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43 minutes ago, OrbitingDeath said:

A3 : Work

A4 : golden rod city seems nice for a change


You spend a couple hours painting random patterns on bodies of baby Spindas and make $686.


You hit the golden brick streets again and meet this trio of Pokémons.


Meowth 20
Eevee 19
Pidgey 17


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1 minute ago, McWolf said:


You take a long walk on the banks of the Lake of Rage. You see a weird beetle jump from a tree straight in the water. You don't think about it too much, but a couple minutes later, the beetle comes back from the Lake with two friends.



Lapras 17
Horsea 20
Heracross 17


Vikavolt uses thunderbolt on lapras.

Throw 3 pokeballs at horsea, if unsuccessful, Vikavolt uses thunderbolt

Throw 5 pokeballs at Heracross, if unsuccessful, Vikavolt uses fly.


If Vikavolt dies at any point have Steelix use iron tail

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26 minutes ago, Alex said:

As you are riding through the water you notice what look to be some very strange toddlers on the shore, as you get closer you notice that they are some pokemon.



Smoochum 20
Smoochum 20
Elekid 17

Honedge with use Fury Cutter repeatedly on everyone. If it dies, Grubbin will use Bug Bite. If it dies, Pidgey will use Quick Attack

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20 minutes ago, McWolf said:


You spend a couple hours painting random patterns on bodies of baby Spindas and make $686.


You hit the golden brick streets again and meet this trio of Pokémons.



Meowth 20
Eevee 19
Pidgey 17


Eevee attacks the pidgey with swift (umbreon evo)

Magnemite sparks the meowth. If faints Steelix digs.

Steelix digs the eevee , the end

Edited by OrbitingDeath
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1 minute ago, Ptyrell said:

Honedge with use Fury Cutter repeatedly on everyone. If it dies, Grubbin will use Bug Bite. If it dies, Pidgey will use Quick Attack

Honedge easily takes out the first smoochum and only had to soak one ice punch

The second Smoochum is a different story and lands 2 ice punches, knocking Honedge down to 19.8 hp

Honedge breezes past elekid as it uses quick attack twice and does no damage as it does not effect Honedge


Honedge gains 5 levels and picks up a weirdly specific $452 bill.

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8 minutes ago, Ricer13 said:

Buy HM Surf and teach to Wartortle.


Action 3.3 Surf to Cerulian Cave

you spend $750 to teach Wartortle surf


while training your Wartortle to swim in Cerulian Cave you Wartortle crashes into a small group of pokemon.


pokemon GIF


Growlithe 22
Larvitar 21
Elekid 18
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Oh fun! 



Just now, Alex said:

you spend $750 to teach Wartortle surf


while training your Wartortle to swim in Cerulian Cave you Wartortle crashes into a small group of pokemon.


pokemon GIF



Growlithe 22
Larvitar 21
Elekid 18

Attempt to catch Elekid with my Greatballs.

Catch Growlithe with Greatballs as well.


Use Wartortle to battle Larvitar. 


Action 3.4 Work

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4 minutes ago, Ricer13 said:

Oh fun! 



Attempt to catch Elekid with my Greatballs.

Catch Growlithe with Greatballs as well.


Use Wartortle to battle Larvitar. 


Action 3.4 Work

You catch Elekid on your first throw

Growlithe on the other hand is a bit more hesitant, but you get it done in 3.


Larvitar attacks first using Rock Slide, knocking Wartortle down to 62 hp. Wartortle counters with Surf (asked on Discord) which KO's Larvitar.

Wartortle gains 3 levels!

You find $444 on the ground


You then go back to busking outside the pokecenter where you make $641

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33 minutes ago, Alex said:

Vikavolt uses thunderbolt on lapras.

Throw 3 pokeballs at horsea, if unsuccessful, Vikavolt uses thunderbolt

Throw 5 pokeballs at Heracross, if unsuccessful, Vikavolt uses fly.


If Vikavolt dies at any point have Steelix use iron tail

Lapras 17
Horsea 20
Heracross 17


Horsea is caught in 1 throw

Heracross is caught on the 3rd throw! Nice aim!


Vikavolt amazingly has more HP than the tanky Lapras

Vikavolt takes it down in 2 hits and gains 1 level


You earn $153

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1 hour ago, McWolf said:

Here's the result of your Mt. Moon escapade.



Geodude 20
Pumpkaboo 18
Onix 18


Poliwag/Water Gun on Geodude and Onix; Kirlia/Psybeam as backup and on Pumpkaboo; Flareon/Fire Blast as the usual backup.


My favorite part of this game is when I say "It's Saffrin' time" and begin to saff. So...


Action 5: Saffron City

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1 hour ago, Alex said:

While strolling through the cave you see some movement in the water and upon further inspection it's some pokemon!



Larvitar 21
Growlithe 17
Lapras 19

I will catch lapras with great balls and fight the others with my larvitar

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Action 4: Challenge Misty


Lead with Ivysaur who uses Razor Leaf

Next Gyarados uses Air Slash


Once Wartortle comes out...

If Wartortle eats an Oran or enigma berry or leftovers after the first air Slash, use air Slash a 2nd time. Then use Splash until Gyarados faints.

If no Berry/leftovers after the first air Slash, use Hydro pump once, then splash until gyarados faints.


Then send out Honedge who uses night Slash. 

Give Honedge an Oran Berry in case I messed up. But hopefully he doesn't have to eat it

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12 minutes ago, Dom said:

I will catch lapras with great balls and fight the others with my larvitar

you catch Lapras with your 3rd Greatball.


Your Larvitar quickly goes after the other Larvitar and takes it out with 2 Stomping Tantrums and enters a battle with Growlithe at 45.9 hp.

Your Larvitar manages to hang on and take out Growlithe with only 1.1 hp remaining.

Larvitar gains 3 levels and you find $368 on the ground

Edited by Alex
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1 hour ago, McWolf said:

Gourgeist Leaf Blades everything, starting with Elekid.


3.3. Challenge Misty


with a team of

Lv.26 Gourgeist (I think, based on the previous fight)

Lv.29 Victreebel

Lv.21 Eevee


Gourgeist uses Leaf Blade vs Horsea until Horsea dies

Gourgeist uses Leech Seed on the first turn vs Vaporeon, then Leaf Blade until Gourgeist dies.

Victreebel uses Leaf Blade vs Vaporeon until Vaporeon dies

Victreebel uses Knock Off on the first turn vs Wartortle, then Poison Jab on the second turn, until Victreebel dies (ideally right here)

Eevee finishes Wartortle with Swift

Gourgiest makes quick work of the 3 electric pokemon, taking out the elekid in 2 shots and one-shotting both the pichus.


Gourgiest gains 9 levels and you find $423 on the ground.


--GYM Battle --


You enter what looks like a public swimming pool to challenge GYM Leader Misty to a battle, she accepts and send out Horsea, you counter with Gourgiest!

pokemon GIF

Horsea opens with Dragon Breath, Gourgiest counters with a quick Leaf Blade that KO's Horsea!


Misty, now furious sends out Vaporeon who uses Aurora Beam, It's Super Effective! Once again Gourgiest uses Leaf Blade in hopes for another 1-hit KO, it takes Vaporeon down to 79.3 HP. Vaporeon uses Aurora Beam 1 more time to finish off Gourgiest!


a now jovial Misty's facial expression changes when sours when you send out another grass type with Victoreebel and use Leaf Blade again. Victoreebel uses Leaf Blade to knock out Vaporeon.


Misty finally becomes serious as she sends out her final pokemon, Wartortle! Wartortle immediately uses body slam on Victoreebel which retaliates with knock off. Wartortle was not holding an item. Wartortle once again uses bodyslam and takes Victoreebel down to 39.4 hp. Victoreebel uses Leaf Blade and finishes the battle!


Misty presents you with the Cascade badge!


Gourgiest gains 3 levels and Victoreebel gains 5 levels!

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20 hours ago, omgitshim said:


You star in a movie as Andy Sandberg's father's stunt double. You earn $1479 for the performance.



You enter the Tower, but notice it is much darker than usual. You see a faint glow coming from one of the rooms and decide to follow the source of light.



Pokemon Level
Charmander 21
Honedge 21
Charmander 20

Catch everything in order listed pls, if I run out of balls, KILL IT!

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2 hours ago, OrbitingDeath said:

Eevee attacks the pidgey with swift (umbreon evo)

Magnemite sparks the meowth. If faints Steelix digs.

Steelix digs the eevee , the end


Eevee shoots an array of stars Swiftly at Pidgey. It counters with Gust. A 2nd Swift is enough to take it out... wait... what? Pidgey has 0.0 HP, yet it still stands?! Let's crunch the numbers...


39.1 - 19.53 - 19.53 = 0.04


.04 HP remains. This Pidgey has guts. Unfortunately guts doesn't do much to an Eevee.


Next up, Magnemite takes on the Meowth. Spark does a number on Meowth, and Meowth's teeth and claws fail to do much to Magnemite's steel body.


Finally, Steelix takes on the Eevee. Eevee tries to avoid the holes that Steelix Digs, but it can't handle it.



Eevee, Magnemite, and Steelix all gain 2 levels. $354 was earned.


But what's this? Eevee starts to glow!




The moon's light as brought us an Umbreon!

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