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For TPE Thunder Rips on Wheeler


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In order to continue to earn TPE, I have to come up with something else to write.  This shit has been going on for too long!  I’m running out of things to make up, say, or even write about.  Everytime I bitch about it to @Scurvy, he says we should do a podcast, but that’s as far as it goes.  I’ve tried to mumble my way with podcasts and for someone as tarded as I am, its not easy.  Other podcasters like @Spartan , @JardyB10, @MubbleFubbles,  even @Berocka, make it sound so easy.  And then my most recent attempts to earn tpe were coming up with stupid logic puzzles, which took hours to make work, and only get me one week of tpe.  Although the first one, I managed to do two puzzles and get two weeks out of.  And with all that work, I could see that the puzzles were easier than shit.  But hey, I got my tpe!


So this work today is not to discuss anything in particular like, why the hell is Rip Wheeler, @ScottyP, doing so shitty.  Or could it be just that?  Maybe this will be a bitch session so that I can come up with enough words to earn my tpe.  I mean, come on scottyp, what the hell are you doing?  I know, I know, “I do what I do.”  Well, scottyp, you can only live by that motto for so long.  How do you expect your team to get anywhere with a gangly ass long armed winger like you claiming welfare every week.  Come on!  Scurvy should be kicking you in the balls every day until you change your ways.  It would be a self correcting problem.


Let’s get real Rip, you got so lucky getting drafted as high as you got, and that was only because of Scurvy’s reputation in the league.  He stuck his leg out for you and the best you can do is welfare?  I was hopeful when you spent some time in in Oslo, given the quality of GM in @JB123.  And then when you were traded to Calgary, I saw some hope in you finally making it to the big league before Brian Payne and Jake Thunder retire.  While I was looking for your early season stats on Oslo, I found out you bumped up to the VHL.  I will say this to you Rip Wheeler, @Ricer13 has given you a gift.  Now it’s up to you to show that you deserve to be in the VHL.  You can’t say, “I do what I do,” and expect to get a pass in the VHL.  Especially on Calgary.  You’re on a team that wins.  Are you going to contribute or are you going to be a wall flower?  To rip you even more Rip, you’re on the first line with two of the best forwards in the league, Landon Wolanin and Daniel Janser.  How much easier could it get for you to contribute to the team?


Now, to end this on a high note for you Rip Wheeler, there is a chance for you today to fight Jake Thunder and at least be able to talk some serious shit at work, if you win!  Considering the game between Calgary and Vancouver earlier this season, you had the chance to fight Brian Payne, but the it appears that both Rip and Brian were afraid to match up because the only fight in that game was between two bots.  You will have multiple opportunities to drop the gloves this season Rip, so make it happen!  Love you buddy!!


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