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VHLM Logo Face Off


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VHLM Logo Face Off!


I Friendly Hermit officially announce that I have declared for the VHLM draft. However, I know nothing about any of the teams. It is for this reason that I am hosting a tournament between the teams. The winner of each round will be who would win in a fight if the logos were real. You are invited to close your eyes, scroll and leave a comment on who you think will win before continuing. The tournament bracket was decided by random.



The stage is set for are first match up. The Ottawa Lynx versus the Saskatoon Wild!















The most important part of this matchup is assessing the animal combatants. For Ottawa this is easy a Canadian Lynx standing at an impressive 48 – 56 cm and weighing in at 8 – 11 kg. While for the Saskatoon Wild this is less clear cut after researching Saskatchewan wildlife, I have come to the conclusion the Wild’s logo is depicting a wolf. A Grey Wolf can grow up to 120–200 cm with a biting force of 1200N. You may be surprised to know that a Lynx versus a Wolf is an actually debated topic for while the wolf is the far larger creature for each kg the Lynx is more than twice as powerful as the Wolf. However the size and power of the wolf is to much to overcome. While it is close, I will award the Saskatoon Wild with a win in the first round.


Mexico City Kings versus the Miami Marauders!















After a close match up between two animal combatants we now move to the  face off between  two undead humans. The Mexico City Kings bring an undead European Knight from the early Middle Ages equipped with staunch plate armour weighing around 27 kg and a typical two-handed broadsword. Facing off against an undead Pirate equipped with blunderbuss, pistol and cutlass, While the Knight will fight valiantly the wondrous way Humans have invented to murder each other throughout history is quite remarkable as the fire power of the Pirate's guns is a threat that the Knight cannot overcome.


Minnesota Storm versus the Houston Bulls!














After the animal kingdom waged war and time periods crossed to see knight versus pirate, we now see the ultimate crossover. A strong Minnesota Man versus a Bull! Representing Minnesota Hafthor Bjornsson the one-time strongest man weighs 205 kg versus the average adult bull weighting at a low end of 500 kg. While I am sure the Minnesota man is very strong, he is simply no match for Houston’s Bull.


San Diego Marlins versus the Halifax 21st!














While Marlins are among the fastest marine swimmers reaching 110km/h and grow to a massive 5 m and 818 kg. However, a commercial boat can way 1587.573 kg; and the Marlin is facing it’s natural enemy of fishing. A rather sad way to end the first round considering the rampant overfishing of our seas but Halifax 21st win round one in a landslide.


We have reached the quarter final! so many great match up's ahead. it's not to late to guess the winner below!




Los Vegas Aces versus the Saskatoon Wild!















Unfortunately, this is a bad match up for the Los Vegas Aces. If they had matched up against the Minnesota Storm that would have been a far superior match up for them as studies show gambling has been linked to poor health outcomes. However, Saskatoon’s wolf does not understand the concept of gambling and thus all of Los Vegas’s tricks are useless against the Wolf. Saskatoon advance to the semi-finals with relative ease.


Philadelphia Reapers versus the Miami Marauders!














Now this is an interesting matchup the undead pirate faces off against the living embodiment of death. As shown in Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack Sparrow: The Sword of Cortés the fourth in the series of young reader books written by Rob Kidd dealing with the early life of Jack Sparrow. It was released on October 1, 2006. One of Jack Sparrow's first crewmen Tumen was resurrected by the spirit of Montecuhzoma after he died from the mysterious illness caused by the presence of the spirit of Hernán Cortés. Thus, proving from a first hand source that a pirate can defy death. It is for this reason the Miami Marauders use a little bit of pirate charm to claim their place in the semi-final.


Yukon Rush versus the Houston Bulls!















While in the first round the Houston Bulls proved that the strongest man was no match for them, how does the Yukon Rush representing the Klondike Gold Rush that featured an estimated 100,000 prospectors. While a Bull is a strong animal, they stand little chance against 100,000 humans armed with mining equipment; given that many of the miners were diseased and malnourished the Bull puts up a valiant fight maybe defeating 100 humans unfortunately this only representing 0.001% of the Rush fighting force.


Mississauga Hounds versus the Halifax 21st!















Halifax proving to be a real nuisance in this tournament making quick work of the San Diego Marlins and without further ado face off against Mississauga Hounds. While a Hound can be used by hunters to track or chase prey, the bite force of average dogs ranges somewhere around 230-250 psi it would require 40,000 PSI to crack the steel of Halifax 21st boat. Halifax 21st sail to the semi-final crushing their first two opponents in their wake.


The semi final! Things are really heating up, with only four combatants left it is anyone's game.




Miami Marauders versus the Saskatoon Wild!














We have reached the semi final of the tournament as the Miami Marauder’s Pirate faces off against Saskatoon Wild’s Wolf. Over human history they have shown an aptitude do killing wolves; wolves have been actively hunted since 8,000 to 10,000 years ago, when they first began to pose a threat to livestock vital for the survival of Neolithic human communities. Thus, armed with weaponry the Pirate makes swift work of the Wolf. The Miami Marauders have made it to the final.


Yukon Rush versus the Halifax 21st!














Two powerhouses of the competition meet in the semi-final; many would claim this is the real final. The Yukon Rush 100,000 strong legion versus the Halifax 21st. The largest capacity for a cruise ship is around 6,318 people; this is dwarfed by Yukon’s 100,000 strong. However, it is now that Yukon is deducted point as technically the logo does not feature the gold rush in and way. While It may be through a technicality many boats docked at the Halifax 21 pier served in the military during WWII; armed to the teeth the cruiser destroys the 100,000 Yukon prospectors advancing to the final.


This is it. The final match up! Who will claim ultimate glory.



Miami Marauders versus the Halifax 21st!














It’s been a long journey to this championship moment, but I couldn’t think of more worthy competitors. The Marauders have defeated Knights, Wolves and Death itself to be here; pitted against the Halifax 21st who has swiftly delt with every challenge along the way. While heavily favourited throughout the competition, the Halifax 21st has come across a ship’s natural enemy a pirate. Through it is a gruelling battle that could have gone either way after being boarded the undead Pirate commandeered the ship claiming ultimate glory in the tournament in doing so.





The Miami Maraduders at the VHLM Logo Face Off Champions!



Thank you for reading my first VHL article, I hope you all enjoyed it.

1130 words.


Claiming weeks:  09/12/2021 and 09/19/2021




Edited by FriendlyHermit
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Review: This is a cool idea I have not yet seen anyone do this yet since I have been a part of the community. Sad to see my Hounds get wiped out by a boat. Reading some of the paragraphs you seem like you know a lot of facts lol. Did not even know a dog's bite force was 230-250 PSI. I also really like the layout of this article and all the logos you added with it so my eyes would not be bored just reading words. Keep up the good work and welcome to the VHL family! :) 10/10

Edited by ajwllmsn
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This was amazing, you made the logo ranking idea way more entertaining than I ever could have expected, and managed to do so while giving more objective parameters. I’m on mobile right now but the formatting is top notch!


My only critique is that you cheated and Miami was actually supposed to face Halifax in the semi-final according to your bracket. Not that I’m unhappy about a pirate v. boat final.


I didn’t mean to grade this but I guess I pretty much did so I’ll take the TPE. 9/10


Would love to see you do the same thing for the VHL teams one day!

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Review:  Love it.  Clever pairings and subsequent write-up.  Seeing all the graphics of the logos makes it inherently more interesting to read.  The inclusion of the bracket graphics really helped with the visualization of the competition and again broke up the prose.  Really enjoyed.  9.5/10

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6 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

This was amazing, you made the logo ranking idea way more entertaining than I ever could have expected, and managed to do so while giving more objective parameters. I’m on mobile right now but the formatting is top notch!


My only critique is that you cheated and Miami was actually supposed to face Halifax in the semi-final according to your bracket. Not that I’m unhappy about a pirate v. boat final.


I didn’t mean to grade this but I guess I pretty much did so I’ll take the TPE. 9/10


Would love to see you do the same thing for the VHL teams one day!


Dang, I can see what happened the second bracket I made is correct for the first matches but doesn't actually follow the path of the first bracket. Based off the first bracket their was no cheating if that helps.

Edited by FriendlyHermit
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