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Claimed:Instant Impact for Supercup rookie.

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                                            Komarov late edition helps Vestiquan


He may not have put up big numbers in his first 4 games managing only a hit, shot blocked, an a plus one rating in four games. He played minimal minutes but that didn't stop the rookie from being very vocal behind the bench. He was constantly seen providing support for teammates an cheering them on trying to provide anything he could for the team to win. It seemed to have worked as the Vestiquan team managed to pull off four wins. The kid despite being only a rookie was noted as being very vocal in the locker-room between periods. Most would think he was too cocky for being very vocal and trying to help lead a locker room that has many more respected or well known players, but teammates seemed to have found it as a good thing an were quoted saying he was more motivational than someone going in an insulting anyone. A few teammates even quoted the kid as showing leadership skills beyond his years. That is a quality that any team loves to have in players especially young players that have yet to be drafted.




"I didn't go in there an insult them my goal is to motivate the team i may not play the most or being the most known or respected there, but that wont stop me from trying to help in every way i can". Komarov was quoted after being on the ice for game fours game winning goal.. It shows despite being a raw prospect and playing minimal ice time his impact on an off the ice has been a big one. He shows determination it will take to become one of the best defenders in the VHL.One day we fully suspect he will become a player most teams fear playing against, but also a guy every team wants on their side. We expect to see him continue to help Vestiquan rack up wins in their quest to capture the Super cup title. It will certainly be interesting to see how his play progresses throughout the tournament. Will he gain more ice time can he continue to provide energy an leadership without annoying his team an turning players on his, or will they keep respect for a player whose working hard every second hes on the ice.




In a few days after the tournament Komarov will head to Oslo to join his new teammates for training camp after he was drafted in the third round. For now however Komarov stated his only goal right now is to help his team in any way to capture a title, and improve his play each and every game to become a top player. "I'm excited to join my VHLM team don't get me wrong but when your playing in such an important tournament you have to focus on that, once i get to Oslo my focus will be solely on helping that team become a powerhouse an try to capture that title". This rookie is certainly a fiery competitive soul that has shown early on to be a driven player. It will be interesting to see what kind of role he plays in Oslo next season.


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Content: 3/3 - I'm sure you have a bright career ahead of you, keep it up!

Grammar: 1.75/2 - You used an in place of and a couple of times. Also, use punctuation to break up some of the sentences. Read through them, and if you pause while reading it, it probably needs a comma.

The kid despite being only a rookie -> The kid, despite ... rookie, 

 or being the most known -> be

He shows determination it will -> shows the

hes on -> he's

when your playing -> you're

Appearance: 1/1 - Works for me!

Overall: 5.75/6

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  • Senior Admin

Content: 3/3

Good read! As I said in your RP, Komarov is going to be a lethal threat sooner rather than later!

Grammar: 1.75/2

Acre holy got them all.

Appearance: 1/1

Overall: 5.75/6

FINAL: 6/6

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