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  1. Like
    Aimee reacted to rjfryman in Pre Draft Live S85 Class Rankings   
    Matt Murdock + 54 Daniel Weaver + 27 Henry Eagles + 38 Phil Strasmore + 30 Karl Pedersen + 28 Henry Tucker Jr + 21 Jani Karppinen + 42 Geoff Bezos + 24 Tater Tottingham + 21 Halvar Torbjorn + 22 Scottie House + 52 Astro Singh + 18 Gavin Rozzdale + 14 Alfred Champagne + 19 Jesse Teno + 38 Luke Glendenning + 6 Reid Johnson + 27 Jeremy Swayman + 16 Larry Abass Jr + 23 Alexander Stroheim + 15 Reno Reinhold + 15 Alex Ovechkin ll + 12 Ethan Mann + 11 Hayden Bromley + 17 Big Daddy + 12 Shaggy Tipton II + 8 Robert Overmeyer + 6 Nikolas Kauppi + 12 captain nugget + 6 MORPHEUS DESTRUCTIOUS X2 + 14 Barret Nussbaum + 6 Cuyler May + 11 Parker Lamar + 8 Alek Lafriesker + 6  
    Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 34  
    @Acydburn @ThePerfectNut @Greg_Di @Phil @JeffD @NotSoGood88 @ShawnGlade @Quik @Trunkxolotl @Rayzor_7 @Carpenter74 @8Ovechkin8 @Jbeezy76 @Anthique @aimkin @ColeMrtz @TopTiddee2 @Agito @RileyL @Stroheim @Reno @Bruh @Emann2003 @theBombster @Ron Gorgonzola @Jakefufu @RobBro34 @Tetricide @Captain nugget @Abaddon @relax @SushiCat @Pork2010 @LaffyTaffy
  2. Fire
    Aimee got a reaction from Shindigs in First-Generation Bonus   
    +10 Jesse Teno
  3. Fire
    Aimee got a reaction from Bulduray_1 in First-Generation Bonus   
    +10 Jesse Teno
  4. Love
    Aimee reacted to Shindigs in A Good Week for me. And a look at the top 1st gens in the S85 draft class.   
    Bo + Bob = Points?
    When Bo started the season off with 2 points in 4 games. I'm not going to lie, I was a bit worried. But then we got our lines all worked out and Bo put up 15 points in the next 4 games. Putting him in 1st for Assists and Dman points. Which I mean clearly he's not going to keep scoring at that rate, because that would be insane. But it was a certainly a nice surprise.
    First Gens putting in WORK
    For Vegas things, we're off to about as hot a start as you could hope. With a 6-0-0 record and all our active draftees having made a mark on the score sheet already. Which is exactly what you like to see. All of them have done at least 1 press conference since joining. With @RileyL also adding some trivia on top and @TopTiddee2going for a more or less max earning week this week (depends on if he gets a .com in today or not). Regardless of that he's already got 23 TPE earned this week. Which puts him up in the top 4 of 1st gens in this draft class.

    1st: @Carpenter74 | 112 TPE
    2nd: @Anthique | 103 TPE
    3rd: @aimkin | 95 TPE
    4th: @TopTiddee2 | 91 TPE
    Anthique still has 10 TPE to claim from the First Gen Bonus with will push him into 1st. Aimkin has a Junior Review pending approval that will put them up to 100, which will allow them to claim the First Gen Bonus to go to 115 and as mentioned Reid could possibly get another 2 in there this week to go to 93. I also know that at least aimkin is doing Fantasy Zone, so there may be some uncapped coming in from there? Maybe some other 1st gens will come out of nowhere and challenge these 4. But for now they look to be the ones that will battle it out for being the first 1st gen to get picked in the S85 VHL Entry Draft.
    VHFL Stuff
    To get back to why it's been a good week for me personally, the VHFL sheet is finally up and I'm super stoked to have a pretty comfortable ~30 point lead in the "Group of Death" that I go seeded into. When looking at all our rosters while we were drafting, I really couldn't tell who would do better once all was said and done. With everyone making mostly amazing picks. So I was not expecting to be in the lead at all, certainly not by this much. So now all that's left is doing what I do every season in the VHFL. Start strong then collapse down the stretch!😅
  5. Like
    Aimee reacted to Spartan in S84 - VHFL Group 1 - Complete   
    Fixed, thank you.
    For the final pick for the DQ team, G - Oskar Lindbergh
    Group is complete, thanks for being patient everyone.
  6. Fire
    Aimee got a reaction from Shindigs in Jesse Teno Junior Review   
    Growing up in a relatively isolated part of Vermont, Jesse’s childhood ventures all revolved around sports. Being part of the Vermont school system meant that gym class was a few hours out on the slopes of the nearest ski area. So it was no surprise when as a kid, Jesse discovered hockey. With the nearest VHL team being the New York Americans, Jesse would watch the games from home every season, cheering on his team.
    It was in middle school and high school when Jesse really got their feet under them. Joining not only local teams but making the junior varsity and varsity teams in school. College at the University of Vermont also brought Jesse tons of experience. Getting to play at a higher level allowed Jesse to hone their competitive skills. Four years at UVM and Jesse posted a total record of 99-34-10 with 10 shutouts. It would continue to bug them that they never made it to 100 wins. But hopefully playing for the VHLM and beyond would bring them that satisfaction.
    Jesse had doubts that they would be able to play professionally after college but when the opportunity came to have scouts check them out in their senior year, it was just blasting out a whole wall - forget opening a new door. With the performance they gave in their senior year, helping UVM to get to the semi-finals of the championships, it was easier for Jesse to see how they could possibly go pro: though doubt still hung with them.
    With all of this in mind, Jesse decided to enter into the VHLM draft though didn’t expect much. Brand new, coming in late, and barely a foot in the door, Jesse was selected 30th overall by the Saskatoon Wild. The middle of Canada called and Jesse was ready for the adventure.
    So what’s next for Jesse? Hopefully a promising and budding career. They hope that time will allow them to build up their abilities and that all the hard work they have put into hockey up until now will pay off. Jesse looks forward to the future and can’t wait to see what Saskatoon and the VHLM have in store for them.
    Maybe one day it would mean a shot at the VHL, or maybe they would hang around at the low levels and just feel grateful to have been drafted. It was an experience few had the opportunity to get and Jesse wouldn’t waste it.

  7. Fire
    Aimee reacted to jacobcarson877 in VHLM Power Rankings   
    VHLM Power Rankings – Season Start

    1. Las Vegas Aces

    Last years champs brought back 3 (now) capped Forwards, 2 veteran Defensemen and a capped Goalie. These players alone would probably put Vegas at the top of the power rankings, but adding in key new pieces like Larry Abass Jr and Reid Johnson help to solidify the depth that was needed to help this team maintain its championship contender status.

    2. Philadelphia Reapers

    The Reapers bounce back from a down season last time around and put together a very solid roster to open S84. A really strong D pair, several strong forwards, and probably most importantly, a goaltender. Several really solid users on the team, lots of experience and the perennial Reapers flair. If the team stays active and earning, they should have no problem contending. But, they will only go as far as Evan Bihler will take them.

    3. Houston Bulls

    AJ returns to the GM position and put together a great foundation for a contender right away. 2 capped Forwards, 2 strong Defensemen and most recently, a promising waiver goaltender. If I had written this a few days ago, they would have been much lower. Similar to the Reapers, look in net to see how far the team goes.

    4. Mexico City Kings

    This team has the potential to be the best team in the league come the end of the season. New GM on the block, and lots of strong picks at the draft. Strong earning Forwards, a really exciting D core and not 1 but 2 exciting goaltenders. So long as the team hype doesn’t die down, they should be rocketing up the power rankings soon. Their development strategy had them picking lower TPE players who would earn well, so we shall see if that will pay off in the future.

    5. Mississauga Hounds

    I think there are certainly some exciting pieces on this team, but the lack of depth outside of the top players concerns me long-term. The Hounds have been doing well on waivers, so look for them to grow the team that way and compensate for the lack of apparent depth. If the team stays active and earning, they should be a playoff team, otherwise look for them to tear down at the deadline and wait for a stronger draft class.

    6. Saskatoon Wild

    An interesting approach for this season has the team loaded up on the back end but very shallow up front. They are hoping that their strong team defense can help them win tight games. The forwards they do have look to earn well, and should provide decent output. They also have a goaltender which is a huge plus this season. Maybe not a contender in my eyes, but could be an exciting seller by the deadline.

    7. Miami Marauders

    This team would be much higher, but they have no goaltender. If they can land a goalie on waivers, and soon if possible, they have plenty of time to compete this season. Strong forwards and a serviceable D pairing could make this team a winner. At the very least they should have some awards candidates and some strange scoring games.

    8. San Diego Marlins

    Maybe this is my bias showing, but I think what this team lacks in quantity, they more than make up in quality. If they can land some waiver help they could find themselves in a playoff position. Unfortunately, due to the lack of double shifting in the playoffs, there is no chance this team could contend. Lots of exciting pieces though, so keep an eye on them for awards nominations and potentially selling to contenders.

    9. Halifax 21st

    In a very similar position to the Marlins, this team has some exciting pieces, but lacks any depth to compete later on. Also I question the morals of the team given the amount of Bezos content. This team could play upsetter a bit this season, but expect them to try to maximize their return for future seasons.

    10. Ottawa Lynx

    I know as I write this that this placement is wrong. But I can’t really figure out who they are, and how they are better than the other teams on this list. I like their forward group, but that is literally all they are. Even if they keep all their players active and earning, I’m not sure how this team competes game to game. If they manage to pull in some exciting waivers they should be able to boost themselves up the rankings but for now they are too incomplete for me to really understand how successful they’ll be.

  8. Like
    Aimee reacted to Scurvy in Can Vegas Repeat?   
    Coming off a championship year the Las Vegas Aces look to repeat.  But do they have the roster that’s up to the challenge? Let’s take a quick look at some of their players.  
    Hugh G Johnson-  603 236lbs-  199 TPE-  A VHLM journeyman he is his 3rd year in the VHLM.  With a career total of 16 goals he did finally produce a bit in the playoffs with 10 points in 16 games.  He can contribute for sure but might need to listen to his management and move his attribute points a bit. If he does he could be nasty, if not, more of the same. 
    James Kagelberg- 199 TPE-  has 15 banked TPE so not sure what his plan is??  Had an amazing year last year with 37 goals and 88 pts. If he stays on the club I look for him to hit 50 goals. 
    Al Land- 185 TPE (16 banked)-  Another player wanting to stay in th M to repeat as champ possibly.  Had a good season with 58 points and almost a point per game in playoffs. 
    Jimmy MacElroy- big defenseman with 199 TPE.  Another bruising maxed out player who can provide offense and crush on D.
    Juan Ceson- 122 TPE (20 banked).  Plays with some grit and had a whopping 240 hits last year.  Journeyman VHLMer plays a nasty game so I look for more of the same next year.
    Cory Evans- 199 TPE GOALIE.  Evans when 21 and 0 last year with a 1.37 GAA and 7 shutouts.  With him in net anything is possible.   
    With this roster and Shindigs at the help Las Vegas will be competitive.  Good luck Aces!
  9. Like
    Aimee reacted to Shindigs in Can Vegas Repeat?   
    Well, so far the season is looking pretty promising. So hope we can keep up the good performance.😅
  10. Cheers
    Aimee reacted to AJW in Appreciation for the VHL   
    I am a little bit tipsy right now but you read the title correctly and I want to give my appreciation to you all.
    You would think this is theme week again but in reality I am just very happy to be apart of this league. It is my 21st birthday tomorrow (July 2) and I took some time to look back on the past year of my life and see the positives that came with it. Obviously there is a lot that goes on in our real personal lives, but the VHL has been a huge factor this past year and I am just so proud to be here with you all.
    I used to go through a lot of weird and rough stuff with my mental health, I made a post about it some time before to the public here. The VHL has been my safe place and I feel like it always will be. I have always felt like I can be myself and open up with everyone here. I don't want to toot my own horn, but growing up I was always seen as the likeable guy, the popular one, good at sports and what not. I have always been in the spotlight and to come here to this league and just be a regular person amongst all of y'all is amazing. You don't treat me differently than anyone else, I am seen as a regular human being. I hope that didn't sound cocky or anything, I hope you understand what I mean. It is just so nice to fit in with everyone here no matter what you look like or who you are, to be treated with equal respect. We are all communicating and having fun through a screen. Appearances and backgrounds don't matter, you are accepted no matter what. It is so much fun logging in everyday and talking with everyone here, I have met so many wonderful people through this league. Even with my past TPE ban and the stuff that happened with the multi bans, it sucked at the time, but I am glad that y'all are so forgiving and inviting to have me in this league and to get me back to a GM spot in the VHLM which I have such a fun time doing. You are all amazing truthfully.
    I wish I could tag each person individually who has made a good impact on my VHL career. It would honestly be over 100 people and take countless hours to type. You know who you are because each interaction I have had with a member of this community has been a positive. I really can't name a member here I dislike. I know others may disagree and have their differences with other members, but in all seriousness, I really like each and every one of you that has entered my VHL career. I really hope that each member I have interacted with feels the same, and I hope that every member I haven't fully met yet does not feel scared at all to reach out and build a connection.
    I love you VHL. Sorry to get you all in your feels if I did, but I just really do love this place.
  11. Like
    Aimee reacted to 8Ovechkin8 in Saskatoon Wild Press Conference   
    1. Doing well! first game was a 2 point and two assist game so off on the right foot. Need to get the goals flowing though because thats what Astro does. 
    2. The hits by far. No other sport can give you a hit that hard that has anticipation built up to it. With football, theres always hits, but with hockey, every hit is special. 
    3. Dynasty incoming I feel. They did a great job being patient with their team. 
    4. pepperoni, sausage, extra cheese, and 3 kinds of mushroom. Sounds strange but it's the bomb dot com I promise. 
    5. Ovechkin. Hit score hit score hit score hit score hit score. Need I say more, just check out the name... 
    6. Defense. Right now he's all offense but defense can lead to offence so it'll be important to improve that. 
  12. Like
    Aimee reacted to VHL Games in Games: 1-9   
    Game 1:
    Stockholm Vikings vs. Cologne Express

    Game 2:
    Geneva Rush vs. Rome Gladiators

    Game 3:
    Bratislava Watchmen vs. Istanbul Red Wolves

    Game 4:
    Oslo Storm vs. Vasteras Iron Eagles

    Game 5:
    Rome Gladiators vs. Bratislava Watchmen

    Game 6:
    Vasteras Iron Eagles vs. Oslo Storm

    Game 7:
    Vasteras Iron Eagles vs. Stockholm Vikings

    Game 8:
    Istanbul Red Wolves vs. Geneva Rush

    Game 9:
    Oslo Storm vs. Cologne Express

    Go to Standings
  13. Like
    Aimee reacted to Spartan in S84 - VHFL Group 1 - Complete   
    @Dom is skipped. We need to get a move on in this group folks
    @UnkemptCL4PTP up for 2 picks.
    I'm going to be hounding you guys to make picks today, you're all super far behind.
  14. Like
    Aimee reacted to RobBro34 in Saskatoon Wild Press Conference   
    1. Feeling confident
    2. Players regulating the game and the unwritten rules
    3.Go Knights
    4.A supreme
    6.Getting comfortable with the pace of the league as a new player
  15. Like
    Aimee got a reaction from Bulduray_1 in Saskatoon Wild Press Conference   
    1. Jesse definitely has some nerves but they are doing all they can to be prepared for their first game.
    2. I've always personally enjoyed watching the fights break out. But maybe that's just me.
    3. Thank the hockey gods! Lightning didn't get to have a "dynasty", and finally so many guys deserving of a cup win! Was a great series to watch. Sad that they didn't get to close it out at home though.
    4. Probably bacon and pineapple on a lightly cheese but moderately sauced pie.
    5. Xavier Booberry, defintiely.
    6. Rebound Control is Jesse's top priority heading into this season.
  16. Like
    Aimee reacted to Tetricide in Saskatoon Wild Press Conference   
    1. Kauppi mostly can't wait for the first game to show what he's got and learn how to play better against the other teams.
    2. The players. The speed and skill they put on the ice every game day is electrifying.
    3. It's about time! The Avalanche have an incredible lineup jam-packed with talent that were able to win as a team. That's how they became Champions.
    4. Pepperoni, Italian sausage, meatballs, and bacon!
    5. Jason Robertson.
    6. Faceoffs. It's been his focus in the practice facility lately.
  17. Like
    Aimee got a reaction from Tetricide in Saskatoon Wild Press Conference   
    1. Jesse definitely has some nerves but they are doing all they can to be prepared for their first game.
    2. I've always personally enjoyed watching the fights break out. But maybe that's just me.
    3. Thank the hockey gods! Lightning didn't get to have a "dynasty", and finally so many guys deserving of a cup win! Was a great series to watch. Sad that they didn't get to close it out at home though.
    4. Probably bacon and pineapple on a lightly cheese but moderately sauced pie.
    5. Xavier Booberry, defintiely.
    6. Rebound Control is Jesse's top priority heading into this season.
  18. Like
    Aimee reacted to youloser1337 in Season 84 Fantasy Zone - Week 1   
  19. Fire
    Aimee got a reaction from Shindigs in The Newbie Arrives   
    With the first professional draft of their career behind them, Jesse Teno will be taking the last few days they have prior to the start of the season to get in as much training as possible. While the whole season itself will be a test of their capabilities, Jesse has decided to try and energize themselves in one last push before it all begins.
    Jesse made sure to take a few days to walk around and tour their new home of Saskatoon; hitting up the Antiquities and Aviation museums during their first full day. They also had their first taste of real poutine at The Rook and Raven Pub after having had it suggested to them by an arena worker.
    While small and in the middle of nowhere, Jesse figures he could come to love Saskatoon as it reminds them of their small town back home. With the Wild they would make friends, and with time they would make memories. Jesse is looking forward to starting their professional career and they hope to not only make an impact on the team and the VHLM, but also to have the people around have an impact on them.
    196 words for Week June 27- July 3
  20. Fire
    Aimee got a reaction from Shindigs in First Interview...Don't Blow it Kid   
    This morning I had the opportunity to sit down with one of the VHLM’s newest players. Having opted for the draft during the final week to join, Jesse Teno has started to gain a bit of a name for themselves already.
    Jesse, thanks for sitting down with me. I know you’re busy so I won’t take much of your time today. How are you enjoying Saskatoon so far?
    So far, it’s great! I’m getting to know the city a little at a time and it reminds me of home a bit. I come from a small city too so it’s familiar enough. I went to a few museums, tried some real poutine, even went shopping for some souvenirs to send home to my parents. Everyone here has been really nice and welcoming. A few people around the city have already recognized me which is definitely a new feeling. I’m not a big deal at all back home so that was a new experience.
    Great to hear. You mentioned beforehand that you’ve already gone to the arena and practice facility. How were they?
    The arena is amazing. I love the look and feel of it. I stepped out onto the ice and it felt so weird to be surrounded by so many seats. It feels massive compared to UVM. I even checked out the merch store just to see what there was so I also picked up my parents a few things there as well.
    Sorry to interrupt but any chance you found your name on a jersey?
    [laughs] No, not yet. I would imagine it will take a few weeks if not months before my name makes it to anything in the store.
    As you mentioned, you had quite the career at UVM. Your final year you went 25-7-2 with 2 shutouts. Do you think you’ll be able to recreate those kinds of numbers in the VHLM?
    Man, I hope so. I know it’s going to be hard and given how talented the veterans in this league are, I know I’m going to have my hands full. I know what my weak points were in college so I’m hoping to really utilize the facilities and the scrimmages to work on closing those up.
    What would you have to do this year to make it feel like a good first year?
    If we’re talking stats wise, I think I just want to have a winning year. If I can hold my own against this higher level of opponent and come out over .500, I’ll be happy. Anything above that will be the cherry on top. Now that’s not to say that that’s all I will give. I’m going to go out and play every game with the intention of winning. But I need to be realistic. Being the only goalie means little rest time between games so I’m going to have to push myself harder than I ever have before.
    Thank you for taking the time to talk with me. Just one last question before I leave you to your day; if you could be drafted by any VHL team, which one would you choose?
    Oh, without a doubt the New York Americans. I know they’ve been struggling for a while but they’re my team, you know? It’s always a dream to be drafted or play for the team you grew up cheering for. I know Vermont and New York are a few hours distance but I would consider them my hometown team.
    582 words, using for PT weeks June 27 – July 3
  21. Fire
    Aimee got a reaction from Bulduray_1 in First Interview...Don't Blow it Kid   
    This morning I had the opportunity to sit down with one of the VHLM’s newest players. Having opted for the draft during the final week to join, Jesse Teno has started to gain a bit of a name for themselves already.
    Jesse, thanks for sitting down with me. I know you’re busy so I won’t take much of your time today. How are you enjoying Saskatoon so far?
    So far, it’s great! I’m getting to know the city a little at a time and it reminds me of home a bit. I come from a small city too so it’s familiar enough. I went to a few museums, tried some real poutine, even went shopping for some souvenirs to send home to my parents. Everyone here has been really nice and welcoming. A few people around the city have already recognized me which is definitely a new feeling. I’m not a big deal at all back home so that was a new experience.
    Great to hear. You mentioned beforehand that you’ve already gone to the arena and practice facility. How were they?
    The arena is amazing. I love the look and feel of it. I stepped out onto the ice and it felt so weird to be surrounded by so many seats. It feels massive compared to UVM. I even checked out the merch store just to see what there was so I also picked up my parents a few things there as well.
    Sorry to interrupt but any chance you found your name on a jersey?
    [laughs] No, not yet. I would imagine it will take a few weeks if not months before my name makes it to anything in the store.
    As you mentioned, you had quite the career at UVM. Your final year you went 25-7-2 with 2 shutouts. Do you think you’ll be able to recreate those kinds of numbers in the VHLM?
    Man, I hope so. I know it’s going to be hard and given how talented the veterans in this league are, I know I’m going to have my hands full. I know what my weak points were in college so I’m hoping to really utilize the facilities and the scrimmages to work on closing those up.
    What would you have to do this year to make it feel like a good first year?
    If we’re talking stats wise, I think I just want to have a winning year. If I can hold my own against this higher level of opponent and come out over .500, I’ll be happy. Anything above that will be the cherry on top. Now that’s not to say that that’s all I will give. I’m going to go out and play every game with the intention of winning. But I need to be realistic. Being the only goalie means little rest time between games so I’m going to have to push myself harder than I ever have before.
    Thank you for taking the time to talk with me. Just one last question before I leave you to your day; if you could be drafted by any VHL team, which one would you choose?
    Oh, without a doubt the New York Americans. I know they’ve been struggling for a while but they’re my team, you know? It’s always a dream to be drafted or play for the team you grew up cheering for. I know Vermont and New York are a few hours distance but I would consider them my hometown team.
    582 words, using for PT weeks June 27 – July 3
  22. Like
    Aimee reacted to youloser1337 in 2022 NHL Bracket Challenge Payout Thread   
    Congrats to the new kings of the NHL, the Colorado Avalanche!
    Time for the payout!
    1. @Crstats23 - 10 TPE - 150 Points (6 Base + 4 Cup Winner)
    2. @Enorama - 5 TPE - 140 Points (5 B + 0 CW)
    3. @Gaikoku-hito - 9 TPE - 135 Points (5 B + 4 CW)
    4. @jacobcarson877 - 8 TPE - 130 Points - 0 GD (4 B + 4 CW)
    5. @fromtheinside - 8 TPE - 130 Points - 2 GD (4 B + 4 CW) *** Tie
    6. @Beketov - 8 TPE - 130 Points - 2 GD (4 B + 4 CW) *** Tie
    7. @leandrofg - 3 TPE - 130 Points - 4 GD (3 B + 0 CW)
    8. @Dom - 7 TPE - 130 Points - 5 GD (3 B + 4 CW)
    9. @MubbleFubbles - 7 TPE - 130 Points - 10 GD (3 B + 4 CW)
    10. @badcolethetitan - 7 TPE - 130 Points - 12 GD (3 B + 4 CW) *** Tie
    11. @wcats - 3 TPE - 130 Points - 12 GD (3 B + 0 CW) *** Tie
    12. @ajwllmsn - 6 TPE - 125 Points - 1 GD (2 B + 4 CW)
    13. @Doomsday - 2 TPE - 125 Points - 1 GD (2 B + 0 CW)
    14. @Dil - 6 TPE - 125 Points - 2 GD (2 B + 4 CW)
    15. @v.2 - 2 TPE - 125 Points - 2 GD (2 B + 0 CW)
    16. @Alex - 2 TPE - 125 Points - 2 GD (2 B + 0 CW)
    17. @Hoopydog - 2 TPE - 125 Points - 3 GD (2 B + 0 CW)
    18. @Eynhallow - 2 TPE - 125 Points - 4 GD (2 B + 0 CW)
    19. @Mongoose87 - 2 TPE - 125 Points - 7 GD (2 B + 0 CW)
    20. @Spartan - 6 TPE - 125 Points - 7 GD (2 B + 4 CW)
    Congrats everyone!! See you all next season!
    Everyone else is coming up next.
  23. Like
    Aimee reacted to dustywilson22 in Dusty Finding his groove   
    Dusty has been putting in the work to get better on the ice and the coaches are noticing just as the players are, He's even getting on the ice for extra reps and many teammates are respecting that. Dusty wants to be the starter so bad and wants to prove he deserved to be a starter in every league he was in. This is the season he will prove everyone who slept on him that he was better than what they claimed him to be. All the coaches that just gave up on him or showed no effort. He still thanks Coach Barzal for everything as he really got Dusty back into the game of hockey and his mindset back on track. Dusty Wilson Is going to make everyone learn his name and know that he will give you a rough time night in and night out. Get to knowing his name as he will have your number and stop every shot very soon! He will be an underdog who will help the Seattle Bears make It back to the promise land!

    Dusty may not have always been a committed guy, but barzal being a hands on coach was the best thing for Dusty to get out of a bad headspace he was in. Bana just being that motivator to get better out there really pushed him as well. Dusty has plenty of people to thank, but plenty of people to prove wrong as well. See you out there on the ice
  24. Haha
    Aimee reacted to Scurvy in Creative Names in VHL   
    As I eagerly await the start of this season, I find it somewhat difficult to find topics of interest to keep earning my much-needed attribute points.  For this article I would like to talk about some of the best names in the VHL.  There are many creative, interesting, and even annoying people here in the VHL and with that comes some amazingly funny and inspiring player names.  So today, were going to chat about some of these beauties. 
    The Board Game Clue on Skates (BGCOS) @MubbleFubbles- Well having been a teammate of this dynamo I know what a good dude he is for sure. On top of that he created a difficult to type and interesting name that is seen often because of how much he scores.  There has been rumors that him and teammate Bo Johansson are taking some exotic performance enhancing substance of some type but I am withholding judgment now and will only tell league officials if they beat Warsaw.
    Seymour Butts- @fonziGGOk having a dry and old school sense of humor I believe this to be a classic.  Simple, funny, and to the point. Enough said
    AK92 Wit da Hoodie @hedgehog337 Ok AK is not in the VHL yet and I almost fly into a rage trying to type such a ridiculously long name.  But hey, to each is own.  Pretty high draft pick and had a good season with San Diego and Mexico City putting up solid numbers for a Dman.   Looks like we will be seeing his name often in the near future.
    That Dude @Cornholio- easy, simple, and to the point. When the question is asked, “Who scored the game winner tonight?”    The answer, “That Dude.”  Crafty veteran who’s scored 200 goals in VHL so he can play and think up awesome names.
    Druss Deathwalker-  @animal74This name has to my personal favorite.  No other name can instill some fear into opposing players like the protagonist from the fantasy series by David Gemmell.  And just like the character in the novels, VHL Druss dishes out some massive punishment and puts up points.  DON’T give this dude a battle axe until after he retires, please.  
    Mo Probert @Yahtzee-  Ok nothing super creative about this name but since it has the last name of the greatest NHL fighter of all time (my opinion) I had to include him.  He is currently playing for VHLE champs, Bratislava.  I look forward to him making the VHL so maybe I can see that great box score fight with Probert vs Payne.  
    Huge G Johnson-  @EMoney002A VHLM lifer and huge disappointment to me since I recruited him.  Stuck at 199 TPE he did win a championship with Las Vegas last year.  Either way knowing Johnson’s personality he is a funny dude and I hope he catches the VHL addiction like I have, and his next player makes it to the VHL so I can beat him senseless for costing me recruitment TPE. 
    Honorable Mention Names
    Xavier Booberry
    James gove dropper
    Tavish DeGroot
    Max Torq
    Velociraptor Greg
  25. Like
    Aimee got a reaction from badcolethetitan in First Interview...Don't Blow it Kid   
    This morning I had the opportunity to sit down with one of the VHLM’s newest players. Having opted for the draft during the final week to join, Jesse Teno has started to gain a bit of a name for themselves already.
    Jesse, thanks for sitting down with me. I know you’re busy so I won’t take much of your time today. How are you enjoying Saskatoon so far?
    So far, it’s great! I’m getting to know the city a little at a time and it reminds me of home a bit. I come from a small city too so it’s familiar enough. I went to a few museums, tried some real poutine, even went shopping for some souvenirs to send home to my parents. Everyone here has been really nice and welcoming. A few people around the city have already recognized me which is definitely a new feeling. I’m not a big deal at all back home so that was a new experience.
    Great to hear. You mentioned beforehand that you’ve already gone to the arena and practice facility. How were they?
    The arena is amazing. I love the look and feel of it. I stepped out onto the ice and it felt so weird to be surrounded by so many seats. It feels massive compared to UVM. I even checked out the merch store just to see what there was so I also picked up my parents a few things there as well.
    Sorry to interrupt but any chance you found your name on a jersey?
    [laughs] No, not yet. I would imagine it will take a few weeks if not months before my name makes it to anything in the store.
    As you mentioned, you had quite the career at UVM. Your final year you went 25-7-2 with 2 shutouts. Do you think you’ll be able to recreate those kinds of numbers in the VHLM?
    Man, I hope so. I know it’s going to be hard and given how talented the veterans in this league are, I know I’m going to have my hands full. I know what my weak points were in college so I’m hoping to really utilize the facilities and the scrimmages to work on closing those up.
    What would you have to do this year to make it feel like a good first year?
    If we’re talking stats wise, I think I just want to have a winning year. If I can hold my own against this higher level of opponent and come out over .500, I’ll be happy. Anything above that will be the cherry on top. Now that’s not to say that that’s all I will give. I’m going to go out and play every game with the intention of winning. But I need to be realistic. Being the only goalie means little rest time between games so I’m going to have to push myself harder than I ever have before.
    Thank you for taking the time to talk with me. Just one last question before I leave you to your day; if you could be drafted by any VHL team, which one would you choose?
    Oh, without a doubt the New York Americans. I know they’ve been struggling for a while but they’re my team, you know? It’s always a dream to be drafted or play for the team you grew up cheering for. I know Vermont and New York are a few hours distance but I would consider them my hometown team.
    582 words, using for PT weeks June 27 – July 3
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