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i do titles the same way i do intros and outros


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Nice podcast fishy.


I don't think sounding too corporate on something like the topics covered in the CoC is too bad.  It's hard to put in personality when you also want to tell everyone that this is something that is serious and important.  We are all here for happy fun times but sometimes the point just needs to get across.


In regards to people not knowing about baiting or other rules.  The things being in multiple threads is certainly not ideal, so good that it has been centralized.  I think it's also possible that people just forget things.  Not to get too corporate but I wonder if it would be a good idea to like once a year or something put out a reminder of some sort to have people review the CoC.

Edited by Garsh
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Thanks for (not specifically but I hear ya) calling me out on the "don't be a dick" explanation as an all-encompassing direction. It made me think real hard about that idea, and you're completely right that it doesn't fit. I think, like you and I love this quote, "never was into harassing, that wasn't something I had to unlearn." Listening to everyone this week, reading all the discussion on the forum, made me realize that harassment is such a grey area that people need and want genuine, clear, specific education on it. "Don't be a dick" works for malicious behaviour - maybe just, like, don't use that slur? - but harassment is so subjective and situational that, like more than a few people mentioned in the comments thread, it's hard to know exactly what's offside. So you're right, that's shit advice, I'll revert back to my "it's offside when someone tells you it's offside" generic blanket statement for harassment and consent.


I've never had a backtrack to one of my pods, but I heard it on 3PPAO and think it's great. I didn't find it too loud.


Your thoughts about BoG being active and exciting are really interesting, because I've seen a lot of shit talk about BoG from the inside lately. One member who just left described on a pod that it was a complete disorganized shitshow where nothing gets done; another new member (in one of those few random times I lurk into genchat) described BoG as "just another forum the obc uses to gossip about members and pick fights with each other." That's, uhh, not good (or true). I'm glad you're enjoying the experience. It can be overwhelming, there is a lot going on, but the disagreements are civil and well thought out, and the gossip is actually just us doing our job in selecting new BoG members. I love good governance, fuck yeah bureaucracy, and hearing someone say good things about the BoG makes me happy.

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On 11/13/2021 at 5:25 PM, dasboot said:

Backtrack is too loud 


Go Away Reaction GIF


On 11/13/2021 at 6:14 PM, Garsh said:

Not to get too corporate but I wonder if it would be a good idea to like once a year or something put out a reminder of some sort to have people review the CoC.


i like this idea, but I wonder how we'd do it? just, like, feature the CoC for a few days every year? mod team has a year to figure out some options, but i thin the idea is a good one. it'd help with people not knowing the rules simply because they never bothered to look. shoving it in people's faces is (as we have found) an effective way to make them become aware of things :)


On 11/14/2021 at 4:10 AM, bigAL said:

Thanks for (not specifically but I hear ya) calling me out on the "don't be a dick" explanation as an all-encompassing direction. It made me think real hard about that idea, and you're completely right that it doesn't fit. I think, like you and I love this quote, "never was into harassing, that wasn't something I had to unlearn." Listening to everyone this week, reading all the discussion on the forum, made me realize that harassment is such a grey area that people need and want genuine, clear, specific education on it. "Don't be a dick" works for malicious behaviour - maybe just, like, don't use that slur? - but harassment is so subjective and situational that, like more than a few people mentioned in the comments thread, it's hard to know exactly what's offside. So you're right, that's shit advice, I'll revert back to my "it's offside when someone tells you it's offside" generic blanket statement for harassment and consent.


the "call out" wasn't intended to be a pointed observation. between mod chat + the podcasts i've been listening to from other members all morning, you're absolutely not the only person who held this belief. for some folks, it comes really naturally to understand what kind of content is inappropriate and hurtful. the league is privileged to have folks in leadership roles that intuitively understand the nuance, and although the league at large may not have opportunities to see & acknowledge it, we're really lucky to have folks who come from a position of having unlearned those kinds of things.


On 11/14/2021 at 4:10 AM, bigAL said:

Your thoughts about BoG being active and exciting are really interesting, because I've seen a lot of shit talk about BoG from the inside lately. One member who just left described on a pod that it was a complete disorganized shitshow where nothing gets done; another new member (in one of those few random times I lurk into genchat) described BoG as "just another forum the Best people here uses to gossip about members and pick fights with each other." That's, uhh, not good (or true). I'm glad you're enjoying the experience. It can be overwhelming, there is a lot going on, but the disagreements are civil and well thought out, and the gossip is actually just us doing our job in selecting new BoG members. I love good governance, fuck yeah bureaucracy, and hearing someone say good things about the BoG makes me happy.


i think i may do a deeper dive into the board of governors after having listened to other folks' thoughts... should be interesting

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Wow that backtrack was so fucking loud! (Actually I thought it was an appropriate volume when it was actually in the back)

I think you do a good job of communicating and being professional, one thing I’m sure you’ve noticed about being in an authoritative position in the VHL (and probably everywhere else) is that you will never please everyone and there will always be pushback. The trick is to not become completely unglued on people, which is what I failed at back in the day!

Maybe I remarked this elsewhere but you did a fantastic job reworking all the CoC and slave driving the mod team in general the last couple weeks, head @tfong should be both ashamed and proud :p. 

And I’ve definitely remarked on this elsewhere but for me the BOG is an ungainly beast that I just can’t get swept up too much into. That’s why I’m not officially BOG though!


Very nice listen, please release the sassy cuts!

Edited by JardyB10
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1 hour ago, fishy said:


i like this idea, but I wonder how we'd do it? 


If it was a yearly thing, it could be attached to or done around the same time as something else that gets done yearly (for ease of remembering to do it).  For example I feel like the holiday donation drive is relatively new but will be a continuing that happens in the VHL.  I guess the concern would be that it would get overshadowed by the other announcement.  Or maybe at some point in x month every year make a yearly reminder of the CoC post. Like you said mod team has time to figure it out.

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