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  1. Fire
    Aimee reacted to Subject056 in Logo Layering - Bratislava Watchmen   
  2. Fire
    Aimee reacted to kirbithan in Next-Gen Davos Legend   
  3. Like
    Aimee got a reaction from Spade18 in The end of the VHLE   
    E abolishers win before gta 6? Damn. 
  4. Like
    Aimee got a reaction from David VanHousen in The end of the VHLE   
    E abolishers win before gta 6? Damn. 
  5. Haha
    Aimee got a reaction from dustywilson22 in The end of the VHLE   
    E abolishers win before gta 6? Damn. 
  6. Haha
    Aimee got a reaction from kirbithan in The end of the VHLE   
    E abolishers win before gta 6? Damn. 
  7. Woah
    Aimee reacted to Beketov in The end of the VHLE   
    Hello @Members
    I won't lie, some of you are probably thrilled to be reading this, but for me it's bitter sweet. 15 seasons and over 3 real life years ago we officially announced the VHLE, the league's third official league. It was a culmination of a lot of behind the scenes work to make what ultimately was necessary at that time and I was proud to get such a large project off the ground.
    For many reasons it’s great that it’s no longer 2021, the world isn’t locked down anymore for instance; but one cannot deny those lockdowns brought us a lot of members and now league recruitment has returned to what we would call normal levels vs. the insanity that I think most members became accustomed to. Realistically with that comes the fact that the league is simply not overfilled to the point where a third league is necessary any longer. For that reason, as of S96, we will be removing the VHLE.
    I can't find any quotes from me on the matter like I would have wanted but I have been saying for years that the VHLE is actually easier to remove than simply expanding the VHLM and then contracting teams later, I stand by that and it is more or less how we are going to handle this. The VHLM for the time being will remain at 10 teams, though we are open to future expansion if needed, and the players from the VHLE will be moved up or down accordingly based on their TPE levels. The VHLM's hard cap will increase to 400 TPE, the VHL's soft cap will remain at 300 TPE. So essentially the same as the VHLE for call ups, if you are over 300 TPE at the cutoff you can play up or down, if you are over 400 TPE you're in the VHL.
    Exactly how players will be moved down is still up for debate a bit amongst the @VHLM Commissioner  team but in all likelihood players will simply revert back to the team that previously owned their rights in most cases and go to a waiver system in a few select ones. If that doesn't prove remotely balanced there could be a draft, again we'll know more details soon. The VHL isn't particularly affected since players who would have been going up still are so no major change on that front.
    The @VHLM GM and @VHLE GM groups have been notified about this in advance so they already knew as of a few days ago. For the VHLM side nothing much is changing but unfortunately the VHLE crew are all more or less out of a job, luckily we expect a lot of openings this off season so hopefully they can all find new homes. Either way we appreciate all that they did for the VHLE, even if its time was relatively short in the grand scheme of things. Additionally we appreciate @Enorama for his work as VHLE commish, the RGB teams (RIP that acronym) can be thankless jobs and he did it well to the very end.
    Other minor things of note that this does affect: the "Hello Europe" career task will officially be retired as of now. We may replace it in the future if we feel like another one is needed but thematically nothing really fits and the @BOG feels as if the career tasks don't necessarily need an additional one in that slot. Career length also did go up with the VHLE but we have no plans as of right now to bring it back down. With the expected time to get to the VHL staying the same it seems equally fair that the career length is staying the same; in most cases people will simply spend that extra season in the VHLM instead of jumping around.
    I do want to make it clear that, at least personally, I do not believe the VHLE was a failure, simply a mark of it's time. Time's change and the league must evolve. if the time comes that it makes more sense Vasteras may yet ride again but as of now the numbers simply aren't supported. I look forward to moving things back to how they traditionally worked and seeing where that takes us as we approach season 100.
    Of note, and I promise this wall of text is almost done, we don't expect this to cause off-season delays but it's not impossible so please bear with us if things run a little longer than usual.
    If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask, I expect there will be some as this is a lot of information.
    - @Commissioner
  8. Fire
    Aimee got a reaction from PacifistKit17 in VHLE #1 D-Man!   
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    Aimee got a reaction from Triller in VHLE #1 D-Man!   
  10. Fire
    Aimee got a reaction from sadie in VHLE #1 D-Man!   
  11. Fire
    Aimee got a reaction from kirbithan in VHLE #1 D-Man!   
  12. Fire
    Aimee got a reaction from OblivionWalker in VHLE #1 D-Man!   
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    Aimee reacted to Smarch in Player Spotlight – Bj Blazkowiczzzz   
    Player Spotlight – Bj Blazkowiczzzz
    Fifty-year-old American born winger Bj Blazkowiczzzz joined the VHL on August 31, 2024. After joining the league just under two weeks ago, Blazkowiczzzz has been busy leaning the VHL way. Blazkowiczzzz quickly joined the Philadelphia Reapers after joining the league and has now played in twenty VHLM games with the Reapers. In those twenty games Blazkowiczzzz has performed likely above expectations, putting up eight goals and ten assists so far. With Philadelphia currently fighting for first place in the Easter Conference in the VHLM, Blazkowiczzzz will likely see more game action once the regular season comes to an end today.
    Off the ice Blazkowiczzzz has been putting in some work and currently sits at 112 TPE so far. While some of the TPE has come from welfare, Blazkowiczzzz has also completed some VHL trivia, which is great to see from a new member. While Blazkowiczzzz has left some TPE on the table so far, hopefully as he progresses in his VHL career, he will continue to earn TPE and possibly even complete some point tasks or VHL.com articles or graphics. We wish Blazkowiczzzz the best as his VHL career continues and hope to see him in the big league sooner rather than later.
  14. Like
    Aimee reacted to Greg_Di in Eagles plays worse   
    Roger Eagles had an 8 game break as Los Angeles backup got a few starts in. This break along with continued practice and improvements should have helped Rodger return to the ice recharged and the thought was, to play better in the last few games of the season.

    The exact opposite has happened and Roger seems to be playing worse. In the last 2 games he posted under a .900 save percentage in each of those games. This setback has further pushed him from the Rookie of the year race and will lead to a lower then expected stat finish.
    "Sometimes that's just the way things go, few bad bounces here and there and next thing you know you have let in 4 or 5 goals in a game. That's just the life of a goalie "Roger said "These types of games just motivate me to get better, I did not meet any of my season goals but it's all a big learning experience. It will drive me to return better for next season"
    The Los Angeles Stars have two games left to go in the season and while they will not be in the playoffs they will still try to finish off the season by getting the final 2 wins.
    "We want to win the final 2 games and head into the off-season and next season with a couple of wins. We will fight hard and not just show up because we have to play the final 2 games " Roger continued "Many of you media guys have also asked me if I regret my decision coming to the VHL early instead of waiting an extra season and having a better chance at the rookie of the year, and I will give you my final answer here. That answer is No. If I had the chance to do it again I would take the same action. Playing up in the VHL early is an invaluable experience which will make me a stronger player heading into the future. No trophy is worth that experience"
    Currently with 2 games left to go Roger is sitting at a 18-37-6 record, .913 save % and a 3.34 GAA. The only stat that Roger was leading in at this point of the season was penalty minutes with 12 which did not help the team out in any way, shape or form.
    "I honestly don't know how I even managed 12 minutes, there has to be some sort of error there. " Roger said " I will definitely be looking at reducing those minutes next season, I honestly have to review the tapes and see what I was even called for as I just don't remember" 
    With the season slowly starting to wind down, Roger will not be taking any rest as he aims to fly out back to Poland as soon as the season ends to continue training at the Eagles hi-tech training academy. The fans and even Roger himself expect to see a better showing from him next season. Things can only improve heading forward for the young up and coming goalie.
  15. Like
    Aimee reacted to CowboyinAmerica in Warning: Wild Card Ahead   
    Davos, Switzerland -- For fans of HC Davos Dynamo, there is some good news and some bad news. The good news is that the rebuilding process has gone even better than expected, to the point that a team starting four rookies and three second-year players is being said to go "all-in" by VSN Magazine. Sitting at 89 points with three games left, the Dynamo currently have the sixth-best record in the entire VHL and have a chance to jump Chicago (one point ahead) for fifth.
    The bad news: Even fifth in the entire VHL would still be just fourth in the European Conference, given the strength of Moscow, Malmo and Riga this season. That means a wild card matchup against the Warsaw Predators is ahead - and particularly, a matchup against star goalie Merome Dilson.
    Early predictions have put the fifth seeded Predators over the fourth seeded Dynamo in that contest, with one prediction putting the series at a 3-1 Warsaw victory. But center Antonia Bucatini isn't putting much stock into the predictions.
    "You don't get to 40 wins by accident. We've put the work in to get here," Bucatini said. "I really think we've got a team that can go up against anybody and take wins."
    Does that mean Bucatini is predicting a series win against Warsaw? She stopped short of making any declarative statements. But in the battle between veteran leadership (Warsaw has three defensemen retiring at the end of the playoffs) and youth, it's not necessarily a predetermined outcome.
    "A lot of people say you can't win in your first playoff appearance. But I say: Why not?" Bucatini said. "I've got a VHLE title, a lot of these players have different types of experience. To me, talent on the ice is the most important thing. And I definitely think we've got the talent to compete."
  16. Like
    Aimee reacted to Greg_Di in Season winding down   
    With Roger Eagles and LA out of the playoffs, the team is winding down for the final games and will be slowly preparing for next season.
    " I think it was a good season for us as a group, we have built a lot of chemistry here and we have the building blocks here as a young team to do something special in the next few seasons " Roger said " Many might look at us and deem our season a failure but I think differently. This was a accomplishment and we can only go up from here"
    Los Angeles will not be making the playoffs this season but the hope is that the young core has had enough time to gel and get better in order to compete over the next few seasons. The players and management team have faith in this group and with their play this season have also convinced the fans that this will be an exciting team to watch heading into next season.
    "Mark my words, we will surprise a lot of people next season" Roger continued " Let's just say I would be disappointed if at minimum we didn't get the wildcard spot"
  17. Like
    Aimee reacted to stevo in RWP scores   
    In a hard fought game against the Halifax 21st, Missisauga Hounds defenseman Ron World Peace Jr registered his first ever career point in the VHLM. And it was a goal no less, tying the game in the second period on a power play. Missisauga would go on to win in a penalty shootout, making his contribution even more meaningful.
    "Well it's definitely an incredible feeling right there. To make such an impact this early in my VHLM career is very encouraging," World Peace Jr said to reporters in a press session after the game, "A big shoutout to Slava and Ozzy for their help in making this happen. I can't wait for more of these."
    Defensemen that are as inept at scoring as World Peace Jr is according to most scouting reports usually take a little bit longer to find their groove on the offensive side of things - but he prevailed when the opportunity presented itself against Halifax. As the playoffs approach, it definitely wouldn't hurt the Hounds for him to make a significant jump in production.
  18. Like
    Aimee reacted to Alex in Alex's Maybe Weekly Update   
    Hi everyone, I decided to take a week off of VSN with playoffs being right around the corner. For those of you who have been following the power rankings, I’ll include a abbreviated version at the end. Going to just be reviewing my players seasons so far today and maybe talking a bit about Davos.
    Skor McFleury
    Starting off with my previous player that is still in the VHL, they’ve had a bit of a down season compared to previous ones as they currently have 13 goals and 79 points so far this season, largely in part due to a absolutely abysmal shooting percentage. They currently sit 5th in defensemen points, but any chance at an award or all-VHL team nomination is slim to none. With that being said they have still had a very successful career with 6 individual awards, and 1 Victory and Continental Cup! Milestone wise, this season was a big one as they did get their 700th point and notably are now Top 5 in all-time defensemen points, and in an article by Advantage, he pointed out that McFleury is the 2nd player ever and 1st since S28 to have 700+ points, 1000+ shots blocked, and 1000+ hits. So, all in all it’s been a successful career and one that I can be really proud of. I guess following the playoffs I get to wait and see if they get in the Hall of Fame, and then shortly after where they’ll fall on the Top 100 players list, if VSN makes one in season 100!
    In stark contrast to McFleury, Deadpanda has had a extremely successful season, as they currently lead the VHLM in SV% (0.925), GAA (1.74), wins (48), and are 2nd in shutouts with 9! Currently Vegas is 1st in the league, but with 3 games left only need 1 point to clinch the spot. I’m not going to say much about awards, because if I do Simon will make my player let in 6 goals in all the remaining games, but there’s certainly hope for both top goalie and even maybe MVP honours.
    HC Davos Dynamo
    Davos is currently just wrapping up our most successful season since we won the S91 Victory Cup, as the rebuild is over! We’ve just cliched the 4th spot in the European Conference and are currently 6th in the league! This season’s success has really been a team effort, as both lines have been clicking lately. In particular though Grimgor Ironhide, Antonia Bucatini, and the teams captain David Jokinen stand out all producing at well above a point per game pace! It’s also worth noting that both Felicia Hardy, and Aleksanteri Kaskiniemi-Kekkonen have had great rookie seasons and are near the top of the league in rookie scoring and save percentage respectively. We’ve certainly got some hope going into the playoffs, as we do feel like there’s a chance, we could beat anyone, however we will have to get past the Warsaw Predators in the first round, who despite some regular season struggles are a very strong team on paper. Should be interesting to watch to say the least.
    Current VHL Power Rankings:
    North American Conference:
    1. Vancouver Wolves
    2. Toronto Legion
    3. Chicago Phoenix
    4. Seattle Bears
    5. Calgary Wranglers
    6. New York Americans
    7. Los Angeles Stars
    8. D.C. Dragons
    European Conference
    1. Moscow Menace
    2. Riga Reign
    3. Malmo Nighthawks
    4. HC Davos Dynamo
    5. Warsaw Predators
    6. Helsinki Titans
    7. London United
    8. Prague Phantoms
  19. Like
    Aimee reacted to BOOM in A Red Panda   
  20. Like
    Aimee reacted to Anthique in Hello Europe, welcome Desjardins   
    After a big season in the VHLM where he won the Cup, Alphonse Desjardins got drafted in the VHLE by the Vasteras Iron Eagles with the 9th selection.
    As an Europeans, it's not really a problem for him to play in this region, even if he didn't visited Vasteras before. He knew they got a nice history in the league, so maybe it's his chance to win in this league? After already a Cup the season before, why not 2 in 2? After getting picked in the top 10, some pressure was on him to perform and help his team to get to the next level. He did it in the VHLM with 79 points in 85 games (as a defenseman), so he knows he can put points on the board and be good defensively.
    On defense, the team is really good. They had two returnee players (S93) with Billy Joel and Check E Cheese as veterans to help the two rookies. The Iron Eagles added Alphonse Desjardins and Einar Mathiesen to have a solid top 4 to get a deep run in the playoffs. They also got Ondrej Vencko as their goalie, another S93 player that is back with the team. As we know, defense will championship so the team really understand that and builded their team from the back end to be competitive. As we will know later, so far it goes well.
    The season is not over yet, but with 66 games played and only 6 games left, we can already tell if Desjardins had a good season or not. We can say that he had a great one!
    In those 66 games, he scored 20 goals while 11 of them were on the powerplay and one game winning goal and he got that with shooting 227 times the puck on the other team goalies. With that he added 45 assists for a total of 65 points, so almost a point per game player. The other teams have to watch him as he's like another forward on the ice. When he have the puck, he can skate, pass or shoot so with those options it's hard to defend against him.
    On the defensive side, he was not afraid to lay the body and crush his opponents. A big total of 90 penalty minutes, 195 hits and 135 block shots. 
    With that we can say that he can play on both side of the ice and not look like a fool. Look at him in the VHL with Davos, they will have a great team in the future and that's great news for Desjardins.
  21. Like
    Aimee reacted to DarkSpyro in Bubbles LaFleur - Halifax 21st rookie card   
    Here you go bro!! @AJW
  22. Like
    Aimee reacted to Dabnad in Rookies: Day One   
    Hello everyone, today is gonna be a fun write. For today, I will be writing about the first day a rookie experiences in the VHLM. Many people here are writing about rookies in the VHL, however, I wanted to highlight what it’s like to be a rookie to the whole system, being a first gen player, in season 1, in the VHLM. For many people, being a rookie in the VHLM can be a little complicated. I remember, for my first day I was so confused for how media spots work, and how much writing they need, after I dug deep and wrote my article, I realized that I had no idea how I could claim my work, or how capped and uncapped TPE works. Being a rookie is also scary, you’re coming into an environment where no one knows you, and if you’re on a team that’s inactive, you really have no reason to keep pushing. This, however, is the beauty of the VHLM, there are people of all levels, you have people who’ve been in the league for decades, while there are also people who are in their first year, who don’t realize that this system is older than them (took me by surprise seeing the league is older than me). Overall, day one is both hell and heaven, all depending on how you look at it. For many people, going into an environment like the VHLM can be scary, however, for others it can be a moment of joy. Let’s look back at my first day to understand how it can be. I was watching YouTube and saw a guy on YouTube promoting this league online. I saw that it was free, and I didn’t need anything, so I thought I’d simply join the league, thinking that there’s no harm. So I look at the forum, and decide to make an account. I make my first player, Dabnad Shaw, and he’s big, strong, and I decide he’s young. I make my player, go on the forum, and see I have an offer. This offer is for the Mexico City Kings. Honestly, I had no idea what I wanted to do, so I decided to just join the first team. From here, I join a team with Ronan Lavelle (Arcey @Arce) and Boris Tsezar (Comrade Cat @comrade cat). These were two great people, along with my team manager, encouraged me to keep going, and that has led to me being motivated to continue on, and this helped me bleed into such a great community. While I was a rookie, I learned many things, and I learned to be patient and learned to enjoy a community like this, and while this is an experience for simply me, I believe that many people have experienced the exact same situation as me, and I believe that many people on their day one have the experience of both confusion and excitement as me, and I believe that many of those who come into the leauge today will have a similar experience to me. Being a rookie is hard work, however when you’re a rookie, in the leauge for the first time, it’s important to stay strong because it only gets better from day 1.
    I would like to end off by paying my respects to Johnny and Matthew Gaudreau. The news of their passings have been incredibly tough on all hockey fans across the world, and I wish their souls rest in peace. Please remember to never drink and drive, because you don’t just impact yourself, but your family, friends, and even strangers.
    This is Narnia Shaw, signing off, until next time.
    610 words
    Week ending September 15, 2024
  23. Like
    Aimee got a reaction from sadie in That's Rough, Buddy   
    This past week has been a rough one both for Ahsoka Tano and me personally. In Oslo’s last 5 games, Ahsoka has only managed 1 little pathetic point. I can feel the 100 point milestone slipping through my fingers with every passing sim. It’s sad to watch my beautifully talented player just be unable to produce anything of meaning recently. She only needed 10 more points but with 8 games left, I don’t think it’s going to happen. She’s just had too many games with 0 points recently and it’s working a little espresso despresso on my brain. 
    That on top of my personal health scare has just made being here hard. I was sick this whole past week which is why I had no 6 point task. Thankfully I had a 4x5 to at least recoup some of that. But being social has just been hard all around and I hope Ahsoka can pull a miracle out of her ass and give me the pick-me-up I really need.

    169 words for week ending 9/15/2024
  24. Like
    Aimee got a reaction from Scurvy in That's Rough, Buddy   
    This past week has been a rough one both for Ahsoka Tano and me personally. In Oslo’s last 5 games, Ahsoka has only managed 1 little pathetic point. I can feel the 100 point milestone slipping through my fingers with every passing sim. It’s sad to watch my beautifully talented player just be unable to produce anything of meaning recently. She only needed 10 more points but with 8 games left, I don’t think it’s going to happen. She’s just had too many games with 0 points recently and it’s working a little espresso despresso on my brain. 
    That on top of my personal health scare has just made being here hard. I was sick this whole past week which is why I had no 6 point task. Thankfully I had a 4x5 to at least recoup some of that. But being social has just been hard all around and I hope Ahsoka can pull a miracle out of her ass and give me the pick-me-up I really need.

    169 words for week ending 9/15/2024
  25. Like
    Aimee got a reaction from Thunder in That's Rough, Buddy   
    This past week has been a rough one both for Ahsoka Tano and me personally. In Oslo’s last 5 games, Ahsoka has only managed 1 little pathetic point. I can feel the 100 point milestone slipping through my fingers with every passing sim. It’s sad to watch my beautifully talented player just be unable to produce anything of meaning recently. She only needed 10 more points but with 8 games left, I don’t think it’s going to happen. She’s just had too many games with 0 points recently and it’s working a little espresso despresso on my brain. 
    That on top of my personal health scare has just made being here hard. I was sick this whole past week which is why I had no 6 point task. Thankfully I had a 4x5 to at least recoup some of that. But being social has just been hard all around and I hope Ahsoka can pull a miracle out of her ass and give me the pick-me-up I really need.

    169 words for week ending 9/15/2024
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