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Town of Pallet #2


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I don't like making rule changes mid game, but the current EXP share sucks and I can see many trainers face a potential struggle to help their weaker pokemon "catch up" or evolve. So EXP Share is getting a makeover!

EXP Share ($750): The pokemon holding this and the pokemon who wins a battle both receive half the levels they would have if they won. For example, if a lv 27 pokemon beats a lv 25 pokemon and a lv 20 pokemon holds EXP Share, the lv 27 pokemon receives 1 level and the lv 20 pokemon receives 2 levels.


Another example. If a lv 28 pokemon beats a lv 21 pokemon and a lv 18 pokemon holds the EXP share, the lv 28 pokemon receives 0.25 levels and the lv 18 pokemon receives 1.5 levels

Edited by Ptyrell
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7 hours ago, OrbitingDeath said:

My magnemite quick attacks the magnemite and it should die in the end. 


Charmander takes over with embers and kills it


Steelix iron tails both axews




This gif accurately describes the first battle. Eventually the wild Magnemite comes out on top and Charmander cleans things up.


Steelix laughs at Axew. Then laughs at the other Axew.


Charmander gains 3 levels.

Steelix gains 2 levels.

$368 is found on the ground.


Then, this happens:



Edited by omgitshim
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6 hours ago, dlamb said:

Lol idk use charmander and weavile


The sheet says you no longer have a Charmander.


Weavile comes in and hits Mimikyu with an Ice Beam. It barely survives! Mimikyu decided to mimic you and uses it's on Ice Beam. It doesn't do much. Dark Pulse finishes it off.


Weavile gains 5 levels! $140 was found.

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9 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

You earn $1596 at the circus juggling great balls! You nab 7 on your way out the door along with a metal coat.


At the battle tower you meet Hiker Dave.



Give Axew and Steelix an Oran Berry to hold


Send out Steelix first:

if Ivysaur use Iron Tail repeatedly

if Ponyta use Dig repeatedly

if Haunter use Dig repeatedly


if Steelix survives the first hit of pokemon #2 follow the above steps.


if Steelix dies vs. Ivysaur send out Vikavolt and use Fly Repeatedly

if Steelix dies vs. Ponyta send out Axew and use Dragon Claw

If Steelix dies vs. Haunter send out Axew and use Crunch Repeatedly


For the third pokemon follow the above steps unless:

If Axew dies to Ponyta send out Vikavolt and use Thunderbolt

If Axew dies to Haunter send out Vikavolt and use Thunderbolt

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6 hours ago, Ricer13 said:

Action 4.1 Hop on Wartortles back and head to Cerulean Cave

As Wartortle, now a proficient swimmer pulls into the cave you see some pokemon on the shore.


Smoochum 20
Smoochum 23
Larvitar 24
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4 hours ago, Gustav said:

Action 1: Work


Buy a Focus Band and a Focus Sash.


Action 2: Battle Tower lv 29

You make $797 by giving unsanctioned tours around Pewter city.


You spend $1000 on held items


In the battle tower you meet youngster Jimmothy

Edited by Alex
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4 hours ago, Spartan said:

Squirtle use tackle to finish it


Then give Magikarp a rare candy


Action 4.2 Work

Squirtle finishes off Bellsprout and gains 3 levels! Squirtle Evolves into Wartortle!


You give a rare candy to Magikarp and it evolves into Gyrados!


After this you give a lecture on evolution and earn $730

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7 hours ago, OrbitingDeath said:

Disclaimer: charmeleon should be atleast 24, steelix 27 from prev actions. If not cancel this action for now:


A2: challenge faulkner


Charmeleon flamethrowers 

Steelix iron tails togekiss

Scizor focus sash - iron tails on togekiss , air slash on hawlucha




"Another challenger? I'm sorry you hate your pokemon so much! They stand no chance here!" 


Worker smirks. He knows Falkner ain't no match for him. To start things off we have an epic duel between Charmeleon and Pidgeotto!




Charmeleon runs in like it's going to use a Metal Claw, then suddenly uses Flamethrower! Pidgeotto doesn't like it, but it munches on an Oran Berry and is feeling pretty good. It counters with a Slash. The two trade another set of blows, until finally a 3rd Flamethrower turns the Pidgeotto into fried chicken, that Oran Berry extending the battle more than expected! Here comes Togekiss!




It leads with Ancient Power, and it seems the extra damage that Pidgeotto did ultimately did not matter as Charmeleon goes down like a sack of bricks. The Worker's gaze hardens (probably, it's hard to really tell since he's wearing some sick shades), and Steelix comes out!




Iron Tail does a number on Togekiss, but it comes back with an even stronger Aura Sphere. The go back and forth, and ultimately Steelix getting first strike gives it the edge and the win. Falkner looks concerned but acts otherwise. "Hrmph. You've got skills, but you're no match for my Hawlucha!"




Falkner is correct, as one Flying Press turns Steelix into a pretzel. It all comes down to Scizor now.




Scizor comes out with a vicious Air Slash. Hawlucha stumbles, but it has an Oran Berry! It counters with a Flying Press and Scizor is not feeling well. Scizor unleashes another Air Slash, but Hawlucha hangs on thanks to that berry. Hawlucha performs another Flying Press! And Scizor is down!


But wait, it's wearing a Focus Sash!







Does not get back up. It wasn't at full HP so the Sash did nothing. Falkner wins this duel. "Come back when you're a bit stronger, punk!"


Charmeleon and Steelix each gain 2 levels.

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5 minutes ago, Alex said:

You make $797 by giving unsanctioned tours around Pewter city.


You spend $1000 on held items


In the battle tower you meet youngster Jimmothy



For the sake of whoever mods this: the above are at Level 29.


-Focus Band on Poliwag

-Focus Sash on Flareon (though I doubt that will make a difference).


-Lead with Poliwag and use Water Gun on Onix. Pray the Focus Band works.

-Follow with Kirlia/Psybeam and hope the random part of the move selection doesn't wipe it out in 2 moves.

-Flareon/Fire Blast


I think odds are decent that I went too high levels-wise and this won't work out fully, but should at least get some levels out of it somewhere.

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6 hours ago, McWolf said:

Catch the Lv.23 Larvitar with Great Balls then Ultra Balls if needed.


You throw a Great Ball at the Larvitar, but it just barely misses. Larvitar notices the ball and looks your direction. You throw a 2nd one and Larvitar dodges it with ease. It tries to run away, but with all your might you chuck your last great ball... and you manage to catch it!


6 hours ago, McWolf said:

Use this Larvitar vs the Elekid, using Stomping Tantrum. Then use exactly one Stomping Tantrum on the Lv.20 Larvitar, switch to Eevee, and have it finish the fight with Swift. It'll gain a level and evolve to Umbreon.


You teach the Larvitar a lesson for trying to run away by forcing it to fight it's once friend Elekid. Elekid tries to Thunder Punch, as it can't bare to harm it's friend. Larvitar shows no such remorse. It then greatly damages the other Larvitar before Eevee is switched in. The wild Larvitar slides some rocks at Eevee, but ultimately Eevee prevails.


Larvitar gains 2 levels.

Eevee gains 2 levels.

$362 is found on the ground.

Eevee begins to glow!




And then immediately takes a nap as an Umbreon.


6 hours ago, McWolf said:

Action 4.2. Work


You do questionable things and end up with $728.



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5 hours ago, Lemorse7 said:

Fight Pidgey Elekid Thunder puch 

Abra with Squirtle using Water gun 

Honedge with Ponyta FlameThrower

Your three pokemon breeze through each encounter.


Elekid gains 3 levels

Squirtle gains 2 levels and evolves into Wartortle!

Ponyta gains 0.5 levels


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1 hour ago, Alex said:

Give Axew and Steelix an Oran Berry to hold


Send out Steelix first:

if Ivysaur use Iron Tail repeatedly

if Ponyta use Dig repeatedly

if Haunter use Dig repeatedly


if Steelix survives the first hit of pokemon #2 follow the above steps.


if Steelix dies vs. Ivysaur send out Vikavolt and use Fly Repeatedly

if Steelix dies vs. Ponyta send out Axew and use Dragon Claw

If Steelix dies vs. Haunter send out Axew and use Crunch Repeatedly


For the third pokemon follow the above steps unless:

If Axew dies to Ponyta send out Vikavolt and use Thunderbolt

If Axew dies to Haunter send out Vikavolt and use Thunderbolt


Nurse Joy approaches Hiker Dave, and the two have instant chemistry. They both throw out their pokemon at the same time!





Haunter strikes first with a Shadow Ball, but Steelix eats an Oran Berry in response. It uses Dig and does a number on Haunter, but it hangs on. Another Shadow Ball brings Steelix under half health, but Dig finishes off the Haunter. Next up is Ponyta!




Flamethrower hurts and Steelix melts under the pressure. Here comes Axew!




Dragon Claw does solid damage to Ponyta, but it retaliates with a Stomp. Axew chomps on an Oran Berry and uses another Dragon Claw. Ponyta unleashes Flamethrower this time, and that berry HP keeps Axew alive. A final Dragon Claw finishes off Ponyta. Dave throws out his final mon, an Ivysaur.




Apparently Dave's got a shiny Ivysaur! Nurse Joy's fully in love at this point. At least, until Body Slam finishes off Axew. It's all down to Vikavolt now.




And Vikavolt delivers with ease, as Fly does a number on Ivysaur. It manages a meager Razor Leaf, but Fly just greatly outclasses it at this point and Ivysaur goes down!


Steelix gains 3 levels!

Axew gains 3 levels!

Vikavolt gains 3 levels!

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Buy TM Earthquake for Ivysaur

Buy Enigma Berry


A2: Lt Surge

Ivysaur leads, holding an Oran Berry, uses earthquake

Honedge next uses Surf

Gyarados uses Hydro Pump and holds Enigma Berry


Remind me to nerf these OP random gym leader items. What a pain! 21% chance Jolteon holds an item that completely screws me.

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1 hour ago, dlamb said:

4.1, 4.2: Work


You do some modeling as a cosplayer and earn $1,390.




1 hour ago, dlamb said:

Buy HM Strength, teach to Weavile.

Buy as many Great Balls as I can after that.


Weavile learns Strength!

You purchase 13 Great Balls, leaving you with $70.


1 hour ago, dlamb said:

4.3, 4.4: Explore Mt. Silver, catch everything.


You hike up the mountain and encounter a swarm of pokemon!


Pokemon Level
Onix 21
Swinub 23
Riolu 24


Pokemon Level
Swinub 22
Swinub 21
Geodude 24


You start by throwing Great Balls at the Onix. Despite it's massive size, you can't seem to hit the broadside of a barn. It takes before it's finally caught. Not a great start.


Swinub is up next, and it's caught with ease, just 1 throw.


Riolu watches all this and is prepared. It dodges the 1 ball you throw at it, then runs deeper into the mountains. You don't feel inclined to chase.


You go to the next Swinub, and once again, 1 throw, 1 catch.


The third Swinub? This one dodges your first throw and decides it's had enough and follows Riolu into the mountains.


Finally you come to the Geodude. It doesn't even put up a fight and you get it on the first try.


You have 7 Great Balls remaining.


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Action 4: Challenge Buggsy


Start with Steelix and use Stone Edge on Vikavolt

Then use Iron Tail on Ribombee

Lastly, use Dig on Scizor


if Steelix dies to Ribombee, switch to axew and use Slash

if Steelix dies to Scizor, switch to axew and use Crunch


if Axew dies at any point switch to Vikavolt and use Thunderbolt

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1 hour ago, Alex said:

As Wartortle, now a proficient swimmer pulls into the cave you see some pokemon on the shore.



Smoochum 20
Smoochum 23
Larvitar 24

Use Greatballs to catch level 23 Smoochum. 

Wartortle will battle Larvitar and lvl 20 smoochum.


Use Ivysaur if needed 





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A3: challenge faulkner but this time without rng fucking me over please




Charmeleon flamethrowers 


Steelix iron tails togekiss


Scizor - iron tails on togekiss , air slash on hawlucha


Scizor oran berry - shouldnt need this, please only eat it if hawlucha is not knocked out the turn after. 

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