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Claimed:Denis to leave New York after the year [Final: 6/6]


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Denis will not sign a new deal


With just one year left on his entry level deal, Slovak player Milos Denis will be heading to free agency after this year. There have been very little talks with the Americans about a new contract, and it is looking more and more like the small sized winger will be on the move after this year. His time in New York has been filled with turmoil to say the least and he has been a disappointment on the offensive end of things. There have been highs of scoring the cup winning goal, and lows of long streaks without a point, but Denis is looking forward to this year and a final chance to show the Americans he was worth where he was drafted.


Selected in the first round in the Season 39 draft, Denis has been one of the bigger disappointments in recent memory. Drafted as an offensive dynamo, the young players lack of size and physicality has been paramount in his struggles. He has made strives to be bigger over this off season and has looked better in training camp than in previous years. He is expected to play on the second line alongside Jody 3 Moons and potential convert to forward Conner Low this year. The team will therefore have a more intense attack on the first line and allow for the kids to flourish against lesser competition. 


It will be difficult for the second line to create chemistry seeing as Low is a natural defender and 3 Moons is a first year player in the VHL. It will be up to Denis in some ways to create offense on the line, which history has shown, is sometimes a difficult task for the smaller player. Heading in to the upcoming season, the Americans are looking to return to the finals for the third straight year, and will need a big year from that second line. In the playoffs last year, especially in the finals, Denis and his crew dissapeared come playoff time and they fell in a quick, although close, five game series with the Riga Reign. 


The Americans are nearing the end of their competitive years with Conner Low and Tom Slaughter nearing the end of their productive years. In some ways, this is one of the last years of New York's dominance over the North American Conference. Arguably the most impressive run of relevancy in the history of the VHL is looking close to coming to an end soon. New York likely has some moves to be made in the coming season to ensure they are the team to beat once again in the VHL this year. 




There is a decent chance that Denis does not finish the year in New York, although it seems as if pundits have been saying this since he first took the ice as an American. The truth is, he has never fit in with New York and despite the obvious highs of scoring the cup winning goal as a rookie player, his lows have been too much for his reputation and it is likely that his trade value is very low and he would be nothing more than a throw in in a trade. Also, seeing as he has said he will not sign a new contract before the off season with any team, there are few teams willing to take a chance on the 23 year old. So this season is arguably the most important one of Denis' career so far and will either change the way people look at him, or completely justify a poor contract he will receive. 

Edited by Tyler
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Content: 3/3

608 words, check.  Nice breakdown of Denis' career and future struggles. I'll keep a watch on his performance. 


Grammar: 1.5/2. I normally wouldn't dock you for the missing commas and whatnot, but overall it's adding up a bit. You've got at least 9 errors in 21 sentences, meaning that ~40% of your sentences haves mistakes. When it gets graded a second time, you'll get full marks from rounding, but I've gotta dock you on the first blush this time. I think you would have caught a lot of these with a careful proofreading. 

  • with turmoil, to say the least, and he has been - Missing commas
  • cup winning goal[,] and lows - Unneeded comma
  • Selected in the first round of the Season 39 draft, - word choice, I'd recommend "of" over "in"
  • the young player's lack of size - missing the apostrophe, since the lack of size is belonging to the player
  • He has made strides to be bigger over this off season - typo resulting in wrong word. Made strives doesn't makes sense.
  • It will be up to Denis, in some waysto create offense on the line, which, history has shown, is sometimes a difficult task for the smaller player. - missing commas. Also, it becomes a bit of a funky sentence when all the commas are properly in place. Caveat: There is a bit of room for debate on the comma after "which," but I broke it down and I think my way is right.
  • third straight year[,] and [they] will need a - two ways to correct this:  Either remove the comma, or add a pronoun for a proper independent clause after the and. I recommend just killing the comma. 
  • his lows have been too much for his reputation. It is likely that - I suggest a new sentence here, otherwise it becomes a run-on. 
  • So, this season is arguably the most important one of Denis' career so far and will either change the way people look at him, or completely justify [the] poor contract he will receive. - Missing a comma, word choice.  The works a lot better than A, since you've proven that A. he is guaranteed a contract somewhere, and B. it will be a low one if he doesn't perform. 


Appearance: 1/1

Looks good, nice pics. 

Edited by pxzero
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Content: 3/3

Good brief overview of the past and future for Milos Denis.


Grammar:  1.75/2

Pxzero hit the ones I noticed when reading over it. The mistakes pointed it caused it to be a slightly sloppy read at the first go around. 


Appearance: 1/1

Could of used a bit more, but not enough to dock any marks.


Total: 5.75/6

Overall: 5.5 & 5.75 = 6/6

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