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How many points in a season does it take to be considered an all-star player in this league? Is it 90, 100 or is it even higher? The Helsinki Titans will be lucky to have even one player hit 70 points, as their top scoring player right now is on pace for an extraordinary 69 points. Then we look at Quebec City who has basically a whole line up that is on pace to get over a point per game.


This pisses me off. Quebec is no better than Helsinki. Quebec probably thinks they are some of the best players in the league right now with their selfish 100 points in only 50 games played bullshit. It's all simulator luck and don't even bother telling me that it isn't because I don't give a rats about your opinion.



The bys. 2015.


Helsinki has had some decent and really good rosters over the past 13 seasons and consistently the players don't stand out on the league stage, but the team still performs well. The best example of this is Tuomas Tukio who played a solid six seasons in Helsinki with no personal awards. Tukio then leaves the Titans and goes to Quebec and New York for one season each and wins three of the most prestigious awards, twice.


If you want to become the best of the best and play on Helsinki, well you're gonna have to work ten times harder than anyone else. If you want the easy route go play for a team like New York or Quebec, you'll only need 300 TPE to put up 100 point seasons there. Helsinki has the best players in the league hands down. If Chris Raymond went to Quebec, I would not be surprised to see him reach the 130 point mark.




I, James Faraday, am the hardest working player in the league and I don't even get a point per game. That's the burden I carry getting the honour to play for the Helsinki Titans. When I pull the teal jersey over my head and can't see anything but the inside of my jersey for those few seconds, I think how blessed I am to play for the greatest team. For me, James Faraday, it's all about the team performance, if we are winning then it's a good day.


But, Jimmy, what's the big deal, everyone cares about winning. True, but some players care more about themselves then the team they play for. Aksel Thomassen doesn't give a damn about the likes of Dexter Morgan, hell he probably didn't even know Morgan existed before right now. Thomassen cares about himself and could care less if his teammates are successful. Then there is Thomas O'Malley who complains when he only reaches 130 points in a season, while he has teammates with under 50. These two players are to be avoided like the plague. Quebec City is the scum of the North American conference and Cologne is the trash of Europe.



James Faraday runs Cologne's goaltender, Blaine Olynick.


I'm James Faraday and I personally vow to defeat Thomassen and O'Malley. I will continue to fight the good war until my last breath. Will it be an uphill battle? You're god damn right. I cannot wait to watch these two suffer after falling back down to reality. They can keep their inflated points for now but the bubble will burst and the hardest working players will be able to take their rightful place on top of the VHL.



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Content: 3/3 

Hit the word count and who doesn't love a good rant?


Grammar: 2/2

  • and play on Helsinki, well, you're gonna - missing comma
  •  play for a team like New York or Quebec[, ]you'll only - two ways to fix:  Either ", where you'll" or change the punctuation to -
  • Dexter Morgan, hell, he - missing comma

Appearance: 1/1


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