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Everything posted by Squinty

  1. Effort: 2/2 - Barely. You should put more work into your backgrounds, you can do a lot better. Look: 2.5/3 - The text. I hate the broken up, different sized last name. Also I think the lighting spot is in the wrong place. DO MOAR Creativity: 1/1 - Meh Total: 5.5/6 Overall: 6/6
  2. Effort: 2/2 - Welcome back Look: 2.5/3 - The white lighting streak things kinda throw this off for me. I think flow is affected here. Would've been much better if the streaks didn't curve, since the flow kind of goes outwards, and with the white things, it appears to go just up. Hope that makes sense. Creativity: 1/1 - Never watched the show, although i've been meaning to Total: 5.5/6 Overall: 6/6
  3. Effort: 2/2 - Stuff you're pumping out lately...really sweet Look: 2.75/3 - I'm not sure concentrating all the colour in that one spot and leaving everything else black and grey works as well as it could have, but some spots of colour here and there wouldn't hurt. Text is cool. Creativity: 1/1 - Yup Total: 5.75/6 Overall: 6/6
  4. Effort: 2/2 - Absolutely yes Look: 2.75/3 - I'm with coach on the text. Not sure it fits as well as something more narrow might have. Really sweet blending though. Creativity: 1/1 - fo sho Total: 5.75/6 Overall: 6/6
  5. Effort: 2/2 - I think because you use illustrator for these, you deserve full marks. However, I HIGHLY suggest you start using photoshop (or another sort of image editor), it's a lot easier, the end result is usually better, and it's more fun too. Well maybe not the last part, idk. Look: 1.25/3 - The render effects are pretty meh, text placement is wack. I actually don't mind the bg on the right side, left is interesting. Creativity: 1/1 - Yup Total: 4.25/6 Overall: 4/6
  6. Effort: 2/2 - Welcome back bud Look: 2.5/3 - I think the main thing here is that it looks unfinished. Render effects lack a 'pop', could use a few adjustment layers, namely exposure I think, to bring this together. Creativity: 1/1 - Sure Total: 5.5/6 Overall: 6/6
  7. Effort: 2/2 - Seems that way Look: 2.5/3 - I really don't dig the text effects too much, rest is cool beans. Solid blending and lighting! Creativity: 1/1 - Chye Total: 5.5/6 Overall: 6/6
  8. Effort: 2/2 - What's cooking good looking? Look: 2.75/3 - The one thing that throws this off for me is the seemingly random spots of white (soft brush looking stuff) on the right and the spots of black (same thing) on the left. Rest is cool, digging the contrasting text. Creativity: 1/1 - WHERE'S MY SIG? Total: 5.75/6
  9. Effort: 2/2 - Your best. Easily. Look: 3/3 - Again, your best. The rate at which you're improving...holy. Anyways, I personally don't have any complaints. Creativity: 1/1 - Yeah girl Total: 6/6 Overall: 6/6
  10. Effort: 2/2 - Pree clear tho Look: 2.5/3 - I ALMOST GAVE YOU A 2.25 HERE BUT I DIDN'T. Way too busy imo, hard to place where everything is. Text contradicts flow, lighting isn't great. You can do better. Creativity: 1/1 - Nah dog nah Total: 5.5/6 Overall: 6/6
  11. How do you know that E9 won't be Revenge of the Sith and that E10 won't be pants shitting? HOW DO YOU KNOW HUH?
  12. Browser based? Club Penguin!
  13. Well all these hypothetical trade proposals will still never happen because Gillis
  14. Yeah, if he signs somewhere, i'd hope for it to be in OKC. Fack Perkins
  15. I think you forget the fact that Gaborik is not what he used to be. Injuries have killed his skill it seems. Those 40/30 goal seasons seem to be a thing of the past now. On top of that, through his entire career, he's played only one full 82 game season two years ago. Trading Bieksa AND a prospect or pick would even be too much, since it's almost guaranteed that he WILL get injured. Plus, it doesn't matter how a player does if the coach hates him and vice versa. Every play of his will be scrutinized and he'll turn into the next David Booth.
  16. I've heard a few murmurings of that too, but I do think he'll end up in Miami if he even does sign somewhere
  17. Clippers signed Turkoglu, thoughts? I suppose that takes them out of the running for Bynum
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mllXxyHTzfg
  19. http://o.canada.com/sports/nhl-referee-paul-devorski-calls-vancouver-canucks-coach-john-tortorella-a-naughty-name/ good lolz
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwsYvBYZcx4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gS9o1FAszdk
  21. I thought we got rid of that
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