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Everything posted by scoop

  1. Well I'm glad you can get amusement out of my pain. Okay wait I went back and listened to it yes it is amusing.
  2. https://anchor.fm/scoop192/episodes/My-worst-idea-ever-e15to5m
  3. https://anchor.fm/scoop192/episodes/The-Weekly-Scoop-ep--3-e15s95h One of the longest tenured VHL GM's is stepping down, an interesting trade happened, and the Houston Bulls are bad. Plus the three stars of the week.
  4. Ah, I see. I do like the convenience of having the recording right there, though. Audacity was my go to in the past, though. I looked it up and indeed he was. Maybe. Neither do, and I'll pronounce it better in the future. Kaberle's fantasy scoring has gone down as well, but not by as much it would seem. I thought Toronto looked good on paper last season, but they were not. This season as well. Man, New York has struggled. They haven't won a cup since S53, and now they are without a GM. Hmm...
  5. Hey guys, it's me, that Malmo rookie who sucks. I did have a good game once, though. Malmo is really good. The team doesn't suck. That's good. We have good games all the time, in fact. And even more so ever since we traded for Scotty Kaberle. Let's get back to my good game. It was Game 216 against the New York Americans. Fellow rookie JaredN Jr, whom I played with in Phildelphia last season as well, opened up the scoring in the first period. Then Gunnar Odinsson scored in the second period before I scored my first career goal on Odinsson's 36th assist of the season. But I wasn't done there. Early in the third, New York got on the board to bring it back to within two goals, but I responded by scoring my second goal of the game. Both teams would score one more time, ending the game at a 5-2 win for Malmo. In addition to my two goals, I had ten hits in the game. It was easily the best game of my career thus far, and I was unsurprisingly named the first star. I have scored once since then, though I haven't really taken off. I started pretty slow in the minors last season, before having a pretty big game, and was consistently better after that. I'm not really expecting that to be the case here as well, but I have at least been getting points more consistently than I was at the beginning of the season, when I was very consistently not getting points.
  6. https://anchor.fm/scoop192/episodes/The-Weekly-Scoop-ep--2-e15jno0 Trades happened. I talk about them. I am occasionally critical.
  7. After falling in the draft to 10th overall, Taylor Mourning felt he had something to prove to the VHL. Fully believing he was capable of being the best player in his draft class, Mourning thought for sure he would be selected in the top five; instead, he ended up on the Malmo Nighthawks, a team which had spoken with Mourning ahead of the draft but did not believe he would be available to them at their first selection. They made what was a very easy pick for them, but so far, Mourning has mostly disappointed in the VHL. It took Mourning 13 games to finally get his first point. Although he is up to three assists now in 18 games played, his presence on the ice has certainly been lacking. He is getting minutes out there, but he just doesn't do quite a good enough job getting to and controlling the puck. One telling statistic is how much better his linemates play on the power play versus 5v5. Essentially, the power plays seem like even strength, while even strength is more like a penalty kill, with Mourning making such little an impact that it's like he's not even there. That's quite a harsh thing to say, and it's certainly an exaggeration, but perhaps we are seeing why Mourning fell as far as he did. He definitely puts in the work, but still has a long way to go before he can help out the team. With the Nighthawks currently in first place and hoping to keep it that way, they are going to need him to start figuring things out sooner rather than later.
  8. https://anchor.fm/scoop192/episodes/The-Weekly-Scoop-ep--1-e158m6r I talk about the most popular award predictions for S79.
  9. G - Jean Pierre Camus @Blazzer
  10. I was thinking about doing power rankings, but that's too much effort. Instead of talking about every team, I'll just talk about the bad teams. Only six teams miss the playoffs, so you have to be pretty bad to not make it. That being said, here are the worst teams. European Conference First and foremost, Helsinki is the worst team in the league. They are obviously missing the playoffs, and they know it. And they don't care. They have five first round picks in the next two drafts, so they should have a future to look forward to. Aside from them, my other two guesses would be Moscow and London. Moscow doesn't seem like they have much of a chance at playoffs, but London I could see maybe being the 5th team if they exceed expectations and Tater Tot vastly outplays Ajay Krishna all season. The rest of Warsaw's team is probably too good to miss the playoffs, though, and every other team in the conference has a good goalie and at least good enough forwards and defensemen. North American Conference Vancouver is an easy one. After them, maybe New York and DC? Neither of those two have great forwards beyond one or two guys, and the Dragons have one of the weaker goaltenders in the conference. Los Angeles also has depth issues, and Toronto fell well short of my expectations of them last season. At the end of the day, I think I'll go with DC and LA to miss. I don't think Groovy Dude will be enough to carry the Dragons, and I'm biased towards New York. Ah, no, I think the Stars are better as a whole. They'll finish ahead of New York. And Toronto just looks better than both of them so even with their struggles last season, I expect them to be better.
  11. D - Scotty Kaberle @16z
  12. After reading this comment, it's hard to ignore it. But yeah, this is amazing.
  13. Wait so Malmo isn't going to win the Championship? 14 is neither 10 nor 15 and therefore Malmo is going to win the Championship
  14. https://anchor.fm/scoop192/episodes/scoops-draft-story-e14u0ed I fell further in the draft than many people thought I would. I might know why.
  15. D - General Zod @Blazzer
  16. F - Taro Tsujimoto @16z
  17. F - Luke Thornton @Blazzer
  18. F - Christian Mingle @16z
  19. Thanks. Sorry I was too lazy to read through it again, and I probably already knew that when I firmly decided I would be in the VHL this season.
  20. Do the changes to career lengths and/or start of the career clock apply only to S80 players and beyond, or do older players get any of that as well?
  21. VHLM stats are purely meaningless why would I do that? Unless you mean TPE earning stats, in which case I agree.
  22. With the VHLE not starting up until S80 and my absolute lack of desire to spend any more time in the VHLM, I will actually be up in the VHL with you guys this season!
  23. Nice work. Hopefully the junior team can match it.
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