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While this is a bit late in regards to the drama that occurred, it is better to air this out now than to allow it to fester within for any longer. It is time for the ugly truth to be dragged out from the shadows and put into the spotlight for all to see. The drama surrounding Diacope is not an isolated event, oh no, but a pattern exhibited since I have been in the league, back in the S60s, and likely longer than that, perhaps even from the creation of the VHL itself. Throughout the history of our modern internet, both creators and users have been predominantly men. It originated as something only a bunch of loser nerds would be a part of, and thus created a male-dominated sphere in which new creations, games, media, and platforms focused on the male idealization. As the internet became more mainstream, and women began to interact and involve themselves with the sphere, some platforms adjusted, welcoming this new demographic into their communities. Other platforms, however, stayed behind on the times, refusing to accommodate the opposing gender. Unfortunately, the VHL falls into the latter category.


Diacope was a user who previously left due to unfair harassment, with a major factor being the great injustice of the filthy M Commies excluding a waiver player from joining the Ottawa team and then insinuating that DIACOPE was the ones in the wrong, not them. Why? It could have been that Ottawa had a full roster, and would need to remove some random irrelevant player, OR it could be because Diacope is a WOMAN. With the only support coming from soon to be ostracized Achilles, Diacope left. Having returned, she sought to remake her image and regain the trust of the league, despite having no legitimate wrongdoing. The league did not accommodate, however. Perennial inactive and the current world record holder of longest time without taking a shower, Mr. @twists, took it upon himself to berate and insult Diacope, baiting her into a confrontation that she could not win, thus causing the league to turn on her once again, causing her to leave once more, perhaps forever. Why, you may ask, would Twistler do this? Because he is an ugly troll, and was afraid to show his face, especially compared to the beautiful and fair Diacope.



This is a case of the league being afraid of a strong, powerful, and intelligent woman. BladeMaiden was part of this league for a fairly long period of time, and throughout that time, was influential both as a player, and as a GM. Under her rule as the Philadelphia Reapers GM, she was able to assemble one of the most successful VHLM teams of all time and was able to push her players further than any other GMs in the league. Of course, a sexist, male-dominated league couldn’t have that. They feared her strength and wisdom. When she cobbled together a tight-nit and cohesive community in Philadelphia, the haters said it was a CULT, devaluing the work she put in building up that culture. Yes, they were loyal to her. Yes, they did go after and “harass” members that either disagreed with her or those she felt had slighted her. But does that make it a cult? Should we not strive to be loyal and protective of those who have guided us, to those that have done the same for us? I will regretfully admit that I once questioned her wisdom as well. In a discussion about the NHL, I accidentally let it slip out that I did not think Erik Karlsson was a top 10 defenseman anymore, and that he has begun to regress, in which she, RIGHTFULLY SO, verbally berated and insulted me due to my ignorance. It takes a big man to admit when you are wrong, and I am definitely big, most assuredly above average at the very least. 


The Misogyny Master


While the league itself has had an issue unfairly scrutinizing women, there is one member in particular who is a true trailblazer in sexism. World renowned choke artist and hentai addict @Spartan has been putting in sexist practices throughout his tenure. While being an active participant in the discrimination against both the queens discussed previously, he has also taken action against other females in the league. When GMing his team, he decided to remove the only woman on his team, @asteria  for a “quick upgrade” (clearly doesn’t want a woman poisoning his boys club). He is steadfast in keeping a pure, man-only roster for his team. It’s no wonder he’s lost so many finals. It was only due to the heroics of the great and supportive male feminist and massive proponent of equal rights, Obuz Schneider Canet du Bocage, that he was able to overcome his own hubris and finally achieve victory at the highest level. In his commissioner role, he forced the illustrious @Blazzer to step down from her role in order for a less competent MAN to take over instead. And guess where Harvey Spartstein is now? That’s right, on a cruise. What pronouns do cruises and other nautical vessels have? Bingo: She/Her. But Spartan doesn’t have an issue with that. To him, the cruise is but an object, just like how he sees women.

The Future

From what I am hearing coming from extremely reliable sources that I am unable to expose due to safety risks, there is a plot to put down YET ANOTHER woman in the league. Many oldheads are discussing how when they recreate, they will join Halifax, GMed by @LucyXpher,and build up a faux cult of loyalty, akin to that of BladeMaidens, and then anonymously report it to the higher-ups to justify the removal of Lucy from her position and replace her with an alt account of the infamous inappropriate image sender @badcolethetitan , who will run Halifax into the ground and blame the failure of the team’s performance on Lucy, despite it at that point being like three seasons later and none of the picks or players being from her time.

I did not want to be the one to call this out, but sometimes a man needs to look introspectively into oneself, to see the flaws within, to gain the courage to expose the external flaws of the establishment we are a part of. I am truly ashamed of the injustice this league has committed against our female members and will continue to speak out against it (5'10”, 190, stable income and housing, loves dogs, has a queen size bed hmu).

(1097 culturally appropriate words)

Edited by Grape
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Satire or not, BladeMaiden was the reason I got into the VHL to begin with back in S65. Her attitude towards building a strong team chemistry encouraged me to be active and productive in both the forum and my earnings on my player. She was a great leader, and it was one of the very far and few times I've ever been disappointed in this community to see what had transpired in the time between my first player and my return a year or so ago now. 


Sexism or not, there is definitely a culture in the VHL (albeit a minority opinion amongst the community, absolutely not the majority of people who are on this website for fun, hockey and community) that encourages putting people down for really asinine things. I won't go into great detail cause I don't want this to turn into a rant, but in my eyes, it's worth taking a look into and potentially worth cracking down on if it starts driving away people from a place already struggling with user retention and activity.

Edited by McLovin
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I agree wholeheartedly. The VHL is a cesspool of male chauvinism and needs to take a long hard look at itself as to how it treats females and other identities.


The sexism in this league has always bothered me.

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Wasn't diacope/16z for the majority of their time a male? and then towards the beginning of the end started identifying as a woman? Imo in that situation it wasn't sexism that drove the problem it was the declining mental health of the user and the VHL in turn responding somewhat toxically to just a batshit crazy user. Either way I can't tell if this article is fully serious or partially trolling lol. 


10 hours ago, Grape said:

(5'10”, 190, stable income and housing, loves dogs, has a queen size bed).

forgot to put "hmu" at the end lmao


Just to disclaimer I'm not ignoring the issue, I support the overall statement that there's some sexism in the league.

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9 hours ago, LucyXpher said:

Um, should I be afraid? 


apparently yes

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  • Commissioner
1 hour ago, N0HBDY said:

Wasn't diacope/16z for the majority of their time a male? and then towards the beginning of the end started identifying as a woman? Imo in that situation it wasn't sexism that drove the problem it was the declining mental health of the user and the VHL in turn responding somewhat toxically to just a batshit crazy user

Just to be clear because I’m hoping I’m reading this wrong… you aren’t saying that a user transitioning into identifying as a woman is a declining mental state are you?


1 hour ago, N0HBDY said:

Either way I can't tell if this article is fully serious or partially trolling lol. 

It reads as trolling to me but the FACT that’s questionable is worrisome if people take it as serious when it’s not. Or maybe it is and I’m reading it wrong.


In either case the league has always strived for equality and while we obviously can’t control every interaction….

9 hours ago, LucyXpher said:

Um, should I be afraid? 

No, I would certainly hope not.

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3 minutes ago, Beketov said:

Just to be clear because I’m hoping I’m reading this wrong… you aren’t saying that a user transitioning into identifying as a woman is a declining mental state are you?

No I absolutely don't mean that as the reason for their mental state, just whatever was going on in their personal life at that point, all we knew was they transitioned.

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4 hours ago, N0HBDY said:

Either way I can't tell if this article is fully serious or partially trolling lol. 



3 hours ago, Beketov said:

It reads as trolling to me but the FACT that’s questionable is worrisome if people take it as serious when it’s not. Or maybe it is and I’m reading it wrong.

Tried my best to make it obvious that this was a troll article (namecalling, irrelevant points, whiteknighting, and of course the final line just the icing on top). I suppose there's always an ounce of truth within a pound of satire.

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On 8/16/2024 at 7:48 PM, Grape said:

World renowned choke artist and hentai addict @Spartan

Brother I just won the cup and YOU made me watch hentai to re-sign you, freaky ass


Cruise is fun though thanks for asking, gonna go throw back some oysters now.

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1 minute ago, Spartan said:

YOU made me watch hentai to re-sign you, freaky ass

Yea and you better be ready for another episode cuz my contract expires this season bud

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