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Kylrad last won the day on March 25 2019

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About Kylrad

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    Reinhard von Kongming
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  1. 1. What a week! What has been your first impression of the changes made by GM Cole this past week that has bumped us into 2nd in the division? Insane, GM Cole just can't be stopped and with him leading us to glory no team will be able to stop us #colediff 2. Not since the Hanson Brothers, has there been a family to make such an impact. Which McFleury has been the most influential in the Kings’ success? I'd debate that family impact part and I didn't know we had multiple McFleurys till a few minutes ago but i'd go with Oreo Mcfleury 3. If you were a McFleury, what would your first name be? Reinhard McFleury, why would my first name change just because my last name did and I was born a McFleury 4. If all roads lead to Vegas, what is your player going to do while on the road at Vegas? probably either galactic domination or strategize or listen to music, any are possible 5. Playoffs are right upon us. Are you hyped or is this just another day for you? It's just another day for me playoffs is nothing compared to the epic things Kongming has already accomplished in his life 6. You can’t be pretty in the face, skinny in the waist going to fast food restaurants. What is your favorite fast food meal? Fast food can be considered a lot of things making the answer hard, and I don't think I really have a favourite, other than flans
  3. Player Information Username: Kylrad Player Name: Reinhard von Kongming Recruited From: Returning Age: 18 Position: D Height: 71 in. Weight: 190 lbs. Birthplace: Isle of Man Player Page @VHLM GM
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  11. yea
  13. F - JIM BOB @Matt_O
  14. D Chicken Wing @tcookie
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