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Writing Graders


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The grading team is looking for one, maybe two, new writing graders.


The pay is 1 TPE per 4 articles graded. Exceptions are made for podcasts and biographies.


Apply below with a few sentences telling me why I should hire you.


Applications due Oct 2/14

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  • Head Moderator

This is poor timing as I will be heading out of town tomorrow night for a few days, however this would be a great way to give back to the league.  Ideally I'd prefer more of an editing position, however in the end, I enjoy reading the articles and have been through the grading gauntlet on more than a few occasions.

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I write a lot of stuff and want to be a journalist. I'm the best for this job.


Hire me and you get a free Get Well Soon card with a chocolate bar and no more threats delivered to your house.

Edited by Riggsy
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