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@VHL GM To send in your lines please use the Team Management section of the portal, if you have manual requests due to trades or other roster changes please PM me your notes. For this first set if there any any issues in your rosters please let me know as soon as possible so I can correct them before the first sim tomorrow. I made sure all rosters can be at least valid so we should have no problems there but if you're missing any players, if any players are the wrong position, or anything else I need to know. A reminder that the portal and the sim are different entities so having someone on your roster portal wise does not guarantee they will be in your roster sim wise. I have to add them manually so please be as clear as possible with any requests. Last bit of house keeping is a reminder that your lines should not be renamed in any way from the default. Changing the name at all will make the auto-load lines function skip your lines and I'm not likely to notice so please be sure they are simply named after your team as is the default.


I cannot promise you a specific time for games, although 7PM EST is most likely; whenever games do run they will be live at the link below. I can't promise you they will be very entertaining; in fact I can almost guarantee that they won't be. However in an effort to be more transparent with our simming you will all be able to watch me click buttons in all it's glory. I will do my best to put a message on discord whenever I go live and you can use the #roles channel to subscribe to the notifications so you won't miss when sims are going live.



Good luck to everyone this season and let's have another good one! :cheers: 

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