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28 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

You pack your hiking boots and find


Geodude 13
Ponyta 13
Litwick 18

-Use Bulbasaur to take down Geodude with Vine Whip.

-Buy Razorclaw and give it to Sneasel then use Sneasel’s knock off to take down litwick. 
-Attempt to catch ponyta with my remaining 2 poke balls!



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1 hour ago, OrbitingDeath said:

Scizor equips Amulet Coin and attacks Sneasel 18 and 16

When faints Honedge takes over  and attacks with fury cutter.

Honedge attacks Grubbin with Aerial Ace. 


If they faint, hold for further actions

Grubbin 16
Sneasel 16
Sneasel 18


Sneasel strikes first and uses knock off. Scizor drops the amulet coin!

Snow Winter GIF by Butterfinger


Scizor gets its revenge though. Iron Head is super effective!


The second Sneasel takes out Scizor. Honedge starts slashing at it with Fury Cutter. It ramps up to Fury Cutter 3 and Sneasel goes down!

Grubbin is the last one up. Bit is super effective against Honedge! Grubbing survives with 3 HP!


(levels haven't been applied yet)

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1 hour ago, dlamb said:

Action 1: Work
Buy as many Great Balls as I can


Action 2: Explore the Bell Tower!



You flip signs for the Pokemart and earn $579! You give that money right back and buy 5 great balls. You are 1 dollar short of another!

there's your sign spinning GIF


In the Bell Tower you find...

Gastly 13
Litwick 17
Litwick 17
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1 hour ago, ctots said:

Let's capture larvitar by any means necessary (pokeballs first, then great ball, ultra ball if needed)


If any pokeballs are left after trying to catch larvitar, attempt catching level 16 onix.


Bulbasaur will vine whip the remaining onix (or 2).

Onix 16
Onix 16
Larvitar 18


You want that Larvitar... You need that Larvitar... You GOTTA HAVE IT!

You've got 15 pokeballs, but only a 15% catch chance with regular pokeballs...

You start chucking balls...


You catch it after 11 throws 😬


Better than nothing?




Against the Onix...


You catch it on the first try!


Then Bulbasaur goes to work vine whipping and Onix goes down! You earn $120. Bulbasaur gains 3 levels and evolves into Ivysaur!

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4 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

Jessie wakes up in the Rocket Hideout in Mahogany Town. She needs some supplies for the day, so she goes upstairs to speak with the sketchy drug dealing shop owner, who will one day be murdered by Lance’s Dragonite.


”Jeez, Team Rocket hasn’t ACTUALLY purchased anything since I sold my underwear to James last Christmas,” she volunteers to the drug dealer as she purchases:


1x Max Repel

2x Great balls


She then heads north with her floating tumour to check out the Lake of Rage, hoping the repel wasn’t foolish.


Action 1: Explore Lake of Rage


*Using the Max Repel

You go to your favorite Lake for Raging and find some level 18

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1 hour ago, Lemorse7 said:

catch both eevees with greatballs 


Fight Meowth with Riolu double kick

You catch them both on the first try!


Riolu gives meowth the ol' 1-2 and meowth goes down. Riolu gains 2 levels and you gain $144

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21 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:
Grubbin 16
Sneasel 16
Sneasel 18


Sneasel strikes first and uses knock off. Scizor drops the amulet coin!

Snow Winter GIF by Butterfinger


Scizor gets its revenge though. Iron Head is super effective!


The second Sneasel takes out Scizor. Honedge starts slashing at it with Fury Cutter. It ramps up to Fury Cutter 3 and Sneasel goes down!

Grubbin is the last one up. Bit is super effective against Honedge! Grubbing survives with 3 HP!


(levels haven't been applied yet)

Eevee finishes off grubbin

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1 minute ago, Ptyrell said:

You go to your favorite Lake for Raging and find some level 18


Is level 18 the max? I thought it was 20 for some reason 🤪


Fuck me I wasn't expecting a Lapras, I don't even know what to do with myself now! It sure would be a boon in committing CRIMES on the near impossible chance I catch it though...


Let's start with a single Great ball at the Sneasel, and 5 Pokeballs I guess?

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27 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

You flip signs for the Pokemart and earn $579! You give that money right back and buy 5 great balls. You are 1 dollar short of another!

there's your sign spinning GIF


In the Bell Tower you find...


Gastly 13
Litwick 17
Litwick 17

Pokeballs on Gastly and 1 Litwick, if all are used, great balls.


For the 2nd litwick, Bulldoze that MF!


Edit: Action 3: Explore Goldenrod

Edited by dlamb
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2 hours ago, Alex said:

^Zorua should be lvl 17 now correct? 3rd action is now complete (Grubbin caught, Syther caught, Wooloo died)


Action #4: work

Yes, bless your heart.


You pick up an extra shift at the Pokemon Center to help change Snorlax bedpans.


You earn $580!

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1 hour ago, McWolf said:

1.4. Exploring Saffron City

Walking into Saffron City, you notice a couple of sleepy yellow children napping near the gates. An Eevee playfully frolics nearby.


Abra 14
Eevee 18
Abra 13


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Just now, Lemorse7 said:

use fairy evolution stone on Eevee lvl 18 and let the magic happen 

If you're going for Sylveon, you'll need to buy any Fairy type TM for it, and then level it up.

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3 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

If you're going for Sylveon, you'll need to buy any Fairy type TM for it, and then level it up.

I guess I skip over that change it will be the electricity evo stone in that case

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1 hour ago, Ricer13 said:

-Use Bulbasaur to take down Geodude with Vine Whip.

-Buy Razorclaw and give it to Sneasel then use Sneasel’s knock off to take down litwick. 
-Attempt to catch ponyta with my remaining 2 poke balls!



Stopping at the novelty gift shop, you purchase a very sharp piece of creature to one day Frankenstein onto a different creature.


You get cursed with Jardy processing luck as Ponyta bucks your two balls into oblivion. Would you like to use your higher tier balls?


I'll leave the battle for now in the likely event I get side tracked and confuse a future processor.

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36 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

Stopping at the novelty gift shop, you purchase a very sharp piece of creature to one day Frankenstein onto a different creature.


You get cursed with Jardy processing luck as Ponyta bucks your two balls into oblivion. Would you like to use your higher tier balls?


I'll leave the battle for now in the likely event I get side tracked and confuse a future processor.

Yes please

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5 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

Walking into Saffron City, you notice a couple of sleepy yellow children napping near the gates. An Eevee playfully frolics nearby.



Abra 14
Eevee 18
Abra 13



We want to catch the Eevee and the lv.14 Abra, in that order. First all our two Poke Balls, then our four Great Balls. Hold there if this doesn't catch both of them.


After we are done, the freshly captured Eevee is going to Bite the lv.13 Abra.


With the cash the lv.13 Abra drops for reasons, I'm buying a Leaf Stone, giving it to Weepinbell so it evolves into a beastly Victreebel.


And that will be the end of my 4th action of the day.

Edited by McWolf
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4 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

On your way back to the river, you decide you don't actually like fishing and go exploring some caves instead. You find...


Ponyta 14
Litwick 16
Poliwag 15


Pokeballs on Ponyta until it succeeds, and if I still have any left throw them at Poliwag. 


If I can use my evolution stone now, use it on Eevee and evolve it into Flareon.


IF I have a Flareon, attack Litwick with Bite. If not, use Bite with Eevee.


IF I have to fight Poliwag, use Bite with Flareon and/or Eevee if it's still standing, and Stomp with Ponyta if not.


IF I somehow have to fight Ponyta, Bite with Flareon and/or Eevee as well (hopefully it won't come to that).



Final action of the day: Explore Saffron City. If I have fewer than 4 Pokeballs, buy however many I need to get up to 4.

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3 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

Is level 18 the max? I thought it was 20 for some reason 🤪


Fuck me I wasn't expecting a Lapras, I don't even know what to do with myself now! It sure would be a boon in committing CRIMES on the near impossible chance I catch it though...


Let's start with a single Great ball at the Sneasel, and 5 Pokeballs I guess?

Encounter levels were changed!


You are so nervous that you throw the greatball over the Sneasel's head!


Embarrassed you throw all 5 pokeballs at it...

Sneasel hides in a shadow and they all miss!! Is your bad luck contagious???

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