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der meister

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Everything posted by der meister

  1. Maybe instead of a Ukrainian sniper, my next player should be AOC. 

  2. D.C. Dragons’ defenseman Ryuji Sakamoto doesn’t look any older than when I first met him all those years ago. Save for a brief, ill-fated attempt at growing a moustache, Sakamoto’s face and appearance are still boyish, with his peroxide blond hair spiking toward the sky with all the urgency of Icarus. And yet, the youthful twinkle in his eye has faded, his boyish grin seems just a hair forced, his youthful, exuberant, obscenity-laced language a little less energetic. Ryuji Sakamoto, I dare say, is getting a little too old for this game. Now don’t get me wrong – Sakamoto should have a long and prosperous post-hockey future; that is, should he stay away from The Jump House in the Redmond Barrens outside of Seattle, Washington. He’s made enough money that he could comfortably retire and never work another day in his life. As a world traveler, I wonder if Sakamoto has found a true home. His career has been riddled with transactions, arrivals and departures, a certain level of upheaving chaos that few professional athletes experience during their careers. From Mexico City to Istanbul, Turkey, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada to Seattle, Washington. Vancouver. Helsinki, Finland. New York City. Warsaw, Poland. While the constant upheaval was undoubtedly a major stressor for the lanky youth, it also provided him an experience that most would only dream of. Paid to play a game. Paid to travel the world. I wonder how much of the boy who grew up poor in Tokyo there is left inside Sakamoto. I haven’t seen his high school friends, Ann and Ren, in several years. I am afraid to ask, but I hope they all still keep in touch. With time, and distance, it’s easy for relationships to fall by the wayside. Secretly, I hope Sakamoto reveals some personal piece of information about them, but he hasn’t mentioned them in some time. Instead, his focus has been on being the best player he can be as he wraps up his professional hockey career. With 93 points last season on the Dragons, Sakamoto shattered his previous career high of 58. He was the top scoring defenseman from the start of the season all the way until game 72, when he was passed by the high-flying Skor McFleury of HC Davos. The next closest defenseman was 7 points behind; McFleury and Sakamoto were the only two blueliners to eclipse the 90 point mark. All this while finishing fourth in blocked shots with 196, also a career high. It was nothing short of a remarkable, all-star season, a career-defining year for the Black Sheep of the VHL. My embedded agreement with Sakamoto expires at the end of this season. As is in my contract, in exchange for my near-constant work, my own life upheaval, I get a paid year off, all reasonable expenses covered. Then it’s on to the next one, until I finally call it for my own career. A part of me knows that when I leave Sakamoto behind, whether he settles in Tokyo or Toronto or Timbuktu, I’ll always be carrying a piece of him with me. For now, though, it’s once more unto the breach. What does the future hold for me, and for Ryuji Sakamoto?
  3. It's 'cuz I'm here and we have unfinished business in this league #ChooChoo
  4. 1 - We ran into a hot team and our offense dried up. It happens. 2 - Hopefully stronger. That's always the goal. 3 - Because we should have beaten them from the get go. 4 - I certainly hope it's the right decision! 5 - it's a gamble. I hope it pays off. 6 - Keep him away from the more lecherous locker room members.
  5. Does this still work? FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY.
  6. 1 - Ireland, because it's amazing. Either the northwest coast, or Waterford area. 2 - other than myself, no. 3 - Jesus H Christ because that kid was conceived immaculately. Q1 - what style of player is your favorite to build in this league? Q2 - what's your prediction for the two teams in the Stanley Cup finals this year? Q3 - what's for dinner tonight?
  7. Literally the difference maker. Good series, Art.
  8. Looking forward to proving VSN wrong. Sakamoto shines in the playoffs.
  9. Whenever I click Player Page, it shifts to the browser. Always been that way, so I never click Player Page
  10. I never noticed it there. Seems like a really stupid place to have it buried. Instead of having it in the app, it brings me to a web browser, and then I have to click the tab and scroll down. Why not just have purchase history in the store?
  11. I am a busy, grown-ass adult. I can't remember whether or not I bought a thing in any given season, or if it was the season before. Having a purchase history list would be convenient and save the store mods some time as well.
  12. 1 - exceeded expectations 2 - I would say yes, were it not for the word "everything" at the end. Sakamoto going pointless in the final 2 games really sucked, considering his final rankings 3 - It's not ideal, though I don't know the song 4 - I certainly hope so 5 - Again, I certainly hope so 6 - Such is life in professional sports
  13. Simon is playing a dangerous game...
  14. Invasion of the stupidest bots 

  15. The hell kind of sim is this?
  16. Waiting on agent stuff still. Shit is depressing. It's so hurry-up-and-wait. On the flip side, I have a short that's over 10k views, my first video that has come even close. Next highest is just under 2k. The short, if you're not subbed to my channel yet for some ridiculous reason: https://youtube.com/shorts/xwz_xa6ozqQ?feature=share
  17. 2 games with no assists? What the hell...
  18. Vote for me plz. I've been through a lot.
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