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Posts posted by kirbithan

  1. HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


    You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
    Week Of December 17th 2023 - December 24th 2023


    1. Well. Our playoffs didn’t end the way we hoped. What do you believe we could learn about this experience for next season?


    2. Will you be participating in the Pro Am?


    3. If you could change one thing about the Davos team branding, what would it be?


    4. What is your player’s plans for the holidays?


    5. Do you have any way-too-early predictions for next season?


    6. What is your current favorite video game?


    7. Do you prefer watching TV shows or movies?


    8. What is your favorite breakfast food?



  2. DAVOS, CH — The DBC is currently here in Davos at the arena of beloved team HC Davos Dynamo, after their playoff exit at the hands of the Helsinki Titans, who were one of their bitter rivals the entire season in the fight for the top of the EU. We were able to catch a few Davos players during locker room cleanout day, including goaltender Lachlan Summers, who has just concluded his fifth season with the team and firmly establishing himself as a grizzled veteran.


    “I don’t know what you want me to say, honestly. It sucks to go out in the first round like that, but we put up a hell of a fight against Helsinki and I couldn’t be prouder of what this team has accomplished,” said Summers with a firm nod. “I just wish we could’ve given Pete, Thunder, and Leandro a brighter send off.”


    He was also asked what his plans were for the near future, as his contract expires in two seasons.


    “I’m not too worried about that right now. More focused on staying healthy for next season and regulating my potassium consumption like I have for the past nine years.”


    What does the future hold for Lachlan Summers? We can only eagerly await the answer.


  3. Ice Hockey Sport GIF by NHL


    — Welcome to Lachlan Summers’ S91 recap with your host Kirby! This was another solid year for everyone’s favorite Australian netminder. However, he unfortunately took a step back in terms of stats from his multi-award-winning season just a year ago, but that didn’t mean his performance was something to overlook.


    At the end of the 91st season of the Victory Hockey League’s existence, Lachlan had helped lead HC Davos Dynamo secure their second Victory Cup in a row, after one of the longest droughts in VHL history! They managed to edge out the Riga Reign by a single point after a rough start to the season for the Dynamo, but they were able to right the ship and finish atop the competitive EU conference and the entire league once more.


    Lachlan concluded his fifth season (holy crap, already?!) and his fourth as Davos’ starter with 64 games played, sporting a 46-12-6 record. He finished with a .933 SV% and 2.24 GAA with 5 shutouts, and while these stats were not as insane as his previous season, this was still a competitive season for Lachlan that will have him battling for awards with the likes of Jesse Teno (his close friend and rival), Joel Castle (A fellow S86 standout who has blossomed into a stud and another rival), Henry Tucker Jr. (longtime goalie for Riga), and Art Vandelay (art vandelay). 


    Unfortunately, there was a roadblock during Davos’ first series in the form of the Helsinki Titans, who had been a thorn in their side the entire season. Although VSN predicted that Davos would take the series in 7, the Davids were ousted in 6 games, much to the team’s chagrin, as it was the final season of the likes of Pete Mitchell, Jake Thunder, and Leandro Goncalves


    Lachlan concluded the series with a 2-3-1 record, a .925 SV%, 3.08 GAA and no shutouts. It was a difficult series for the Aussie and he was well aware his performance was not up to par with the standards that have been set by the Davos team and staff. Now they must work hard to stay competitive and start to rebuild the team in the coming seasons. 


    This is also the first offseason where Lachlan is facing depreciation since he will now be going into his sixth season (that is so strange to think that he’s been around for this long) and I have been forced to spend hard-earned contract money on my first and certainly not last Jagr to save his HS attribute. It pains me that he’s already considered an aging player and will be approaching retirement in the next few seasons, but with how he’s stayed consistently solid throughout his tenure in the VHL and with Davos, I don’t expect that to change, even with a new core of players next season. I am fully confident that Lachlan will stay in top goalering form and help keep Davos near the top of the standings. 


    It’s still hard to believe I have to worry about banking more TPE for depreciation now, but all good things must come to an end eventually. But today is not that day! Thanks everyone for coming to this season’s recap and I’ll see y’all again soon!



    word count: 539


  4. HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


    You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
    Week Of December 10th 2023 - December 17th 2023


    1. Another regular season has concluded and onto the playoffs! How would you describe our regular season performance in one word?


    2. What was your player’s most impressive stat this season?


    3. Do you believe that defense wins championships?


    4. What are your thoughts on hybrid attributes?


    5. Continuing on from the last question, do you think hybrid should be applied to goaltenders as well?


    6. What is your favorite sport to watch besides hockey?


    7. Shuffle your playlist: what is the first song that comes up?


    8. Is a hot dog a sandwich?



  5. HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


    You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
    Week Of December 3rd 2023 - December 10th 2023


    1. We have been making waves lately in the EU! Do you think we secure the Victory Cup for the second season in a row?


    2. What attributes have you been focusing your TPE on this season?


    3. What do you think is the most important thing to consider in order to keep a sim league running and thriving?


    4. Do you enjoy meme player names?


    5. Do you prefer using the forum or Discord?


    6. How is your favorite NHL team doing right now, if you have one?


    7. What is your favorite video game currently?


    8. Does pineapple belong on pizza?



  6. Review: Absolutely loving this graphic! Super clean and simple, and all of its elements work together cohesively to create an awesome piece. Love the motion blur effect on the render, the logo swap is well done, and I appreciate the attention to detail in getting rid of all NHL branding. I also really enjoy the use of the text and Calgary logo to fill up that dead space! No parts of this graphic are overwhelming or take away from the render itself. Overall, amazing job! Keep up the great work. Can’t wait to see more. Rating: 9.5/10

  7. HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


    You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
    Week Of November 26th 2023 - December 3rd 2023


    1. Why do you think the EU has been more competitive than the NA in the past couple of seasons?


    2. We have finally reached the trade deadline! How do you feel about our team’s performance now that we are more than halfway through the season?


    3. In terms of playstyle and build, which NHL player is yours most similar to?


    4. If you were a VHL GM, what would be the most important attribute you’d look for when scouting a player?


    5. Are you a part of any other sim leagues besides the VHL?


    6. In your opinion, who is the worst team in the NHL this year?


    7. Is it too early to start listening to Christmas music?


    8. What is the proper way to pronounce the word GIF?



  8. HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


    You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
    Week Of November 19th 2023 - November 26th 2023


    1. Back to competing for first in the EU like we should be! Which of Europe’s top teams is our biggest threat as of now?


    2. How would you describe your player in one word?


    3. Opinions on this season’s Theme Week theme?


    4. Should there be more uncapped TPE opportunities in the VHL?


    5. What is the story behind your player’s name?


    6. Which NHL team do you think Patrick Kane will sign with?


    7. What is your most anticipated upcoming video game for next year?


    8. Do you have any plans for the upcoming holiday season?



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