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Posts posted by Squinty

  1. Story time. I think there was a thread like this before, but I might as well go in to full detail on the history of all my usernames.


    I think the very first username I had here when I joined was jordan888. That was the login (and user I guess) name I used for basically all forums, and because on the old invisionfree site, your username had to be the same as your login name, that's what it was. Jordan just so happened to be my name, and 8 was my favourite number. But most of the time, jordan8 was taken so I had to add an 8 or two. And then it just stuck. And I fucking hate that name.


    Then one day, a few months after I started getting harsh active, I was posting a PT when I realized it was late since the PT week already ended on Saturday (or so I thought). I did what any member would do, and sent Slobo (a commish at the time) a message asking if it was ok for me to post it late (Saturday lol). This is how it went down.


    You still have the rest of today. I can't believe that a person who has been in the league as long as you have, still doesn't know what a PT week is.

    It's Monday 12:00am - Sunday 11:59pm.


    What. A. Guy.


    Anyways, moving on sort of, I started realizing how dumb my name with the 8's was. So dumb in fact, that I wanted a name change but was too scared to ask for one. So I made a thread demanding people called me Jordan. It's pretty brutal, the way I talked. See for yourself. Then, slobo came in to the thread and suffice to say, this is where I got my next username from. Monday-Sunday PT Week. Boom, insta-legend. Then in that thread, fong got his name changed to Almond Gai's Dink, which in itself was legendary. Also The Q got his name changed to Abacii in honour of the legendary and now non-existent Abacus Thread. Great times.



    Of course, it was a great name for a while, but it was a bitch and a half to log in with, and so I asked for a name change. I was on another forum, and one of the members there's name was Phamous. In fact, i'm pretty sure I got him to join VHL too under the same name. I really liked his name, but didn't want to take it, so I kind of ripped off of him and had my name changed to inPhamous. I still regret it to this day.


    Because it was such a shitty name, I'm pretty sure I was getting ripped on for it. Struggling to find a new name, I enlisted the help of the VHL community. I can't remember what the options were, but eventually, I found it. It was the one. And with that, Squinty was born.


    The End.






  2. On a gaming platform, I usually call myself redphoenix since it was my GFX forum name at the time (That is why you see RP on my sigs). Most of the time, it's already taken and I don't like to put numbers in my username. On smaller forum, I'll just put RP. Otherwise, when I was hella young (Like when I first register on a website who required an username, I didn't want to use anything related to my name so I came up with the most unreal name ever : boubabi. When I created my account here, I didn't really plan to stick around so I just threw boubabi as my username. If I knew that I would stick around, I would have probably used Red Phoenix but since boubabi was renamed to boobs, I kept it. 


    The biggest advantage to my username its that its mostly not taken already on any website so I can keep record of my username everywhere.



    Does boubabi mean anything?

  3. If it's such a big deal to have NHL logos in the banner as opposed to VHL logos, then just have boobi do a JC to a couple VHL teams, doesn't even have to be vasty, especially since he used a Calgary render which is a red jersey anyway. If he doesn't win because of the logos alone, then that'd just be ridiculous as his is graphically the best by a country mile (no offence to Moholt - yours is good too).

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