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Lamb, Payne, Pearce - Heavy Hitters


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It’s time again to take a look at the VHL heavy hitters.  Digging into the hit statistics, I wasnt surprised that Vinny Detroit, @dasboot, is the all time leader.  Not only that, it looks like his record will not be touched anytime soon.  Vinny Detroit has 3163 hits on the books, which is almost 300 more than the #2 ranked hitter, Brennan McQueen.  To make this even more impressive, the next active player, Vasile Lamb, currently has 2564 hits, and still has another season to bump his stats.


Vasile Lamb, @dlamb, is currently in 13th place on the all time hit list.  This position is quite impressive, and with 2564 hits, and 8 games remaining, Vasile Lamb is on pace to hit 2600 hits, which will put him ahead of Phil Marleau, @Phil, but not let him catch up to Phil Shankly, who retired with 2607 hits.  With that in mind, Vasile Lamb still has a chance to reach Shankly’s record if he muscles up in the last eight games and knocks some opponents around.  With one more season to go, if Vasile Lamb keeps pace he could end his career with 2924 hits and proudly retire in 2nd place on the all time hits list and overtake Duncan Idaho, @OrbitingDeath , who retired with 2734 hits and is ranked 5th; and Theo Axelsson, who has only one more hit than Duncan Idaho.


The next best heavy hitter who is currently active just happens to be a real prick.  Brian Payne, @Scurvy, and he is ranked 66 as of the stats recorded today.  Brian Payne has 1795 hits with 8 games left this season, so his ranking can only go up.  Not only that, Brian Payne has another season to add to his impressive stats.  Brian Payne is on pace to hit 1821 by the end of this season, which should put him ahead of Hard Markinson, @STZ  If Brian Payne continues to crush opponents next season, its likely that he will end his career with 2080 hits.  This could put Brian Payne in the top 30 of the all time hitters, right behind Motherfucker Sharpe.  Even if Payne comes up short of Motherfucker, his numbers are still something to celebrate as this is nothing to sneeze about, especially considering how many minutes the goon has been in the penalty box over his career.


Before moving on to the next active heavy hitter, I wouldn’t be doing any justice to this writing if I did not write something about Rip Wheeler, @ScottyP.  Rip Wheeler is starting his career very slowly, but keep in mind Rip, you’ve got several seasons ahead of you and if you follow your mentor’s footsteps and step it up, you could break the top one hundred of heavy hitters.  Keep in mind; however, you will need to boost your TPE because you are on pace to retire with 981 career hits, unless you do something to improve your player.  With those numbers, you belong in Hayes’ office, not the bullpen!!


The number three ranked active hitter is Nico Pearce, @Spartan , and he is in 70th place, with 1766 hits.  Unfortunately for Pearce, he will be retiring at the end of the season and because of his retirement, he only has eight more games to play.  If Nico Pearce continues the hitting pace, he will likely end with 1780 hits and will put him ranked 69th, right behind Keaton Louth, @Beaviss.  Again, impressive numbers, regardless of his position in the all time list.  This is definitely something to be proud of.


Congratulations go out to the top three active hitters, Vasile Lamb, Brian Payne, and Nico Pearce.  You are all studs who are spending your careers wrecking opponents.  A job well done!


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5 minutes ago, Thunder said:

on pace to retire with 981 career hits

Ole @ScottyP is an embarrassment.  Talks like he's killer but he's on pace to win Lady Byng year after year.  That's if he's not sent down to VHLM again to "work on his game"  

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