I agree with a lot of the things in here, particularly the podcast bit. It takes about as much time to just LISTEN to a podcast as it does to WRITE a MS. I would love to support by fellow podcasters like @der meister and @Beketov and @JardyB10 and whoever else is doing a consistent show but even if those three are just doing 20 minute episodes (and generally they are longer) that's a solid hour just to grade 3 of them. That is a lot of time.. especially when I have 4 podcasts to record every week. POdcast reviewing by far takes up the most amount of time and I think it should be weighted much more heavily.
I also agree with the graphic reviewing. All that takes is a couple of looks and then you write your review... and what's the stipulations of the review? I've seen some 2 sentences reviews? Is that REALLY fair when, if you look at my podcasting reviews.. which has probably some close to 400 words... and on top of that spending half an hour listening to the podcast itself, we definitely need to adjust the weighting.
Honestly, some days I do not feel like recording.. I only have fridays and staurdays where I can. I would love to instead, be able to just review podcasts, claim welfare, and be able to reach the cap. That would be terrific.
I also believe that the reviewing process should sort of be monitored. I know @DollarAndADream will be looking through everyone's Log's but we should also be looking at the content, the effort, and the substance of the actual reviews, which just brings me back to my point about the effort being put into them. Two quick glances and smash out two sentence vs 30 minutes of listening followed by 200+ words.
Even this review, ffs, is about 350 words.. I think reviewing should definitely have more substance that just a "hey nice article. That was interesting."
Anyway, that's my take on it