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Really excellent work here @enigmatic. I can't say I am every disappointed seeing one of your graphics. This is certainly no exception. May not have won by popular vote but it was a top notch submission! Great choice of text, conveyed movement through the graphic and contrast against the dark background. 9/10!

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Review: First off I really like this graphic but a few things that I would consider if you make another banner would be player or image stack. By stacking the images of the two players etc... you have left the boarder areas somewhat lacking. Lower image isn't the same quality as the upper image due to covering the city in the background; which was a very nice touch, so I would move the player to the bottom of the banner and place hard edge/ divider between the two images. Add text to the top of the banner most likely either Champions or the Season. I really think the player stack throw a lot of members off this banner. It was a fantastic banner so it hard to say anything too negitive. 9/10

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I knew this was yours right away because of the text haha. This was the most creative one in my opinion. I love the shape behind the renders and the colour of them... and that 3D blur effect is so nice. Some galaxy brain stuff here that I would never have the creativity to think of myself. The b/w background with the text is so clean, and the jersey edit is flawless. The only thing I didn’t like about it is the placement of the Miami render, I would have moved it towards the bottom of the graphic. 9.9/10.

Edited by McKelvie
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