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Harumpf takes Penis out on the Town


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No no, it's not what you are thinking, pervs. Oskars Harumpf took his newest teammate Penis Hudson out on the town! That subject heading was just too good not to use. :P Anyway, everyone's favorite 5'5" 250 pound superstar Oskars Harumpf was a good assistant captain and took Penis out to show him the sites in Helsinki and grab a few drinks. The hope was to make Penis feel comfortable in a big wide new city. However, when Harumpf when to pick up Penis, he was laying on his couch looking scared and his enthusiasm was somewhat flacid. Penis was refusing to get up, so Harumpf had to yell at him "Penis stand up!" Still Penis would not move, so Harumpf had to slap him around a bit to get him going, finally Penis stood up and was ready to go. Harumpf and Penis then went out to a bar and as soon as Penis walked in all the women noticed him, something about him just seemed to peak their interest. Penis ordered a drink and was now looking more confident, a woman came over and patted Penis asking him his name. He said "my name is Penis Hudson, what's yours?" The woman said "I am Lotta Vagina, when I saw you I instantly felt like we could have a connection." Upon hearing this Penis was now swelling with pride and the two of them quickly left the bar together. Harumpf was left all alone after Penis abandonded him, but he was happy to see Penis and his new friend Vagina get together. It seemed like they were really going to hit it off.




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