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Appreciation Post


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After buzzing around the forums this morning I noticed a familiar member recreate for the S95 draft class. Jesse Teno had just announced retirement and member @aimkin had recreated with their new player Ahsoka Tano. After seeing this news I also checked a recent video aimkin had posted. Teno won a cup with London and really defined themselves as the goalie you want to have in your crease. VSN made a poll recently and the major population who voted would agree. Aimkin said their goodbyes to Teno in this video before pressing the big red button. Even before that, they mentioned something a few times.


The reasons Jesse Teno became such a successful story were: self-drive and consistency in TPE earning (18th all time in TPE), London being the right fit and a forever home (full career in London, only 1 backup season), and one member specifically reached out in the early stages of Teno's career to get them on their feet. This member, @Shindigs, was mentioned multiple times throughout the video and you could tell by the way aimkin was describing their relationship, Shin had a major role in Jesse Teno's development stages. Aimkin included that they had no idea how far this career would last them or what type of experience this would become, they didn't know if they would even make any friends. Shindigs obviously became a friend through time and consideration. He was like this to everyone I feel because he was always like this to me too. Shindigs showed me what a prime example of a great person in our community is. When I think of the best member I think of him and I really hope he will come back one day to say hi. This is a community with real people, real life experiences. Jesse Teno turned into a HOF goaltender all because one person was nice enough to be nice to them. In their unfortunate case at the time, Teno was on a deserted VHLM team with a GM who was not active, the locker room was Jesse and just one other player. Shin was a GM of a different VHLM team but still took the time to make Teno feel like they belong here.


I find it so beautiful how the impact one member had on another lead to something so great.



My Shindigs is @dlamb!! When I first joined the league almost 3 years ago I was so unsure what I was getting into. It was the end of covid and I was bored on YouTube. I came across an ad for the VHL and joined up right away. Back then VHLM GM's would reply to your creation thread with their waiver pitch, dlamb offered me good minutes and was quick to send it so I went to Ottawa with him. There weren't too many people on our team that season and we struggled to find success, but I stuck to it because dlamb made it fun and exciting. He taught me how to do graphics, I never was a graphics guy! Here's my first graphic I ever made that I really felt proud of... it took me two weeks to figure out lol. He helped me with medias, I started to make lots of medias including Mock Drafts that really caught the community's eyes and showed everyone that I am a fun member here. dlamb and I chatted so much but I couldn't even tell you anything that we talked about just because it was so long ago, also @Juice I miss you too. AJ Williams was my first player and I reached 1240 TPE with him. I really can thank dlamb for helping me get my feet wet and sticking to the process in order to reach that milestone (I even retired a season early). Like aimkin mentioned, they do not stick to things like this, I felt that too when I joined. Well here's some things I've accomplished so far from sticking to it:


  • I'm pushing my third year on this forum in May 
  • I have created two players now and my second one just recently hit 1500 TPE
  • 1 Continental Cup in Seattle
  • 1 Renaissance Cup in Oslo (Dlamb's current team)
  • I have GM'd the Houston Bulls for 8 seasons now
  • 2 GM of the Season awards
  • My proudest accomplishment: Houston produces A LOT of VHL prospects


Thanks to so many for making my experience in this community wonderful. @dlamb you get my standing ovation for helping me get started and I really appreciate everything you've done for every player you've GM'd. People like Shindigs and dlamb are how this league keeps retention of new players and produces studs like Teno. I feel like I have built a community in Houston now that many players can call home or say that they had a good time while staying here, and that makes me very happy. @aimkin thanks for making that video too! I miss Shin a ton and it made me really appreciate the good people we have here. I'm so proud of myself for all of the things I have accomplished here over the years, all the time and work I have put in, it is nice to look back at the start of it all and remember who was there to help you out.

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You're exactly right, your success is one of the main reasons that I enjoyed my short time as VHLM GM and would like to go back to it again one day, just so great to see new members on your team grow and thrive. Makes it even better that you are pumping top-level VHL prospects out like a machine over there in Houston, really great seeing it. It really doesn't feel like **3** years ago that was all going on, jeeesus how time has flown. 

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2 minutes ago, dlamb said:

It really doesn't feel like **3** years ago that was all going on, jeeesus how time has flown. 


Dakota Lamb was in Con Cup era when I joined the VHL... time is FLYING

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it really does just take one person willing to sit down and run you through being the best member you can be

thankfully I've had a ton of people willing to mentor me in all varieties of things here on the site!

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Well-written, and thoughtful, heartfelt stuff. Recognizing other player's achievements is commendable and an act of humility. So, also an admirable write-up. The spelling was on point. Grammer, statistics, quick links etcetera. All present.
I'd give this an 11/10. I think a lot can be learned from this in people's approach to future media. Many people write about themselves or something else. Writing about someone else shows appreciation that makes this community a pretty tight-knit one.

77 Words 

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