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Phil Villeneuve Breaks 4 Million TPE


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BREAKING NEWS! This just in Phil Villeneuve has just broken a TPE record. Not only has he amassed the most TPE ever seen in VHL history, he also has the largest week to week update to date. Last week Mr. Villeneuve was sitting at a comfortable 393 TPE but this week he now sits at an astounding 4,000,000 TPE. When asked how he plans on using this lump sum? "Well first I'd like to thank the protein shakes and iron I've pumped over the years. I'd like to use most of this on my training but I might be generous enough to donate some to those starving children cause that's nice I guess." Truly a selfless individual who has not only earned what he has received but that and more. How will he follow up this record breaking update? "I'll probably go on a Forest Gump long run then I might climb Everest." 


For the VHL this is Frank Vitchard reporting live from David Knight's closet. 





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