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VHL Stuff

If someone told you Chicago would be in 3rd place, only a handful of points behind Toronto at the midway point of the season. Would you have believed them? Probably not, but then that's likely because you just vastly underestimate the power of Clue Glue™. Don't sweat it, it's been known to happen. To be perfectly honest I wouldn't have believed it either. If you said that Bo would be on pace for 100 points, I most certainly wouldn't have believed it. That being said his scoring rate is tanking so he won't reach that, but still. Good times all around in Chicago, with BGCS leading rookies in scoring and Scotty being as high as 5th earlier this week and generally trending up. He's actually shooting as much as BGCS, just had horrible puck luck to start the season. Maintaining around 4% SHT% for almost the entire first half, guess Simon was being moody?


Speaking of VHL stuff and moody, what was going on with Vinny Detroit @dasboot for a while there? He started the season like an absolute VHFL god, then just fell off a cliff for like 20+ games. Does seem like he's trending up again, so that's good for him (and my VHFL team, back in 1st in my group now thanks to his resurgence). So that's very nice. We also beat Moscow and heavily outshot them, which was a bit of a dual edged sword, because that exact loss is the reason they aren't in 1st on ROW tie-breaker in the EU, which would have given me +1 TPE. So short term beating them is nice, mostly cause I get to annoy @Spartan about how Chicago are clearly better than Moscow. But long term I'm now forever missing that 1 TPE. RIP!

VHLE Stuff
I mean it exists, I was asked to GM one of the Prospect ASG teams, so I just drafted a bunch of cool people from there. Then got stabbed in the back by my own AGM @eagle_3450 picking the absolute worst time to stop being a draft bust, while the Delhi Pickles goalie decided that no fun was allowed. We outshot them 2/3 games but got shut out both those games, because goalie things. Other than that most my VHLE experience this season is just lurking on the Bratislava LR and making fun of Oslo whenever @ctots mentions them. So pretty much business as usual, also fuck Västerås!


VHLM Stuff

Vegas are on a 5 game winning streak, which will instantly end because I mentioned it in a MS. Those are the rules. But w/e it'll happen at some point anyways. @samxplayer Velociraptor Greg is looking like he will actually be a good player, unlike Madison who was just...well, you know Madison. We actually have quite the scoring race going on at the top with @dogwoodmaple, @MatiasMa and Greg all within like 4 points of each other at the top. We also have a solid 7 of 10 players on the +/- leaderboards, and have had that for like a week at this point. It would appear that with the hybrid changes Checking Dmen are actually kinda goated in the VHLM. As we have 2 almost pure checking Dmen in @Xflexz and @dylanjj37 who are putting up insane possession numbers to help control the shots in front of our elite goalies @ClarkClanT and @Spaceium.


Would also like to shout out @Blakemac22 who has really stepped up his earning with weekly press conferences and very impressive Fantasy Zone results to elevate his weekly earnings to nearly double what they used to be while also being active in the LR. Always great to see that kind of improvement, and it should mean he's going to be one of the more coveted players in VHLE FA next off-season, as he managed to go undrafted there.

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11 minutes ago, Shindigs said:

We also beat Moscow and heavily outshot them, which was a bit of a dual edged sword, because that exact loss is the reason they aren't in 1st on ROW tie-breaker in the EU, which would have given me +1 TPE. So short term beating them is nice, mostly cause I get to annoy @Spartan about how Chicago are clearly better than Moscow. But long term I'm now forever missing that 1 TPE. RIP!

You heavily outshot us because we gave you 7 power plays and even then you only managed 1 goal.


Also the  1 TPE you refer to, is that fantasy or the “conference champion” awards? If the latter that’s based on which teams make the cup finals not the regular season winners so still plenty of time.

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Just now, Beketov said:

You heavily outshot us because we gave you 7 power plays and even then you only managed 1 goal.


Also the  1 TPE you refer to, is that fantasy or the “conference champion” awards? If the latter that’s based on which teams make the cup finals not the regular season winners so still plenty of time.

It's fantasy TPE.


Also trash talking isn't supposed to be factually correct. Especially not when it's goal is to annoy Spartan.😅

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3 hours ago, Shindigs said:

It's fantasy TPE.


Also trash talking isn't supposed to be factually correct. Especially not when it's goal is to annoy Spartan.😅

But, what if your goal is always to annoy Spartan?

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3 minutes ago, eagle_3450 said:

But, what if your goal is always to annoy Spartan?

I believe that's just a requirement for being part of the VHL.

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11 hours ago, samx said:

be nice to Madison. he tried his best

Did he though, did he really? Or was he just holding back to end up with 69 points?🤔

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On 5/9/2022 at 4:51 AM, Beketov said:

You heavily outshot us because we gave you 7 power plays and even then you only managed 1 goal.


Also the  1 TPE you refer to, is that fantasy or the “conference champion” awards? If the latter that’s based on which teams make the cup finals not the regular season winners so still plenty of time.

Don't get penalties 🤷‍♂️

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On 5/9/2022 at 5:52 PM, Shindigs said:

It's fantasy TPE.


Also trash talking isn't supposed to be factually correct. Especially not when it's goal is to annoy Spartan.😅


On 5/9/2022 at 9:08 PM, eagle_3450 said:

But, what if your goal is always to annoy Spartan?

Then you are both doing it wrong since every time you mention the persons name you should tag them so that they have a bunch of red notification buttons flagging them to the thread. Like what most used to do to dill all the time.

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2 hours ago, Gaikoku-hito said:


Then you are both doing it wrong since every time you mention the persons name you should tag them so that they have a bunch of red notification buttons flagging them to the thread. Like what most used to do to dill all the time.

We've already done that to the point that he's over it. Besides when you tag @Dil he won't send your updates to the gulag, Spartan just might.

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6 hours ago, Gaikoku-hito said:


Then you are both doing it wrong since every time you mention the persons name you should tag them so that they have a bunch of red notification buttons flagging them to the thread. Like what most used to do to dill all the time.

well I wasn't trying to be that much of a nuisance to @Spartan but if you insist!

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