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Town of Pallet #2


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1 hour ago, omgitshim said:

Wanting an escape from civilization, you head your way up into the mountains. There you encounter an odd comradery of pokemon:



Pokemon Level
Pumpkaboo 18
Geodude 19
Litwick 18

We'll try three great balls on the Pumpkaboo.


We'll fight with Eevee, Abra, Charmeleon, in that order.


Eevee will take on Litwick, will do exactly two Bites, then will spam Quick Attack, with the objective of dropping Litwick to low health without killing it.


When Eevee dies, Abra will revenge kill the Litwick with one Teleport. Then we'll attack Geodude with Teleport still.


When Abra inevitably dies, we'll go to Charmeleon who will finish the job with Flamethrowers. (And it'll continue with Flamethrowers vs Pumpkaboo if we failed to catch it)


After the fights, we should have the cash to buy HM Surf and teach it to Charmeleon.

Edited by McWolf
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7 minutes ago, McWolf said:

We'll try three great balls on the Pumpkaboo.


We'll fight with Eevee, Abra, Charmeleon, in that order.


Eevee will take on Litwick, will do exactly two Bites, then will spam Quick Attack, with the objective of dropping Litwick to low health without killing it.


When Eevee dies, Abra will revenge kill the Litwick with one Teleport. Then we'll attack Geodude with Teleport still.


When Abra inevitably dies, we'll go to Charmeleon who will finish the job with Flamethrowers. (And it'll continue with Flamethrowers vs Pumpkaboo if we failed to catch it)


After the fights, we should have the cash to buy HM Surf and teach it to Charmeleon.

When this is processed:

Action 2.3. Challenge Brock


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9 hours ago, Dom said:

Action 1, 2, 3: work


buy surf hm and teach it to wartorttle. Buy a master ball and spend the rest on great balls.


action 4: move to cerulean cave

You spend the day at your house in the cape. You have a mysterious wealthy client enter, who heard that you once turned yourself into a Clefairy. With him is a beautiful woman and a Gardevoir. The man pays you $2011 to combine his two companions and never speak of it again.


Upset by the day's work you just completed, you go shopping to pick up a Master Ball, 10 Great Balls, and the Surf HM for your trusty Wartortle. You head west to explore the big spooky cave not far from your now filthy-feeling home, in search of the legendary Mewtwo. Within, you find a much more wholesome sight. An adorable little Pichu rides atop a derpy Rhyhornoceros, while a jolly little seahorse splashes in the nearby waters!


Horsea 19
Rhyhorn 18
Pichu 20




Edited by JardyB10
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1 minute ago, JardyB10 said:

You spend the day at your house in the cape. You have a mysterious wealthy client enter, who heard that you once turned yourself into a Clefairy. With him is a beautiful woman and a Gardevoir. The man pays you $2011 to combine his two companions and never speak of it again.


Upset by the day's work you just completed, you go shopping and head west to explore the big spooky cave not far from your now filthy-feeling home, in search of the legendary Mewtwo. Within, you find a much more wholesome sight. An adorable little Pichu rides atop a derpy Rhyhornoceros, while a jolly little seahorse splashes in the nearby waters!


Horsea 19
Rhyhorn 18
Pichu 20


(You got 10 Great Balls btw)



I’ll catch them all by using great balls. Starting with rhynorn

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9 hours ago, Lemorse7 said:

Buy HM strength and give it to Jolteon

action 3 go to MT.Silver

Desiring to go to Mt. Silver, but lacking the strength to get there, you remember hearing about one of the gym leaders, Chuck, being able to pick up and destroy large boulders. Needing this skill, though still lacking any birds, you're forced to swim to Cianwood City to appeal to him for the training. He tells you that you're too scrawny to ever pull off such a feat, but that he could get by with training your Jolteon, who has no opposable digits.


One little training montage and $750 later, your Jolteon knows Strength.


Still without birds, you swim all the way back to the mainland, and make the most treacherous hike imaginable before finally arriving at Mt. Silver. You may not have a bird, but perhaps you can find the greatest bird of them all!


You don't. What you do find is the following:


Geodude 15
Swinub 15
Riolu 18


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9 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

You decide to go for a joy ride and find

Pidgey 16
Ralts 16
Pichu 17


Pokeballs and then Great Balls if necessary on Ralts.


Flareon to use Fire Blast on Pichu; Poliwag to use Water Gun on Pidgey with Ralts/Confusion and Flareon/Fire Blast as backup if necessary.


Action 4: Explore Saffron City.

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8 hours ago, Alex said:

Action 5: Explore Lake of Rage

Hyper Crush begins to play on your new Radio Card, and you feel inspired to FUCKING RAGE.


Equipped with glow sticks and molly you park your bicycle down by the lake. In the lake there's a Horsea wearing Kanye West-style glasses and using a pacifier. Above it is a Cutiefly bobbing uncontrollably, its body strobing to the beat of your Radio Card. You step toward the party and nearly crush a Grubbin, who's simply gently pincing its little mandibles or whatever. Much less cool looking, to say the least.


Horsea 16
Cutiefly 19
Grubbin 16


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1 hour ago, McWolf said:

When this is processed:

Action 2.3. Challenge Brock



Just FYI, this will require a gameplan in the same way that fighting wild Pokemon would. Against Brock, you're planning for:


Rhyhorn lv 24

Graveler lv 26

Onix lv 28

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8 hours ago, ctots said:

For action 4 of the day, Nurse Joy is going to explore Mt. Moon on her way to visit her dear friend, Brock in Pewter City.

"He's so terribly inappropriate and problematic toward me," you think to yourself as you find your feet bringing you toward Brock in Pewter City, "but I do like a man who's tall, dark, and handsome."


Walking through the cave, you watch as a Ponyta sprints by. "Sure would be faster if I could ride one of those," you consider.


Looking over, you see a spooky floating gourd or some shit. "What the hell is even that. I wonder if I can actually plant it?"


Just before moving up a floor, you also a clock a Larvitar. "Ah yes, it reminds me of my own trusty companion. Mine looks way tougher though!"


What do you do?


Ponyta 15
Pumpkaboo 17
Larvitar 16


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3 hours ago, Doomsday said:


Axew can take him!

You send out your adorable little dragon dino, and using the only move that can make contact with Mimikyu, it takes a mighty CRUNCH out of the wannabe Pikachu...but it survives!


Realizing how cool your Axew is, the Mimikyu then decides to...well, Mimic you. And it ends up mimicking Dragon Claw!  😱

Excuse Me What GIF by Pokémon


It slashes HARD into your Axew...



and it BARELY hangs on! Another Crunch handily defeats the spooky lil guy.


Axew grows two levels to reach Level 20!


You also get $133 because reasons.


Edited by JardyB10
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2 hours ago, Ricer13 said:

Action 1: Work

Action 2: Visit Lake of Rage

As a young child, there's not a lot Ash can do for a respectable income... or so you thought! Turns out, if you take a paper route that covers ALL of Kanto Johto, you can really rake in the big bucks. You make $612.


Your paper duties bring you all the way to Lake of Rage, where you see families enjoying the water, as well as a Nurse seemingly rolling on E and doing Poi with the local fauna.


Speaking of the local fauna, you spot a pretty hale looking Horsea swimming close enough to shore for you to reach, even with your tiny little child arms! As you rush to get a closer look at it, you accidentally stumble into a pumpkin patch...but this is no ordinary pumpkin patch. These pumpkins contain the spirits of the dead within them, and they're NONE TOO FUCKING PLEASED that you have disturbed their place of rest.


What do you do?


Horsea 18
Pumpkaboo 20
Pumpkaboo 19



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1 hour ago, Ptyrell said:

One day you'll get someone who mods as beautifully as you do. But for today you get this, sorry


Mimikyu 18
Abra 18
Meowth 15


Ultra Balls, then Great Balls first at the Abra, then at the Mimikyu.


If Abra is caught, fight the Meowth with Poliwag using Water Gun, then Abra finishing it with Teleport.

If Abra is not caught, have Cutiefly use Draining Kiss on the Meowth.

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6 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

Proud of the level of effort she went through plucking a free Magnemite, Jessie decides it’s time for another cool training montage.


Returning to her shady shopkeeper, she’ll purchase just a fishing rod, then proceed to


Action 1: Explore Fishing


You find:


Horsea lv 18

Cutiefly lv 20

Pidgey lv 19


How you find a Pidgey with a fishing rod, I have no idea, but it happens nonetheless.

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5 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

As a young child, there's not a lot Ash can do for a respectable income... or so you thought! Turns out, if you take a paper route that covers ALL of Kanto Johto, you can really rake in the big bucks. You make $612.


Your paper duties bring you all the way to Lake of Rage, where you see families enjoying the water, as well as a Nurse seemingly rolling on E and doing Poi with the local fauna.


Speaking of the local fauna, you spot a pretty hale looking Horsea swimming close enough to shore for you to reach, even with your tiny little child arms! As you rush to get a closer look at it, you accidentally stumble into a pumpkin patch...but this is no ordinary pumpkin patch. These pumpkins contain the spirits of the dead within them, and they're NONE TOO FUCKING PLEASED that you have disturbed their place of rest.


What do you do?



Horsea 18
Pumpkaboo 20
Pumpkaboo 19


Ivysaur to battle with Horsea. 
Weavile Ice Beams Lvl 19 Pumpkboo

Let the lvl 20 pumpkaboo flee

I also quit my poor ass paper delivery job and teleport back to Kanto CUZ WHY CANT I LIVE HAPPILY IN BOTH WORLDS 

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16 minutes ago, omgitshim said:


Ultra Balls, then Great Balls first at the Abra, then at the Mimikyu.


If Abra is caught, fight the Meowth with Poliwag using Water Gun, then Abra finishing it with Teleport.

If Abra is not caught, have Cutiefly use Draining Kiss on the Meowth.


Thankfully, this time around doesn't go as disastrously as the last--you catch Abra and Mimikyu on the first try for each!


Poliwag is knocked out by Meowth! Thankfully, you've got a new Abra to play with...and that's what does the job. 


Abra gains 1 level (and evolves into Kadabra!) and you earn $94.

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2 hours ago, omgitshim said:

You then head into Goldenrod and find quite the strange scene: it seems a Mimikyu is acting as a referee to a Riolu boxing match! Of course, you don't have time to wait on that!



Pokemon Level
Mimikyu 15
Riolu 17
Riolu 20


great balls lv 20 riolu


Kill Mimikyu with Litwick first, then anyone 

Mimikyu Play Rough lv 17 Riolu UNLESS catching the lvl 20 Riolu was unsuccessful, then catch this one


Action 4: Explore Lake of Rage 

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2 hours ago, McWolf said:

We'll try three great balls on the Pumpkaboo.


We'll fight with Eevee, Abra, Charmeleon, in that order.


Eevee will take on Litwick, will do exactly two Bites, then will spam Quick Attack, with the objective of dropping Litwick to low health without killing it.


When Eevee dies, Abra will revenge kill the Litwick with one Teleport. Then we'll attack Geodude with Teleport still.


When Abra inevitably dies, we'll go to Charmeleon who will finish the job with Flamethrowers. (And it'll continue with Flamethrowers vs Pumpkaboo if we failed to catch it)


After the fights, we should have the cash to buy HM Surf and teach it to Charmeleon.

Who needs three great balls when you can use one? You catch Pumpkaboo on the first try!


You send out Eevee to help tame the fire of the tiny candle. It takes a BITE out of the Litwick, which hurts it bad! Litwick trys to clap back with a Shadow Ball, but it passes right through Eevee with no effect! The unstable DNA squirrel takes another BITE out of Litwick and brings it to death's door. The candle retaliates with yet another useless Shadow Ball. You order Eevee to bring the candle EVEN LOWER with a Quick Attack...


But it has no effect! You realize in horror that this is not Pokemon Go and immunities are truly a thing! Eevee eats a Dark Pulse before Abra comes out to try to finish the job...


Unfortunately, Litwick welcomes Abra into the fray with a Shadow Ball, which knocks it out in one hit. Oops.


Outraged that the candle put the sleepy Abra into a deeper sleep, your Charmeleon enters the battle and melts the Litwick with a Flamethrower (though it's not very effective).


While Charmeleon was busy showboating about the victory, it's suddenly struck by Geodude's ROCK THROW. It's super effective, but Charmeleon is tough. It turns around and starts to (not very effectively) torch the rock with Flamethrower. Geodude tries to football tackle Charmeleon to escape the heat, but the heat keeps coming. Geodude tries one more last ditch Tackle before one last Flamethrower takes it down.


Charmeleon gains 4 levels to reach Level 23, and I just realized there's a 100% chance that I forgot to give Doomsday money! Not you though, you get $220 from the beautiful mineral that was left behind from the melted down Geodude.


EDIT: I just saw your edit from earlier. You buy your Charmeleon a dope surfboard for a cool $750.




As someone else mentioned, if you wish to challenge Brock, you'll want to submit which three Pokemon you're bringing, who leads, and which moves to use. Etc.

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37 minutes ago, dlamb said:

great balls lv 20 riolu


Kill Mimikyu with Litwick first, then anyone 

Mimikyu Play Rough lv 17 Riolu UNLESS catching the lvl 20 Riolu was unsuccessful, then catch this one


Action 4: Explore Lake of Rage 


You catch Riolu on the first try!


Litwick is knocked out by Mimikyu. I default to your next-highest in level in Riolu, who wins the fight.


Mimikyu steps in and wins with one move.


Riolu gains 1 level, Mimikyu gains 2 levels, and you earn $224.



At Lake of Rage, you find...


Grubbin lv 20

Horsea lv 19

Cutiefly lv 20

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1 hour ago, Gustav said:


Pokeballs and then Great Balls if necessary on Ralts.


Flareon to use Fire Blast on Pichu; Poliwag to use Water Gun on Pidgey with Ralts/Confusion and Flareon/Fire Blast as backup if necessary.


Action 4: Explore Saffron City.

You use three Pokeballs, but the Ralts is yours!


Flareon blasts Pichu with fire and instantly renders it unconscious.


Pidgey and Poliwag then proceed to trade first form blows, but Poliwag comes out on top despite being a lower level! That extra bit of attack made the difference.


Your Flareon grows the first half-level in the game that I've noticed, and Poliwag gains 3 to Level 18! You also gain $198 by selling a hippy "Pichu Dust."



(Where you're from!)

(Which I've noticed!)


You see an Eevee playing with some poisonous bois


Eevee 17
Koffing 15
Ekans 18


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1 minute ago, Gustav said:


You catch Riolu on the first try!


Litwick is knocked out by Mimikyu. I default to your next-highest in level in Riolu, who wins the fight.


Mimikyu steps in and wins with one move.


Riolu gains 1 level, Mimikyu gains 2 levels, and you earn $224.



At Lake of Rage, you find...


Grubbin lv 20

Horsea lv 19

Cutiefly lv 20

Buy a Soothe Bell and give to Riolu.


Catch Horsea first, then Grubbin with Great Balls. Fuck 'em up if unsuccessful.


Riolu Metal Claw on Cutiefly. 

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