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  1. Cheers
    Aimee reacted to jacobcarson877 in That's Rough, Buddy   
    Best of luck to you in every regard!
  2. Like
    Aimee got a reaction from sadie in That's Rough, Buddy   
    This past week has been a rough one both for Ahsoka Tano and me personally. In Oslo’s last 5 games, Ahsoka has only managed 1 little pathetic point. I can feel the 100 point milestone slipping through my fingers with every passing sim. It’s sad to watch my beautifully talented player just be unable to produce anything of meaning recently. She only needed 10 more points but with 8 games left, I don’t think it’s going to happen. She’s just had too many games with 0 points recently and it’s working a little espresso despresso on my brain. 
    That on top of my personal health scare has just made being here hard. I was sick this whole past week which is why I had no 6 point task. Thankfully I had a 4x5 to at least recoup some of that. But being social has just been hard all around and I hope Ahsoka can pull a miracle out of her ass and give me the pick-me-up I really need.

    169 words for week ending 9/15/2024
  3. Love
    Aimee reacted to kirbithan in That's Rough, Buddy   
    sorry to hear you’ve been ill this past week, aimee. hoping for a speedy recovery for you as well for ahsoka to cross that 100 pt plateau! i believe she can do it!  for now, please rest up and take all the time you need! ❤️
  4. Like
    Aimee got a reaction from Scurvy in That's Rough, Buddy   
    This past week has been a rough one both for Ahsoka Tano and me personally. In Oslo’s last 5 games, Ahsoka has only managed 1 little pathetic point. I can feel the 100 point milestone slipping through my fingers with every passing sim. It’s sad to watch my beautifully talented player just be unable to produce anything of meaning recently. She only needed 10 more points but with 8 games left, I don’t think it’s going to happen. She’s just had too many games with 0 points recently and it’s working a little espresso despresso on my brain. 
    That on top of my personal health scare has just made being here hard. I was sick this whole past week which is why I had no 6 point task. Thankfully I had a 4x5 to at least recoup some of that. But being social has just been hard all around and I hope Ahsoka can pull a miracle out of her ass and give me the pick-me-up I really need.

    169 words for week ending 9/15/2024
  5. Like
    Aimee reacted to Daniel Janser in CGY Janser is having the blues   
    With the playoff chances for the Americans all but gone and only being a mathematical possibility, Callum is pondering whether he has done enough to lead his team to the light. At first glance, having the best defence in the league for most of the season, it appears that he has. Given that he did not inherit his dad's scoring touch, being a high-scoring defenceman never was in the cards for the Swiss behemoth. However, driven by his ambition he always seeks for other ways to contribute more to the team. This puts him in a brooding mood, which did not go unnoticed by his cousin Eilidh. One evening she has had enough and exclaimed: 'Cal, I have had quite enough of your sad puppy face. Get dressed, we are going out.'
    'What are you talking about?'
    'I am saying there is a party on campus and you are going there with me.'
    'I don't wanna. Besides I have a game tomorrow and should go to bed early.'
    'I appreciate your dedication to the sport. It just did not help all season, did it? Also, I am going anyway and I am sure you do not want me to be all by my little self with drunk and tesosterone-controlled students, do you?'
    'Well, if you put it that way, I'd would be irresponsible not to come with you. Adam would skin me alive if something happened. The old man clearly has a sweet spot for you.'
    'So it settled then. Say, do you happen to have a toga?'
  6. Like
    Aimee reacted to jacobcarson877 in Eating the Frog First   
    This is the first week in a while I completely forgot Sunday happened and Monday is almost done and I’m just getting my TPE ready!
    Media Spot recapping Week 4 will happen, maybe tonight who knows. But I wanted to ramble a few words out that weren’t me doing my duties assigned to me by myself or the nature of the jobs I’ve chosen to do.
    Jillian Woods is pretty fun, I must say. I took a much different approach to building this time with Woods at least compared to Wolanin. Instead of diving towards whatever got me an STHS attribute the fastest, that I would eventually have gotten anyways, I’m really getting the hard TPE out of the way first. I’ll be dropping 20 TPE into getting an attribute from 97 to 99 this week, and getting that DF to 90. And then I won’t have to think about it ever again, until I go buy my Jagrs. Next season is all about pushing the scoring up. Woods can skate and she’s got a great head on her shoulders, and that’s gotten her WAY farther than I had expected, but she’ll need to become a primary play-driver if she hopes to survive on the talent-heavy Menace. You have to earn your space and your ice time, which is an incredible dynamic for someone like me, who loves to dig deep and compete in the earning category.
  7. Like
    Aimee reacted to Plate in Rebuilding Hurts Outside of the VHL   
    I've always been a little puzzled by certain moves. Particularly, the prospect of moving up in the draft and giving away multiple assets to get a particular player. In my opinion, unless there's a huge drop-off in terms of TPE and or build quality, most players sim pretty evenly to each other. Some teams have traded a couple of firsts for the 1st overall pick in drafts, and in my opinion, it confuses me.

    Now I'm not saying you shouldn't go for it, but with the way the engine works (from what I can remember and see from coming back) your team needs to have depth in order to stay competitive. You can have a line with one strong player and a couple of supporting casts but the moment you have a bot on your team you have a huge goals allowed problem. Which, again, makes me confused when teams without a full roster trade multiple assets for that one player they think they need. 

    In my opinion, it's best to build the team from the bottom up, instead of the top down. This is just because the bottom will stay on the team longer, and having a couple of solid welfare earners will go farther for your franchise (In the VHL and VHLE) than a max earner would for one season. 
  8. Like
    Aimee reacted to OblivionWalker in An Unexpected Visitor   
    Puzzled at who could be calling out to him across the ice, Slava Kovalenko halted his forward momentum on his skates with a shower of ice and half turned. There, standing at the door to the ice . . . was his older brother, Sergiy. Being the oldest of the Kovalenko children and a pilot, Sergiy was often away and tended to miss family gatherings sometimes.
    "What are you doing here?!" Slava demanded, flying down the ice to step off the ice and wind his arms around his brother, pulling him into a close and tight hug. From the time they had been small, Sergiy had often said Slava was his little shadow. When Slava had been all of three years old, some older boys in the neighborhood had been picking on Sergiy and little Slava had immediately marched over, taking off his jacket so it didn't get dirty in order to help defend his brother. Fortunately, the adults were alerted that something was happening, and the would-be combatants were separated but it had become a story the Kovalenkos often told. If Sergiy was in trouble, Slava would soon be there.
    But as they had grown up, they had gone their own ways. Sergiy had graduated from college and then gone on to get his pilot's license and of course, Slava had gone to Alaska for college and was now in the VHLM with the aim of moving up to the big leagues someday. They often went for long stretches without being able to see each other and Slava was absolutely delighted to see his brother.
    "There was a cargo run scheduled in the area and when Mom and Dad told me that you were playing here today, I knew I had to come and see you play for myself. I was able to ask to be assigned this run." Sergiy said, giving Slava a bright smile.
    A lump formed in Slava's throat. Sergiy didn't have to do that, but it meant a lot to him that his brother cared enough to rearrange his own schedule to be able to come and see a Hounds game.
    "I'm glad you're here." Slava said honestly, clapping his brother on the back when he finally released him. "It's been too long."
    "It has." Sergiy agreed, tilting his head slightly. As tall as Sergiy was himself at six foot two, he still had to look up at his younger brother. "All of us are dashing here and there. But all of us are proud of you, Slava. Especially Dido and Baba. Everyone in the neighborhood has been following you. You've been doing so well but knowing you, you're already looking ahead."
    That was an astute observation. As well as Slava had been doing already in the M, emerging as the leader in defenseman points fairly early on and remaining there, he was always considering what he could do better when he moved up to the E, what things he wanted to work on and improve.
    "I won't get to the VHL if I sit on my butt." Slava joked lightly, which drew a snort from Sergiy.
    "The only time you sit on your butt is if you're on a bus, a plane, or you have a good book." he said knowingly and Slava shoved his arm, knowing darn well that Sergiy was correct in that assessment.
    With a rather wicked smirk, Sergiy arched an eyebrow. "Now. How's this boyfriend of yours?"
    (word count: 575)
  9. Like
    Aimee reacted to Thunder in The Villain is at it Again!   
    The end of the season is just a few games away and there has been a dust up in the villain cave.  The Mad Villain, @Tate, has done an incredible job at Las Vegas, scoring over a point per game and making new friends on the team.  His presence has seemed to tame Manny Ceson, @dylanjj37, who has been a driving force for Las Vegas success this season.  Inside the cave has been a different situation; however, as the Villain has been in a tirade over a variety of things.
    The Villain, who’s devious thoughts and works have questioned his sidekick Pinky on several occasions, most recently has demanded the cave get an upgrade.  A sneak peek into the villain cave revealed such atrocities as there were broken hockey sticks piled up on the floor of the laboratory.  Some sticks were splintered, while others were separated by what can only be described as a result of an unknown volatile substance that melted right through the stick.  Wooden sticks, carbon fiber, aramid, none of the material mattered.  All types of sticks were scattered about the cave.  On the wall, Pinky chalked in the results of The Villain’s demise.  Over 200 sticks have been destroyed.
    In another section of the cave, there is what appears to be a stick manufacturing process with strips of aramid piled up next to carbon fiber shells and a couple of unknown materials.  Pinky once again has documented some clues on the wall with white chalk.  “Ti” and “75”, along with a slew of numbers and symbols.  On a shelf there was a small glass jar containing shiny cubed shaped objects, with a ☠️ symbol.  A diagram of a hockey stick on the wall indicating the application of layers of aramid wrapped around sprinkled “Re” and strands of “22”.  What was most revealing was the calculations of the power and speed of a hockey puck as it left a hockey stick.
    The secret of the Villain’s next invention has been revealed.  The Villain is in the process of creating a hockey stick like no other.  The Villain appears to be mixing titanium and rhenium into the structure of the hockey sticks and the combination and mixture of the Kevlar along with carbon fibers has given Villain a secret weapon for his most famous creature, Mad Villain.  The puck leaves the stick at speeds of over 67 meters per second and the speed is not reduced at impact over 60 meters.  At the end of the calculations, Pinky chalked it all up in one word, “WOW.”
    Finally, in the back room of the secret cave, there is a glass case, secured by chains and locks with a complete prototype of the hockey stick created by The Villain.  This stick has been designed and made for one player with one thing in mind.  The Villain plans on waiting for the Mad Villain to enter the VHL with his new team and he will dominate the ice by scoring goals from the other end of the ice.  Given the potential speed of a 150 mph puck, the VHL might need to invest in hockey nets and opponents may need to double up the pillows on their goalies.  And let’s hope The Villain does not create a stick for Manny Ceson also.
    553 words
  10. Like
    Aimee reacted to Tate in Tate for Commissioner - 5 Sim Days a Week   
    Doing sims five days a week instead of every day actually makes a lot more sense for the health of the VHL. First off, having to run a sim every single day is a lot, even if it only takes a few minutes. The daily grind can wear down the league's simmers and admins. Everyone needs a little time to breathe, and weekends off give that much needed pause. It allows people to step away, recharge, and come back more engaged.
    Another key thing is the excitement factor. When you have sims every day, it becomes routine. There’s not much to look forward to because the next sim is always right around the corner. But with a couple of days off, anticipation builds. People get excited for the next sim day, and that energy helps keep things fresh. From a logistical standpoint, the weekend pause allows for better scheduling too. Admins have a bit more time to handle any behind the scenes work, check stats, or fix bugs. For players, it’s easier to fit the league into their schedules without feeling like they have to check in every single day. The break gives everyone some flexibility, and the structure is easier to manage for everyone involved.
    Sure, daily sims might keep things moving fast, but having those two days off keeps the league feeling more balanced, helps prevent burnout, and ultimately leads to better participation overall.
    Vote for Tate

  11. Like
    Aimee reacted to Tate in Las Vegas Aces Mad Villain   
  12. Like
    Aimee reacted to Rhynex Entertainment in S95 Final In-Season Interview   
    With the end of  Season 95 just around the corner, we found time to speak with VHL Calgary Wranglers player Miner vHLer @Rhynex Entertainment, whose team is currently fighting for the final playoff spot in the North American Conference.
    Reporter: Hello Miner! Nice to see you again! You just had a rough stretch of games, getting into so many fights recently, what is happening out there?
    Mv: Hello. Just doing my job and getting under the skin of some of the opposing teams' players. I think I'm doing a good job at maintaining my temper and helping my team win.
    Reporter: Seven games left in Season 95, how do you want to finish the season?
    Mv: That's a strange question. The team winning is the number one priority. As long as we can batch up a few more wins, we should have a nice time in the real season.
    Reporter: Congratulations on your first career VHL game winner! Your shot percentage has taken a hit this season, what can you do to help your situation?
    Mv: Thinking less and releasing my shot would help. There's not much I could do at this time, just got to shoot more.
    Reporter: Thank you! Best of luck for the rest of the season!
    [Word count 211]
  13. Like
    Aimee reacted to Knight in Captain David Rashford Exceeding All Expectations   
    Captain David Rashford Exceeding All Expectations 
    The story of David Rashford's career was already an incredible one, going from unsigned draftee to winning the Continental Cup last year with the Moscow Menace while being a very productive member of the team. No one in their right mind could have predicted that following the Season 89 draft after Helsinki declined to sign the young Brit to a contract and told him to seek his fortunes back over the pond. Moscow took a chance on Rashford and were rewarded with their faith by adding a piece that would ultimately be crucial in breaking their long championship-less streak. However, since being made captain by Moscow this past off-season, minds have continued to be blown following Rashford's remarkable 113 points in 65 games which is tied for the league lead in points. Also sitting three goals off the league lead with 46, Rashford is putting together a season for the ages that could result in a trifecta of awards that might be the first time it's ever awarded as such in league history - MVP, Most Improved, and Most Sportsmanlike. We'll be breaking down Rashford's case for all three awards once the season has been completed, but having already shattered his career high in points by 47 and counting, we are running out of superlatives to describe what an astonishing achievement this has been. "The personal success is a nice touch," said Rashford following this morning's practice. "What is really important though is that we are top of the league and laser focused on repeating as champions. We turned over a lot of personnel this past season and said goodbye to some teammates who were crucial in getting us that first Continental Cup, but everyone has stepped up big time and our confidence to win is there." Wise words from the new captain.
  14. Like
    Aimee reacted to BOOM in Panda1   
  15. Like
    Aimee reacted to Girts in Guntis Overflow   
    Vancouver Wolves hulking defenseman Guntis Gavilrovs is having a great season on the blue line helping the Wolves clinch a playoff berth. With 16 goals and 41 assists through 64 games including 10 powerplay goals, Guntis has attracted a lot of attention from fans, especially female fans. It's been rumored his old fling Megan Fox has been hitting him up again, even though she was a bit clingy last time and he had to end it, he's considering giving her another shot. Also Margot Robbie slid into his DM's and asked Guntis to meet her after the next game in LA, so he has to deal with that also. Then he got a snap from Syndey Sweeney who wants to see him after his next game in NY, which he's obviously planning to follow up on. So it's clear Guntis has a lot on his plate right now but is still performing at a top level. However, he's realized that he may have to send some of his overflow to his teammates.. This means Guntis will have to choose one teammate to meet up with either Megan Fox or Margot Robbie in his place. Word is Logan Ninefingers @Scurvy, Bollos de Trueno @Thunder and Riley Martin @Smarch are all interested, but any Wolves player can get the chance by liking this post, except RIP Wheeler, obviously. 
  16. Like
    Aimee reacted to Vice in My sig broke :c   
    So I made a new one

  17. Like
    Aimee reacted to Scurvy in Wolves battling in standings   
    With the season coming to an end teams in the NA conference are battling for those coveted playoff spots.  Currently, Toronto has the top spot with 85 points with Chicago nipping at their heels with 83.  My beloved Vancouver club has had trouble with consistency as we try to climb the standings and every good winning streak we seem to get is matched by Chicago and Seattle keeping us in the #4 spot.
    Obviously, the goal would be to pass our hated rival, the Seattle Bears and start dwindling down on Chicago as well.  It’s coming down to the wire with 10 games left in the season so 20 points up for grabs and Vancouver needs to snag as many as possible to gain that much needed ground. 
    Vancouver has 3 games left against Toronto and 1 vs Chicago, and DC , LA, and Calgary making up the rest.  It’s time for the Wolf Pack to step and  crush some wins to close out S95. 
  18. Like
    Aimee reacted to Subject056 in A Nighthawk   
  19. Like
    Aimee reacted to VattghernCZ in Final season, final sig   
  20. Like
    Aimee reacted to Steve in Down to the Wire   
    Another week and Riga has shown to be a determined team. I can't say where we will end up, but it has been fun being on a team that really doesn't have high skilled players across the board. I like to think of Riga as the ultimate blue collar team that just works with what it has. Nothing fancy, but it seems to work. I am sure we will get smacked around by the big boy teams, but in the end, we will still be a threat to other teams. Can we win the cup? Of course we can, though the odds would not be in our favor. We will do what we can and see where we end up. It comes down to the schedule and who we play. It is a funny place to be but nothing wrong with that. I think after this next update, the team will be a bit better. It is scary to even say that but all indications are pointing in the right direction. All good signs if you are a Riga fan.
    Word count: 180
  21. Like
    Aimee reacted to Steve in Playoff Hype   
  22. Like
    Aimee reacted to Scurvy in S95 Tough Guy Tribute   
    Were around 60 games in and It’s that time of year for a Tough Guy Tribute.  So many times we focus on the 50 goal scorer or that defensive standout who makes it into the top ten in scoring. But this article is to honor those behind the scenes that drop the mitts for their fellow teammates and throw soul stealing hits night in and night out.  Just about every team has one (or more) of these lovable brutes and while other teams players and fans might despise them at home they are valued.  So here weeeee go!

    Toby Kadachi @ROOKIE745- at 606 236 this fearsome animal has been destroying fools in New York to the point I am surprised they haven’t tried to incarcerate him yet.  TK already has amassed a league leading 12 fights (yes, 12!) this year for a very talented and tough New York team.  Even more impressive is to go with his 202 minutes in PIMS is he has 315 hits already as well.  Even with his toughness and PIMs TK is no slouch offensively either. 27 goals with 7 GWG and 7 PPGs his hands are relied on more than just crushing other player’s faces.  
    Keegan Gamble @Keegan Gamble- This one is an anomaly to me.  Keegan has zero points in body check, zero in Grit, and zero in fighting and yet this first gen savage has 10 fights on the year.  Even crazier is he only has 54 minutes in the box meaning he only has two minor penalties on the season.  Keegan also has 82 points on the season so not only does he defend his team but sinks the puck often.  
    Tommy Sleeves @dasboot-  No tough guy list would be complete without Tommy Sleeves.  This hulking defenseman brings utter pain each and every night.  Sleeves had an insane number of hits last season with 401 and has 274 this season so far.  Added he has blocked 200 shots this season while sitting for a league leading 260 minutes in the box.  9 fights this season shows why he so beloved in Helskinki.   Added to this Sleeves has beat up my player twice since I joined the VHL. Hoping at some point to get at least a draw! 
    Callum Gary Yannick Janser @Daniel Janser- an elite defenseman on a New York club that was bit by Simon this season.  Playing with Toby Kadachi, NY must be one of the toughest teams in the league.  201 PIMS and 224 hits for CGY while notching 6 PPGs with 4 game winners.  An insane earner I would imagine CGY will continue to be a massive force in the league both on defense but also in punishment.  
    Guntis Gavilrovs @Girts- What can you say about ole Guntis. There are so many stories it’s hard to know what is true.  From a budding relationship with Megan Fox to the rumor he once tore a finger off a guy in a Vancouver bar following a massive bar fight.  Even weirder was that he presented the finger to teammate Logan Ninefingers as an offering to replace his missing digit.  It is well known that Guntis has his own side of the locker room and has fought nearly everyone on the Wolves team at one point including GM @Frank.  A point per game player this season with 204 hits and 198 PIMs this season with 6 fights he is beloved and feared by his teammates.  
    George Richmond @badcolethetitan- A name I wouldn’t have associated with making the tough guy tribute, as skilled as he is.  The #2 pick of the S92 draft he already has a Continental Cup to his name and is on a power house club in Moscow poised for another deep run. 71 points this season so far is no surprise but what is, is the 9 fights he has on the season.  The gritty centerman has dropped the gloves frequently and has tripled his PIM high in the VHL with 93.  134 hits as well he has evolved his game into a true power forward who can hit, hurt, and score.  As if Moscow wasn’t deadly enough! 
    Savaisk Tzesar @comrade cat- Another player who can hurt opposing players in several ways this left winger scored 90 points last season and is poised for close to that again.  8 fighting majors this season for Malmo and 226 hits puts him in the top ten in the league in crushing people.  The type of player all GMs want that gives the gift of grit and scoring.  
    Fradin McGryer @Fradin99- Fradin’s PIMS have dropped a bit this season but he is still a force to be reckoned with in the powerful Euro conference.  The Riga defenseman has racked up 138 points and 182 hits and is a +46 with 40 assists.  In just under 6 season Fradin has racked up 1030 minutes in the penalty box and has 1273 hits putting him in one of the nastiest defenders in the league to play against.  
    Andrew Skilton @ace_five_- It’s not often I would put a rookie on the TGT but my hat is off to the first gen rookie from Toronto. Pretty good numbers offensively so far with 5 goals 36 assists 41 points to help the first place Toronto team keep their winning ways.  Physically the kid has been great showing he’s not afraid of the older toughs in the league. 177 PIMs, 181 hits, and 120 blocked shots says everything you need to know about his type of game.  Is this another Guntis in the making? 
    Honorable mentions:
    Spanish Moon Moth @Renomitsu- An assist machine for the surging Chicago Phoenix he has taken up the mantle of middle weight brawler this year with 10 fights (3 fight wins).  
    Stefan Nikolaev @Is_thatok- this journeyman forward has upped his physical game this year in Warsaw with 9 fighting majors, 103 PIMS, and 103 hits.  The 46th player drafted in S90 has found a role in the physical and intimidating European conference.  
    Thanks for tuning in.  Until next week, have a great weekend everyone.   
    1014 words for two week claim 15th and 22nd 

  23. Like
    Aimee reacted to VattghernCZ in The best defensive teams part 2 - VHLE and VHL   
    Part 1, Intro and VHLM: https://vhlforum.com/topic/151224-the-best-defensive-teams-part-1-vhlm/
     VHLE: Cologne Express
    Defensemen: Joseph Dubois (29.0 AMG), Cody Toland (27.0 AMG), Scrungle Bungle (26.8 AMG), Pan Daffleck (18.7 AMG), Bric Sheithaus (16.9 AMG)
    Starting goaltender: Jon Webber III
    While you could argue for a tie in the M, it's not the case here. Cologne is just dominant defensively, leading the league in fewest Goals Against, fewest Shots Against and the least Puck Time In Defensive Zone. The only flaw in their defensive game is their Penalty Kill. But when the weakest part of an area of the game still ranks 3rd best in the league, you're doing something right.
     VHL: Moscow Menace
    Defensemen: Nils Andersson (30.3 AMG), Obuz Schneider Canet du Bocage (29.5 AMG), Jillian Woods (28.9 AMG), Benjamin Abenduct (28.7 AMG)
    Starting goaltender: Olober Syko
    Before digging in, I expected a bit more parity in the top league. I was surprised to see Moscow defensively dominating the VHL even more than Cologne dominates the E. Ranking 2nd in Goals Against, 1st in Penalty Kill, 1st in Shots Against and 1st in Puck Time In Defensive Zone clearly shows they're a nightmare to play against. But the fact they're not 1st in Goals Against surprises me, I guess it's possible to get in their goalie’s head once you cut through their defense (good luck with that!).
    Mexico City is sitting at 4th overall spot in the VHLM, 12 points behind Mississauga and 1 point ahead of Miami. Cologne and Moscow lead their respective leagues, the Express with a 4 point lead on Bratislava and Moscow in a tie with Riga, 3 points ahead of Malmö.
    So does defense win the championship? Moscow is just dominant, leading their league in Goals For on top of their elite defense, so a better way to test this claim is to follow Mexico City and Cologne this postseason, as both are below average offensive teams relying heavily on their defense.
  24. Like
    Aimee reacted to Girts in Guntis card   
  25. Like
    Aimee reacted to scoop in Nighthawks down, but not out   
    The regular season is approaching its end, so Malmo's recent slump may seemingly have knocked them out of contention for the Victory Cup and the first seed in Europe. With eight games to play, they now trail Moscow by seven points and Riga by five points. Despite how hard it has been to gain any ground on them even when Malmo had been playing well, there is still a chance that they can make up this ground. The remaining schedules of the top teams in the league could allow for some big swings in the standings.
    Malmo and Moscow have three matchups remaining. If the Nighthawks want to have a shot at leading the standings, they will likely need to win all of those. That would close the gap between the two teams, and then it would depend on how they play in the rest of their games. If Moscow takes even one of those games, it will be tough for the Nighthawks to finish ahead of them. As for Riga, they have some tough games remaining in a Moscow matchup and two games against Toronto.
    It will take some stars aligning for Malmo to climb back to the top, but the opportunity is there. They need to beat Moscow, and get some help from North American teams against Riga and Toronto.
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