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An Apology


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An Apology


Hello everyone, as you may know by now I have returned from being IA. If you haven't caught it in Discord, I went IA due to the absolutely insane pressure/time commitment work had put on me. I was working 11 hour days as a software engineer and by the time I was done, all I wanted to do was turn off my brain and try to get some semblance of relaxation. Unfortunately, my hours recently have only partially improved. I do not have it in me to do PTs anymore, and probably won't for the foreseeable future.


All that being said, I owe some people apologies. I went completely awol and had multiple people reaching out to me. It sounds stupid, but I was so exhausted that the thought of explaining what I was going through was too much for me. By the time I worked up the energy to explain it, it had been days/weeks since I had received messages, and I felt too guilty to respond. I'd like to apologize to both @Enorama@thadthrasher, and @Doomsday for abandoning my team in the E. I really tried to make it work, and I know I put you guys in a terrible situation. I'd also like to extend my sincerest apologies to @FrostBeard. Of all times for me to come back, this seemed like the cruelest. I had absolutely no idea I had been traded to Moscow, I had just seen a lot of @Spartan tagging people for what seemed like sims, so I thought I'd make a joke. He then reached out and told me what had happened. I told him I'd at least try to be a clicker. Realistically, I can probably be depended on to click, do trivia, and do pressers. This literally might be the only VHL.com article I write who knows.


I probably owe more apologies to you all then just those three, but I felt that I needed to say something. You have all been really supportive of my return and that means a lot to me. 


Love you guys and this community ❤️ 

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I appreciate the apology here, especially a public one. Real life will always mean more than what we do here, so never be afraid to say "I'm too swamped for this." You don't owe anyone an explanation on that end. I hope things have calmed down for you, and I hope to see you return to some semi-active status at least.

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