luggage. Hopefully Jesse will reach out with a statement and let us know if they at least had a good time.

    155 words for week ending 10/23/2022

  9. 18 hours ago, vincentlg2007 said:

    Cologne Press conference 

    week of Sunday October 9th


    1-If you guys follow the nhl or any hockey league what is your favorite irl hockey player ? 

    2-if you guys had set an objective for yourself this VHL season what was it and did you guys complete it or are you on route to complete it ? 

    3-What objective will you set for yourself for the NEXT VHL season ?


    4-If you guys follow the VHLM playoff who do guys think will win the cup ? 


    5-What is your favorite memory so far in the VHL forum ? 


    6-If y’all have a Halloween costume planned what is it ? 

    1. Marc-Andre Fleury!

    2. I just wanted to get Jesse to a winning season which I did.

    3. I'd like Jesse to be able to get a few more shut outs under their belt.

    4. Honestly I think Vegas could three-peat.

    5. Posting my first graphic and not getting run out of town lol

    6. None planned lol. I tend to wear "I am my own costume" shirts.


    Answer 3 for 2 or all 6 for 3!


    1. The season is almost over. How are you feeling as we round the bend into the playoffs?

    2. What color is your players hair?

    3. What do you think your player's biggest improvement has been since the start of the season?

    4. How do you think your GM and AGM have done this season?

    5. Do you have any suggestions on how your GM or AGM could improve the locker room?

    6. If you could steal one thing in the entire world and never get caught, what would you steal?

  11. With 40 games played, Jesse Teno has seen some improvement in their production. Not only have they finally managed a shutout, but they had a second one as well. Compared to last week, Jesse still sits in 5th for most wins, but has backpedaled a bit in their goals against average moving from 6th to 5th (2.08).


    When we spoke with Jesse they mentioned how close a lot of games had been. “It can be frustrating when most games are a one goal game. Thankfully in a few of our last games we managed to pull away but it makes for some high octane endings when that go-ahead goal isn’t coming.” Jesse also mentioned not blaming their teammates. Shots have been so far pretty evenly matched in Cologne’s games to the point where it really does come down to the goalies being able to keep their wits about them and hold down the net.


    155 words for week ending 10/16/2022

  12. On 10/3/2022 at 1:58 PM, jacobcarson877 said:


    Answer all 6 for 2 TPE, 3 for 1!

    1. Although there is still lots of time in the season, we seem to have a good shot at the playoffs, how excited are you?
    2. The NHL season is coming quickly. Do you keep up with the NHL? What is your team?
    3. It has been a rather crazy week for me. What is one thing you do that makes you feel at peace?

    4. Welcome to October! What is your favourite spooky season tradition?
    5. Who would you say is our biggest rival?
    6. If you could have one food right now what would it be?

    @Markusbg  @GoalPlays  @vincentlg2007  @Mint  @MrMom  @QcjetsQc  @okochastar  @Beau  @kirbithan  @CoolLuigiBro14

    I need a presser so I'm jumping on board!


    1. So excited! This team is seriously doing amazing and I cannot wait to see what they can do in the final stretch and the post season.

    2. LETS GO PENS! And sometimes the Devils because I live in their demo. But f- the Rangers and Caps and Flyers and Islanders

    3. I have jumped on board the Disney Dreamlight Valley train and honestly, it's a hell of a lot of fun. 

    4. I really enjoy the fall weather. Jeans and hoodies? Yes please!

    5. Probably Miami. But for me, personally, SSK lol.

    6. A big bowl of matzoh ball soup. Rainy, cold, and a holiday.

  13. Just now, Uncommon said:

    Well done, Aimkin. The green/white jersey really stands out against a yellow background. Also, I like the font you've selected but perhaps it could be larger? There's quite a bit of empty space on the right side of the graphic. Maybe you could fit the team logo in there? Not bad at all! I'll say it's a 6.5/10. Let's go, Teno!

    Thanks! Still working on framing and filling in spaces. Definitely where I need to learn a bit more. 

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