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Hopefully Unique Advice for New Members


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It’s our first big recruitment drive in a while, and what that means is that it’s the first time in a while that lots of new members might see something I write all at once. So, I thought I’d share some tips that might help you that you might not necessarily see repeated by everyone else (e.g., join Discord, earn well, whatever else that’s helpful but that you’ve definitely heard already. 

Older members are normal people and generally like it when you talk to them. I erred on the side of being a little too respectful when I joined the VHL (as in, I was nice enough that it was weird), but as long as you’re not disrespectful of anyone (or insulting to the time lots of us have put into this place), we’d love to hear from you and help you out! We once had all the questions you do. 

Make content you enjoy. You will not want to write 500 words every week if you only ever write about the last week’s sim results. Find what speaks to you about the league and do that—create stories about your player, analyze stats, or make grand predictions (or even get into graphics and podcasts). Writing articles I would actually bother to read has kept me here for almost 5 years now. 

Find the time to VHL that works for you. Right now, I’m writing this on my phone between sets at the gym. It takes zero extra time out of my day, because it’s the time I’d be using to do nothing otherwise. That’s really valuable to me because I’m really busy sometimes. Sure, I’ll write 3,000-word articles about 10+-year-old players as well, but only when I have the time and I want to. 

Get to know other VHLM teams and players. It takes a long time to learn exactly who’s who, but get to know your team’s roster—who the players are and which members have made them. Then, branch out by finding the league leaders and learning which members you’re competing with. You’ll care more as you learn more. 

I hope this is useful and I encourage other people with experience to share some of it too!

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9 hours ago, Gustav said:

Find the time to VHL that works for you. Right now, I’m writing this on my phone between sets at the gym. It takes zero extra time out of my day, because it’s the time I’d be using to do nothing otherwise. That’s really valuable to me because I’m really busy sometimes. Sure, I’ll write 3,000-word articles about 10+-year-old players as well, but only when I have the time and I want to. 

Honestly outside of simming I’m a mobile user 95% of the time. If I had to dictate like “this is the time I’m gonna sit down and check the site” I probably would have left years ago, I don’t have the time to do that like I did back in the day.

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Good to know that folks are approachable. This should work well for me since I like talking to people but not always when it requires in-person conversations. I pretend to be an extrovert at work, but that's all it is. Pretend.

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6 hours ago, UghSike said:

Good to know that folks are approachable. This should work well for me since I like talking to people but not always when it requires in-person conversations. I pretend to be an extrovert at work, but that's all it is. Pretend.

Ironically that's all this is too!

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