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Town of Pallet #2


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16 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

EXP Share on Ralts

Quick Claw on Magnezone


Focus Sash on Charizard

Lead with Magnezone, spam Zap Cannon.


Follow with Blastoise, use Hydro Pump against Gengar and Pidgeot, Crunch on Kingdra.


Charizard last, Dragon Claw on Kingdra, Fire Blast on rest.


EDIT: Also I might be intoxicated but I think my last money was forgotten to be added.

You find the money in your account was finally added after a wire transfer mixup


At the party you battle Beauty Beatrice

lv 58





Magnezone leads off with Zap Cannon against Pidgeot. 2 Hits and Pidgeot goes down!

Gengar gets revenge with Shadow Ball, but takes a Zap Cannon to the face first! Blastoise finishes it off.

Kingdra uses a medley of moves to beat Blastoise. Will it be able to use its type advantage against Charizard?


Nope! 1 Dragon Claw and Kingdra goes down.


All of your pokemon gain 3 levels


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And day 7 finally concludes! Time for the final tournament! 4 different trainers are all neck and neck as far as Pokemon levels go. Should make for some interesting battles!


But first... Team Rocket is at it again! Jesse stole Bird Keeper's Elekid, and James stole Bill's Elekid.


And now.. for the round 1 matchups...



With an Odd number of players, the lowest player in the rankings will receive a bye which counts as an automatic win. A different player will get the bye each round, and it should only affect the bottom half of the standings.


And for a quick tournament preview...

@Ptyrell @Gustav  @JardyB10 and @OrbitingDeath  all have their 3 Pokemon within just a few levels of one another! The combined top 3 levels of each trainer's Pokemon ranges from 180 to 185.5. It will come down to strategy and luck to determine the winner of the 4. 1st place gets 5 VPs, 2nd and 3rd get 4 VPs, and 4th gets 3 VPs.


@McWolf @Alex and @Ricer13 make up the next tier, though with proper (or improper) strategy and luck, they could knock off a stronger opponent or lose to a weaker one. It is likely the best of these 3 gets 3 VPs, and the other 2 get 2 VPs.


@Lemorse7 @omgitshim @Spartan  @dlamb @Dom and @ctots all make up the tier of players who focused more on catching pokemon than training them. This group also features the most Legendary Pokemon of any other, and also all fall in a similar level range. I suspect the matchups between the Legendary Pokemon will have a big impact on the final sorting of this group. 2 of these trainers should get 2 VPs, 3 should get 1 VP, and 1 will get 0.


Good luck everyone!

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3 hours ago, omgitshim said:

Purchase 3 Focus Sashes and 2 Mini-TMs.

Use the Mini-TMs to teach Destiny Bond to Elekid and Celebi.

Give Espeon a Rare Candy.


You have your tournament plans written on your forehead while going shopping and the clerk refuses to give you what you want.

Luckily for you, the manager is watching and makes sure you still get your items.

You spend 3300 and walk away with a mischievous smirk on your face.


Espeon levels to 37.

Edited by OrbitingDeath
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Alright I've noticed something very strange... When I look on the computer, the lines from google docs copied correctly for the battle matchups. When I look on mobile, the lines did NOT copy correctly. I have no idea why it would matter? Or maybe because one is regular mode and one is dark mode? Either way, I'm clearly not the only one seeing this as people have submitted different things for their matchups. So to clarify, here are the matchups:


@Dom vs @Ricer13

@Ptyrell vs @Spartan

@dlamb vs @omgitshim

@Lemorse7 vs @Alex

@OrbitingDeath  vs @ctots

@Gustav  vs @JardyB10

@McWolf has a bye


I'll post future matchups in this format rather than copy-pasting.

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Welcome to the first match of the Final Tournament! And to start things off, we have one hell of a match between two of the top trainers!


Burglar @Gustav  VS Jessie @JardyB10 !

Burglar (Concept) - Giant Bomb VS 1819cee40681eaa8f725763211b6216a.jpg.gif



Jessie leads off with Blastoise lv 58 holding Quick Claw!

Burglar leads off with Flareon lv 61.75 also holding Quick Claw! So the higher level Flareon gets the first move! However this isn't the type matchup it was hoping for...


Flareon opens things up with Double-Edge! It does quite a bit of damage, but also takes 41 damage itself..

Blastoise retaliates with Hydro Pump...


pokemon hydro pump your face off GIF

Flareon has 30 HP left!

Flareon uses Fire Blast this time, not wanting to faint to Double-Edge recoil damage.

Blastoise uses 1 more Hydro Pump and Flareon goes down!


Next up Burglar sends out Poliwrath lv 58 holding a Focus Band

Poliwrath uses Double-Edge to finish off Blastoise. Was it over kill? Poliwrath takes 31 damage in recoil...


Next Jessie sends out...



tail GIF

Jessie intentionally sends out her Charizard into a type disadvantage!


Charizard uses Air Slash...

It's Super Effective!

Alright that makes sense now.

Poliwrath retaliates though with its own super effective attack--Hydro Pump!

The attack takes Charizard down to 77 HP.

Charizard goes in for another Air Slash to finish things off.

Does Focus Band proc???



Poliwrath goes down!

Burglar sends out his last and best pokemon... Gardevoir lv 62.25!

Also holding a Focus Band!

Gardevoir finishes off Charizard with Moonblast.


Jessie sends out Magnezone!

Magnezone uses Flash Cannon...


It's super effective!



Gardevoir responds with Moonblast.

It isn't very effective...


Magnezone goes in for the finishing blow with another Flash Cannon.

Does focus band proc???


Confused High Quality GIF




Gardevoir goes down!


Jessie has defeated Burglar!







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Next up is another potentially close matchup!


Bird Keeper @Lemorse7 VS Nurse Joy @Alex!

VSBird_Keeper_PE.png VS Nurse_Joy.png


Bird Keeper sends out Jolteon to lead and Nurse Joy sends out Steelix!

Steelix leads off with Earthquake.. Super Effective and gets STAB! Seems well worth the mini-TM cost.

Jolteon responds with Thunder.. It has no effect! This will be tough to recover from!

Another Earthquake and Jolteon goes down.


Next Bird Keeper sends out...



pokemon my target GIF

Suicune uses Hydro Pump for some super effective damage!

Steelix responds with Earthquake, but it isn't nearly as impressive as it was against Jolteon.

They trade blows back and forth... Can Suicune overcome an 11 level difference to beat a full HP Steelix??



Next Nurse Joy sends out Vikavolt.

Vikavolt uses Thunderbolt and the legendary Suicune takes a nap.



Bird Keeper's last pokemon is Ponyta!

Ponyta uses Flamethrower, it is super effective!

Vikavolt falls after the second hit.

But Ponyta only has 15 HP remaining!


Nurse Joy sends out Fraxure, who finishes off Ponyta!


Nurse Joy wins!



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For this first round matchup we will see Proffesor Oak @Spartan versus James @Ptyrell


Professor Oak - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon ...


Oak his team consists of Machamp, Kadabra and Zapdos.


image.jpeg.62eccb92bad5a9a59f3e42f391ccb401.jpegUri Geller retracts 20-year ban on Kadabra Pokémon trading cards |  GamesIndustry.bizZapdos Pokémon: How to Catch, Moves, Pokedex & More



In James'corner we see.... Venusaur? Where are the others?



ArtStation - Venusaur -- Pokemon


Venusaur opens the game with a Sludge Bomb that knocks out the Machamp

Kadabra takes over with a psybeam that  brings Venusaur's HP down to 241.9
But once again it is just a single sludge bomb taking care of business.


Venusaur is not impressed. He then faces of against the legendary pokemon zapdos.
It's drill peck hits hard and brings down Venusaur to 117.9 hp and it is in range to be killed off.

Venusaur once again drops a Sludge Bomb, it hits hard, but Zapdos is standing with 7.2 hp left.
Will it go for the win here by using another Drill Peck?


Ofcourse not, fully randomized instructions fire off a Roost, Zapdos heals. But not enough to survive another Sludge Bomb.


James and his Venusaur are victorious.


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Continuing our first round coverage, we have an exciting match-up between:


Nurse Joy @ctots VS Worker @OrbitingDeath


NurseJoy.jpg  VS Worker.png


Wait, didn't Nurse Joy already battle? Are you saying there are multiple nurses all named Joy? What kind of world is this?! That's like saying there's multiple Pokemon named Meowth! We all know there is simply one version of that! Anyway enough exposition, let's fight!


Nurse Joy leads things off with Hawlucha! Worker pts for Aegislash-Sword!





Aegislash uses Surf and Hawlucha doesn't stand a chance. As expected of a matchup between a level 62 and a level 21.


Nurse Joy smiles a little. You get a creepy vibe. She sends out her next Pokemon...






Dubwool tries to use Double-Edge, but it goes right through Aegislash, as the ghost type doesn't take any damage from Normal attacks.

Aegislash uses another Surf and Dubwool goes down.


Nurse Joy begins to laugh maniacally. It's almost like she's enjoying watching her Pokemon faint! Does she take pleasure in knowing she gets to nurse them back to health? Sickening. Well, I guess the opposite of sickening since they get healed. Not too sure what to make of this, let's just move on to her last Pokemon...






Weezing starts off with Assurance, and it's the first damage done to Aegislash the whole battle!

Aegislash counters with one final Surf... but wait, it's not enough! Weezing survives!

Backed into the corner, Weezing does the only thing it can... SELF DESTRUCT!






But remember that whole ghost thing? Yeah it doesn't affect Aegislash. Which in a weird way means Weezing doesn't hurt itself either. Don't question it.

Now it's time for a final Surf and Weezing goes down.


Worker is victorious!





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New day, new round!


3DS - Pokémon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire - Professor Birch - The Models  ResourceProfessor Birch @omgitshim vs     Professor Elm - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia Professor Elm @dlamb





Birch is bringing: 

Amazon.com: Pokémon Center: Machamp Posable Poké Plush, 8 ¾ Inch Pokemon Center 2019 Pokemon Fit Series #3 Celebi Small Plush Toy (New  Version) Pokemon Center 2021 Espeon Eevee Collection Plush Toy




Elm is bringing:


grubbin plush online - image.jpeg.e80ccde693c8c49b9e30bc3c865a027e.jpeg Pokemon Weavile Plush Doll - Pokemon Toys & Collectible | PokemonZone.com




Machamp actually uses a mach punch to have the first strike of the game over Grubbin. 
Grubbin counters with some bug bites, but he eventually falls to the close combats that are dished out by Machamp!


Lapras comes in and uses a mighty hydro pump! 

Hydro Pump (move) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia


Machamp is still standing and he throws out another close combat!


The best attacks for Machamp to learn in Pokemon GO


Lapras counters with an ice beam that finishes off Machamp



Celebi used Leaf Storm! by Faith-Wolff on DeviantArt


Celebi uses a leaf storm which kills off Lapras



Only one pokemon remaining on Elm his side, and it is a level 22 Weavile.

Weavile his icebeam hits Celebi, but even though it hit for 90 damage, Celebi is still standing.
The level difference surely comes into play here as Celebi 1 shots the Weavile with another leaf storm.



Professor Birch is victorious!




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Final match-up of the first round! Let's go!


Bill @Dom VS. Ash Ketchum @Ricer13


Bill.gif VS. ResetBloodlinesAshBeginning.png



Bill uses his strangely immense size as an intimidation tactic before sending out Growlithe. Ash uses his own intimidation tactic back:


Using Lugia.





Lugia blasts Growlithe with a Hydro Pump. It doesn't go well for Growlithe.


Bill opens his backpack, revealing about 8 Pokeballs inside. "I don't even know who is inside of these Pokeballs. I'll pick uhhh.... this one!"





Pupitar comes out and unleashes a vicious Earthquake. The stadium shakes! The crowd goes wild! The combatants shake in terror!


Lugia was in the air and completely unaffected. Lugia blasts Pupitar with Hydro Pump and it's not having a good time.


Bill ponders. "One of these has to have something good inside!"





Lapras comes out and Body Slams Lugia into the ground. It doesn't like it and unleashes its Psychic powers onto Lapras. Lapras takes it then fires off a nasty Ice Beam. Lugia feels cold. But not cold enough. Another Psychic comes out and Lapras falls down. It doesn't get up.



Ash wins!



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Round 2 starts with an all random match!


Bill @Dom

Growlithe lv 28 holding Oran berry

Lapras lv 27
Pupitar lv 32


Professor Elm @dlamb

Lapras lv 29

Weavile lv 22

Sneasel lv 30 holding Oran berry


Elm's Lapras opens things up by 1 shotting Growlithe with Hydro Pump! Growlithe didn't even get to eat the delicious berry it was randomly given!

Bill sends out his own Lapras to counter. The 2 non-squirtle water turtles go blow for blow! Eventually Elm's Lapras who struck first gets the victory

Elm sends out Weavile next, whose Dark Pulse finishes Lapras!

Bill down to his last pokemon... Pupitar! With a 10 level advantage!

Pupitar opens with Crunch.. not very effective!

Weavile's Ice Beam however does massive damage!

Pupitar uses Earthquake...


Weavile survives with 1.3 HP!

Weavile uses Revenge again for massive damage and Pupitar faints!


Professor Elm wins!


And neither of the berries that I randomly gave were eaten!


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Alright time to pump out some more matchups!


First we've got Bird Keeper @Lemorse7 vs Prof Oak @Spartan !

Lemorse opens things up with Suicune Hydro Pump!

Spartan uses Machamp, who takes a punch and strikes back with Knock Off before falling to another Hydro Pump.

Spartan sends out Gyarados next! This proves to be more of a match for Suicune... But Suicune still takes out Gyarados with 28 HP remaining!

Finally Spartan reaches in his back pocket and finds his own legendary! Zapdos!

Can Zapdos run the table like Suicune almost did?

Lemorse sends out Jolteon... Jolteon's Thunder still does a fair amount of damage due to Zapdos' Flying type!

After 2 hits, Zapdos goes down!


@Lemorse7 is the winner!

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Next is Jessie @JardyB10 VS Nurse Joy @ctots!


Jardy sends out Magnezone who is almost equal in level to ctots' Dubwool, Weezing, and Hawlucha combined!

And to make a short story even shorter, Magnezone uses Zap Cannon and takes out all 3 opponents and still has easily over half HP remaining!


@JardyB10 is the winner!

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Next is Prof Birch @omgitshim VS Worker @OrbitingDeath !

Worker seems somewhat under the weather as the suppresses another coughing fit.

Meanwhile Prof Birch is busy giving all his pokemon very detailed instructions and hands each of them a focus sash...


Charizard opens things up with a Fire Blast against Worker's Elekid!

Elekid hangs on thanks to Focus Sash!

Elekid uses Destiny Bond?!?


Charizard uses another fire blast..



Elekid and Charizard both faint due to Destiny Bond!



Prof Birch sends out Celebi next! Celebi uses Future Sight...

Worker sends out Steelix who uses Iron Tail! Celebi is down to less than half HP.

How will Prof Birch respond?


Celebi uses Destiny Bond...


Steelix uses Iron Tail and Celebi goes down! Steelix also faints due to Destiny Bond. 👀


Prof Birch sends out his final Pokemon Espeon with his trap all laid out exactly as planned...


Apparently a lifelong study of pokemon results in plenty of time to come up with some devious schemes!

Espeon comes out and uses Psychic! Future Sight also hits for an additional 165 damage!

Worker's Aegislash takes the the huge burst damage... Does it survive?


It does!


Worker used Aegislash's Shield form to start the fight with a tanky 421 HP! Aegislash also would be unaffected by Espeon's Self Destruct cheese move that Birch had originally planned for!

Aegislash-Shield uses Iron Head. Espeon is down to 76 HP! Then Aegislash eats some leftovers!

Espeon uses Psychic...


It's not enough!

Aegislash uses one more Iron Head and Espeon goes down!


@OrbitingDeath  is the winner! In a fight that could have gone VERY differently if he hadn't kept Aegislash as his last Pokemon, and if he hadn't used Shield form instead of Sword...





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Next is Nurse Joy @Alex VS Gary Oak @McWolf!


Gary starts things off with Victreebel!

Victreebel uses Knock Off to get rid of any pesky items that could interfere!

But Nurse Joy's Steelix isn't holding anything!

Steelix uses Earthquake and takes Victreebel to 135 HP.

Victreebel uses Leaf Blade...


The tanky Steelix goes down!


Next Joy sends out Vikavolt.

Vikavolt uses Fly.. It's Super Effective!

Victreebel's HP bar slowly goes down...




Victreebel hangs on!

Victreebel uses one more Leaf Blade before going down.


Next Gary sends out...



The 5 Best Mewtwo Moments in the Pokemon Franchise


Mewtwo uses Psystrike and the bug evaporates.


Joy sends out Fraxure for her final pokemon!

Fraxure uses Super Effective Crunch!

Mewtwo uses Psystrike...




One hit KO!


@McWolf wins!





Edited by Ptyrell
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A quick one up next--this one is @Ricer13 (Ash Ketchum) vs. @Ptyrell (James)!


James will lead with Aegislash--in the Sword form--using Iron Head against Ash's Arcanine. It takes two hits, but Aegislash moves on and Ash follows with Electabuzz.


Using one Thunderbolt, Electabuzz gets a KO in return and James puts in Venusaur, who uses Frenzy Plant and scores the second KO of the match.


But wait--Venusaur's Frenzy Plant means that James has to skip the next turn...and the Lugia that Ash has in the match is resistant to Grass! Is it possible that Ash could make things interesting?



Lugia uses Psychic, and gets to do it again! Venusaur uses another Frenzy Plant, but a third Psychic unexpectedly ties things up and James is down to his last in Gyarados.



Sadly, that's all there is to this one. Gyarados uses one Hyper Beam...


...and @Ptyrell wins the match!



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Going into round 3, rankings are starting to get fleshed out!



The difference among each win tier basically comes down to strength of schedule thus far.


So with that said...

The matchups for round 3 are...

@OrbitingDeath  VS @JardyB10

@McWolf VS @Ptyrell

@Alex VS @omgitshim

@Ricer13 VS @Gustav

@Lemorse7 VS @dlamb

@ctots VS @Spartan

@Dom has a bye!

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Third round action coming in hot!


Nurse Joy @ctots VS Professor Oak @Spartan


NurseJoy.jpg  VS Professor_Oak_anime_Black_&_White.png



Nurse Joy sends out Hawlucha while Professor Oak goes with Gyarados!





Gyarados leads things off with a Dragon Breath. Hawlucha shakes it off and comes in hot with a Flying Press. Gyarados had enough and finishes the round with a Hydro Pump. Nurse Joy smiles and sends out Dubwool.




Dubwool immediately spices things up with a Double-Edge. Gyarados winces but shoots a Hydro Pump back at it. Dubwool gets angry and uses Double-Edge again. Gyarados goes down! Professor Oak studies the situation and sends out Machamp.




Machamp utilizes Close Combat and Dubwool doesn't stand a chance. Nurse Joy's down to her last pokemon... Weezing!




Weezing starts things off by splurting out a Sludge Bomb on Machamp. Machamp tells it to Knock it Off. Weezing gives Assurance that it's sludge is organic and gluten free. Machamp takes out two of its hands for a Dual Chop to challenge those claims. Weezing takes offense and uses another Sludge Bomb to prove its point. Machamp concedes that Weezing was correct and leaves the battle field.


Professor Oak is confused! He hurt himself in his confusion! Then he sends out Zapdos.




Zapdos comes in with a mighty Drill Peck. Weezing's nearly out of HP, and having grown weary from the previous argument, it unleashes a Self Destruct! It does massive damage! Does anyone survive?



Weezing goes down! But was it enough to take out Zapdos?






enough! Zapdos goes down! The knock out is awarded to Weezing


Nurse Joy is victorious!






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