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Other options to earn TPE


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Okay so it doesn't have to change but in curious. It came to me more today after I wrote this


It took me quiet a bit of time(some of it research). Almost 7 hours due to the need to translate ive spoken English less than a year and actually joined about a month into writing it.

My biggest problem being a European and being a star is unless you are good at graphics. It takes a lot of time to write even 550words(it takes me 3+hours right now at the beginning it was 5).

I don't expect leancy in marking I get its an English speaking league. But maybe we can have a broken English area or something in media we get less TPE if we post there (say 4 or 5) but get marked abit less harsh(I've gotten like .5 and 0s).

As it stands right now I've either gotta write a huge article to get torn apart on grammer( I know I suck) or take 2 TPE to do nothing which doesn't allow me to star on. It just helps euros and doesn't discourage us reading over and over how bad our grammer is.

You can risk it all for the 6 TPE or be safe and go for the 4 or 5 in the euro area. I for one actually stopped writing because I was getting discouraged.

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What I have always encouraged my lockerroom mates to do is post the article in the lockeroom and teammates can proof-read it for you. I've done it before and as long as there's at least one member who is willing to do it, it works out great!


My suggestion is that the team creates a "Proof-read Thread". This way, you'll be able to see the corrections, learn a little more, and not have to worry about the grammar so much as part of the grade. 

Edited by Phil
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Just grind your way up to 400 TPE, then retire.  Lather, rinse, repeat, and eventually you can become a Welfare lifer.  That's my plan.  I always lose interest in doing Articles about 300 points into a career.

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I feel like this thread should have gotten some more attention, considering you're certainly not our first EAL member.


Obviously it's a tricky situation to find a solution to, but I'd say it definitely warrants more discussion.


On one hand, one could argue that putting in the extra effort that you and the above people are describing could ultimately help you in your journey to learn our weird ass language, and help you out in real life! (yay)


On the other hand, this is place IS a hobby, and I don't think anyone joins this place for an educational experience, haha.


So yeah, I'd say it's something to look into.

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Just grind your way up to 400 TPE, then retire.  Lather, rinse, repeat, and eventually you can become a Welfare lifer.  That's my plan.  I always lose interest in doing Articles about 300 points into a career.


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I feel like this thread should have gotten some more attention, considering you're certainly not our first EAL member.


Obviously it's a tricky situation to find a solution to, but I'd say it definitely warrants more discussion.


On one hand, one could argue that putting in the extra effort that you and the above people are describing could ultimately help you in your journey to learn our weird ass language, and help you out in real life! (yay)


On the other hand, this is place IS a hobby, and I don't think anyone joins this place for an educational experience, haha.


So yeah, I'd say it's something to look into.

Yeah, it's a hobby. We're not grading essays here.


I always found it odd when some people grade so harshly. If somebody with bad english is putting in all that effort for TPE, then they should get a bunch. If someone makes the same mistakes all the time after you tell them every grade what they're doing wrong, that's different.


I usually take away a .5 so it rounds up to 6 anyways, unless it's just way too much then I'll put 1. I've never put a 0 on grammar before.

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