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Vasteras Iron Eagles Press Conference


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On 8/28/2023 at 9:50 PM, Zetterberg said:





Vasteras Iron Eagles Press Conference - Week Ending September 3rd

Answer 3 for 1 TPE or Answer 6 for 2 TPE


1. Has Vateras met your expectations so far?

2. Has your player met your expectations so far?

3. Who do you think will be our biggest rival this season?

4. Who do you think has been the teams MVP so far?

5. What’s your favorite fast food chain?

6. What VHL team do you think has the coolest logo?

1. Vateras seems like a good place to be for those players that stay in the E.

2. Axle is more or less doing good.

3. It's hard to have a rival when you lead the league with a large gap.

4. I haven't really looked at who is doing what but there are several players that could be an MVP.

5. In N Out

6. I actually like the Iron Eagle logo the best.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/17/2023 at 2:45 AM, jRuutu said:

1. Our friendly rival Stockholm is currently 22 points behind Vasteras in the standings, how does that make you feel?
2. There have not been any trades around VHLE, and the trade deadline is closing in, is the lack of trades and moves a surprise?
3. Is the lack of organized press conferences in Vasteras, as of late, a sign of overconfidence or arrogance?
4. In general, how important it is that Vasteras and VHLE are spoken about by the media?
5. The arena in Vasteras currently holds space for 18,000 spectators, but only 7200 season tickets have been sold, what kind of promotional efforts would you use to get the arena full every game?
6. When looking at the standings right now, are there any surprises?

1. we too fucking good

2. probably not. a lot of people want to stick with what they got more than likely

3. its a sign we lazy af haha

4. its super important, we want all the craze we can get. especially me.

5. romanov takes off his shirt and- i mean what?

6. i havent been paying attention but im back now bbg

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  • 4 weeks later...

Vasteras Iron Eagles Presser

Week Ending November 5th

Answer 3 for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE.


1. Some new faces have been brought on to the team for the upcoming season, what's your expectations for them?

2. What are your expectations this season for your player and also the team?

3. Where would be a good location for Vasteras to play a winter classic game? Against who?

4. What were you busy doing over the offseason?

5. The team is looking to add something to the game room, what should they add?

6. Rebrand one team, Play for one team the rest of your career, and get rid of one team (aiming to be similar to the question kiss, marry, kill)


ty @N0HBDY for the inspiration 

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12 minutes ago, Zetterberg said:

Rebrand one team, Play for one team the rest of your career, and get rid of one team (aiming to be similar to the question kiss, marry, kill)

Rebrand London, Play for Prague (assuming this is based on branding), Kill Vasteras

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12 hours ago, Zetterberg said:


Vasteras Iron Eagles Presser

1. Some new faces have been brought on to the team for the upcoming season, what's your expectations for them?

2. What are your expectations this season for your player and also the team?

3. Where would be a good location for Vasteras to play a winter classic game? Against who?

4. What were you busy doing over the offseason?

5. The team is looking to add something to the game room, what should they add?

6. Rebrand one team, Play for one team the rest of your career, and get rid of one team (aiming to be similar to the question kiss, marry, kill)


ty @N0HBDY for the inspiration 

1. I am one of the new faces but I think we got one hell of a roster here and were 3 lines deep all the way through! I think they assembled a great team here and im looking forward to the season


2. I wanna go all the way and i think we have the roster to do it! I just need to stop taking penalties and we’ll be fine


3. I’d say a winter classic between Stockholm and Vasteras held in Balsta. Its pretty much smack dab in the middle of the 2


4. Working and I went on vacation to California for a music festival


5. I’m partial to a pool table. I grew up playing pool with my dad and I miss having a table


6. Rebrand Oslo just because of the rebuild and theyre doing it already anyways, Play for Vasteras, for obviously not biased reasons, and get rid of Cologne because they kicked my ass everytime I played them last season

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On 11/2/2023 at 3:54 PM, Zetterberg said:


Vasteras Iron Eagles Presser

Week Ending November 5th

Answer 3 for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE.


1. Some new faces have been brought on to the team for the upcoming season, what's your expectations for them?

2. What are your expectations this season for your player and also the team?

3. Where would be a good location for Vasteras to play a winter classic game? Against who?

4. What were you busy doing over the offseason?

5. The team is looking to add something to the game room, what should they add?

6. Rebrand one team, Play for one team the rest of your career, and get rid of one team (aiming to be similar to the question kiss, marry, kill)


ty @N0HBDY for the inspiration 

1. Well I hope that Janser will lower the boom without damaging the team by taking too many penalties.

2. Vasteras needs to compete this season, with a roster as stacked as ours.

3. In Munich against Davos. So the Swedes get to get cheap beer.

4. Boosting the physical aspect of CGY's game as well as adding some offensive traits.

5. A trivia channel would be cool.

6. Rebrand Toronto, play for Calgary and abandon Riga.

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On 11/2/2023 at 9:54 AM, Zetterberg said:


Vasteras Iron Eagles Presser

Week Ending November 5th

Answer 3 for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE.


1. Some new faces have been brought on to the team for the upcoming season, what's your expectations for them?

2. What are your expectations this season for your player and also the team?

3. Where would be a good location for Vasteras to play a winter classic game? Against who?

4. What were you busy doing over the offseason?

5. The team is looking to add something to the game room, what should they add?

6. Rebrand one team, Play for one team the rest of your career, and get rid of one team (aiming to be similar to the question kiss, marry, kill)


ty @N0HBDY for the inspiration 

1. We betting fuckin win!

2. Be a stud on a star studded team that wins the cup and lives happily ever after.

3. Somewhere on a mountain vs Stockholm because I think they have the 2nd most championships?

4. Preparing for this season.

5. Get a sweet ole pong table going.

6. Rebrand Prague their logo is just weird af, I'd play for prime London back when Cole Pearce was on the team, just get rid of Malmo because their logo also kinda cringe.

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Totally Normal Vasteras PC

Week Ending November 19th

Answer 3 for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE.

1. Being about a quarter of the way through the season now, what teams are surprising you with their position in the standings?

2. The Eagles have an off day on their travels and the team has offered to pay for a day trip anywhere, where should the team go?

3. Rank the 3 main position groups in hockey in order of importance (forward, defense, goalie)

4. Are you the type to spend the money to enjoy the atmosphere of the lower bowl or spend less and enjoy the view at a hockey game?

5. Eagles management is looking for ways to volunteer in the Vasteras community for the upcoming holiday season, what are some things the team could do?

6. When commuting between cities for games, who are you sitting next to on the bus/plane/train?

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On 11/15/2023 at 7:35 AM, eagle_3450 said:

Totally Normal Vasteras PC

Week Ending November 19th

Answer 3 for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE.

1. Being about a quarter of the way through the season now, what teams are surprising you with their position in the standings?

2. The Eagles have an off day on their travels and the team has offered to pay for a day trip anywhere, where should the team go?

3. Rank the 3 main position groups in hockey in order of importance (forward, defense, goalie)

4. Are you the type to spend the money to enjoy the atmosphere of the lower bowl or spend less and enjoy the view at a hockey game?

5. Eagles management is looking for ways to volunteer in the Vasteras community for the upcoming holiday season, what are some things the team could do?

6. When commuting between cities for games, who are you sitting next to on the bus/plane/train?

1) Stockholm being 20 points behind is a little surprising not gonna lie

2) Should go home and practice, taking 2 L's in one day is a little jarring for a roster as deep as this one

3) Defense, Goalie, Offense. A good defense is CRITICAL! offense comes with time regardless and the caliber of your goalie doesn't matter if he's seeing 50 shots a night he's bound to let a few in. You can put a good defense in front of a mediocre goalie and still get by. You can put a good defense behind a mediocre offense and everything will still be fine. You cant put a bad defense in front of a good goalie and expect everything to be ok.

4) The experience is what its all about. I'd rather have a good view to see everything I can. If I wanted a closer view I'd watch the game on tv but if its a concert I'm buying tix as close to the front as possible I don't care if it costs a fortune. Its all about the memories

5) Back when I was in high school we did this thing called Santa's anonymous, Collect donations and fill baskets with toys and food and toiletries for the less fortunate and it was an awesome feeling to be a part of it.

6) Its a common theme that all goalies are weird, but I am too so probably the netminders 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Totally Normal Vasteras PC

Week Ending December 3rd

Answer 3 for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE.

1. Who's your favourite hockey player of all time and why?

2. The Eagles have a dilemma, they need to figure out what to do for snacks at the rink for the players! Any suggestions?

3. What's your favourite VHL/M/E team logo?

4. Do you think the $6M contract cap in the VHL should be raised?

5. Eagles management is looking for ways to make money for the upcoming season, any suggestiosn for fundraising?

6. Why is Vasteras such a good place to be a hockey player?

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1 hour ago, eagle_3450 said:

Totally Normal Vasteras PC

Week Ending December 3rd

Answer 3 for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE.

1. Who's your favourite hockey player of all time and why?

2. The Eagles have a dilemma, they need to figure out what to do for snacks at the rink for the players! Any suggestions?

3. What's your favourite VHL/M/E team logo?

4. Do you think the $6M contract cap in the VHL should be raised?

5. Eagles management is looking for ways to make money for the upcoming season, any suggestiosn for fundraising?

6. Why is Vasteras such a good place to be a hockey player?

1. for me, I have to say Patrick Roy and the main reason being is that he was a great goalie. He was the player that inspired me to play goalie back in high school

2. I would go for nature valley granola bars since they are a light snack. you dont want to feel too full on the ice. 

3.I'm biased so the philly reapers logo

4.not really since the player store items aren't really that expensive. 

5. meet and greet with all the players!

6.good teammates and good management team who can help with developing a player.

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21 hours ago, eagle_3450 said:

Totally Normal Vasteras PC

Week Ending December 3rd

Answer 3 for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE.

1. Who's your favourite hockey player of all time and why?

2. The Eagles have a dilemma, they need to figure out what to do for snacks at the rink for the players! Any suggestions?

3. What's your favourite VHL/M/E team logo?

4. Do you think the $6M contract cap in the VHL should be raised?

5. Eagles management is looking for ways to make money for the upcoming season, any suggestiosn for fundraising?

6. Why is Vasteras such a good place to be a hockey player?

1. Mario Lemieux. The line with him, Francis and Jagr dominated the league for years.

2. I would opt for what we call 'Studentenfutter', I think in English it is trail mix. 

3. Many good ones around, but due to bias I'd say Calgary.

4. Not unless the salary cap is raised along side it.

5. I would suggest to sell the name rights for the stadium.

6. Because free (or rather pre-paid) health care and general high quality of life in Sweden.

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  • 1 month later...
On 11/28/2023 at 11:38 AM, eagle_3450 said:

Totally Normal Vasteras PC

Week Ending December 3rd

Answer 3 for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE.

1. Who's your favourite hockey player of all time and why?

2. The Eagles have a dilemma, they need to figure out what to do for snacks at the rink for the players! Any suggestions?

3. What's your favourite VHL/M/E team logo?

4. Do you think the $6M contract cap in the VHL should be raised?

5. Eagles management is looking for ways to make money for the upcoming season, any suggestiosn for fundraising?

6. Why is Vasteras such a good place to be a hockey player?

1. Ryan Kessler cause of his run with Vancouver. Tragic he never won a cup


2. Orange slices made by the teams moms would go hard.


3. Vasteras Iron Eagles, im totally not biased.


4. Idk what that means but sure


5. Personally I’d rather just see them fire the GM then fundraise he’s a joke


6. Im just here for the free healthcare 

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  • 5 months later...



1. Have you performed up to your standards so far this season?

2. Is the team performing as well as you thought we would?

3. The team recently saw a change in management, what do you have to say to our new GM?

4. What team do you see winning it all in the VHL this season?

5. What type of player do you wish to become in the future? (ex. Sniper, Two-Way, Offensive Defenseman)

6. Does Florida continue their dominance or can Edmonton crawl back in the series?

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On 6/13/2024 at 8:13 PM, Viper said:



1. Have you performed up to your standards so far this season?

2. Is the team performing as well as you thought we would?

3. The team recently saw a change in management, what do you have to say to our new GM?

4. What team do you see winning it all in the VHL this season?

5. What type of player do you wish to become in the future? (ex. Sniper, Two-Way, Offensive Defenseman)

6. Does Florida continue their dominance or can Edmonton crawl back in the series?

1. I think I have surpassed my expectations and I’m completely shocked for how well I did at the start of the season 

2. I honestly thought we wouldn’t do that well because we had so little players but since we started getting new players we have Been winning.

3. Good luck and hopefully we can get you a ring in the first go around 

4. I would want it to be us but I think the express have a really strong team and will be hard to beat 

5. I’m hoping a two way player because something I have lacked is defense but I have been working on it so hopefully I will mold into a two way. 

6. I think Edmonton might win two but Florida will end up taking it once they get back into there winning mentality 

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