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In case you were wondering, the title (according to Google Translate) means goodbye in Finnish. The reason being is I will be stepping down as gm of the Helsinki Titans at the end of the season. In recent months my life has gotten increasingly more hectic and vhl has slowly taken a backseat. I will stay around as a mod and recruitment as I know I can help with both these areas when I have the time and all people in charge of those areas are aware of my on-and-off nature with it. With gming I do not feel as though I have the time to put into it consistently and make the team as well as I would like to.


I am also going to use this post as a little bit of life update and it will give context into this decision: 


I have recently started the professional phase of my 6-year physical therapy program. This means the workload and amount of time spent in classes have heavily increased. As stressful and scary as this has been at times, it has also been tremendously fulfilling to finally start developing skills for my future career. I have learned a ton in a short amount of time and am excited to see how the next 3 years pan out.


I also got a promotion at work this past spring which has added extra responsibilities as well as more hours at the job. Again, very exciting and has been wonderful but it takes a lot of time.


In less happy news, for those who haven't heard I have been pretty sick for the last 7 months, and while it is still a work in progress, figuring out what is going on each day brings its own struggles. The process is currently at a halt as I wait to hear from neurosurgery and find out if brain surgery may be the next step to helping me. Although terrifying it is the first time I have had a lead on what may be causing my multitude of symptoms. If anyone is curious I will gladly talk to people more about what has been going on but it has been a rough few months. People here who I consistently talk to have seen the ups and downs and have watched this progress into a far more pressing matter. What started as what I thought was appendicitis has now turned into maybe brain surgery??? Which is crazy to think about as a 21 year old. But alas, we roll with the punches life gives us. 



With that being said, I chose to step down now when the team is in a decent spot to develop and where I feel I have left the future GM in a place where they can make the team thrive. Although I am sad I never got to bring a cup home to Helsinki, I would rather hand it off to someone now than become known as the "IA GM". I am aware that I have reached my limits and this was something that had to give. I am so happy about the time I got to spend in Helsinki and a special thank you to the players who came through while I was there. A very extra special shoutout to @Triller for being my AGM through this all and literally being the best scout to ever exist. Your work and dedication did not go unnoticed or unappreciated



So for now Hyvästi Helsnki.




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It has been fun working with you in Helsinki Sam and as we both know, this is not the end of our interactions lol  I think you have left the team in an excellent place and after the new GM makes their picks in this upcoming draft the rebuild is basically over.  Helsinki was fun and I look forward to what comes next for us in this league!


Good luck to whoever comes next!

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Days since Sam injury - 0

hopefully we will see a day where that is well well above 0!

Thanks for sending off Wolanin in a nice way, wish you all the best!

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  • Head Moderator
3 minutes ago, jacobcarson877 said:

Days since Sam injury - 0

hopefully we will see a day where that is well well above 0!

Thanks for sending off Wolanin in a nice way, wish you all the best!

okay but like we can't just say I'm clumsy because there may be actual medical reasons now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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11 minutes ago, jacobcarson877 said:

Days since Sam injury - 0

hopefully we will see a day where that is well well above 0!


Challenge Rating: Impossible



thanks for your work in Helsinki sam, I enjoyed my time there and continue to enjoy lurking in the LR.  Wishing the best with your brain.

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Hey Sam, wishing you all the best and a full recovery... Jesus I can't even stand giving a blood sample at the doctors, I cannot start to imagine a potential surgery of this magnitude.


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Lots of reasons for stepping down, but wish you all the best in your career and hopefully an eventual recovery once they figured out what it is. All the best Sam

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