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Claimed:Fixing The VHLm Vol. 2 [Final 6/6]

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Fixing The VHLm: Vol 2.

If you are unfamiliar with my previous article -- please check it out. It will be in the claimed section. This series has to do with the dormant VHLm, and how we can improve the VHLm so the draft classes can flourish even more. This week's focus is completely different than last week's proposal. Last week regarded the potential contraction of the VHLm, while this week has a sort of expansion. Let us move on to the focus of this week!


More Commissioners 


Hear me out, the current commissioners are doing a perfectly fine job, but I believe that to continue the VHL's success the VHLm has to be in great shape. I believe that hiring another one or two commissioners will help make the VHLm's success sustainable, and a reality. Only having two commissioners is a handicap in my opinion. The VHL has four commissioners which allows for each commissioner to specialize and tackle certain issues with perfect accuracy. For the VHLm though two commissioners means that there will be a huge burden on their back's and they have to tackle more issues at once compared to VHL commissioners. Personally, I believe that there should be four VHLm commissioners, one for roster management, recruiting, league structure, and for making sure all General Manager's are in check. Having them cover those different aspects ensures that the VHLm is in a premier position in all aspects.


A downside that can be determined from this is that we should seek quality commissioners over quantity of those in charge. Personally, I think that having a handful of commissioners allows the VHLm to run more smoothly, and the commissioners can discuss how exactly the VHLm can recruit more prospects, and develop them more efficiently. Personally I think the VHLm needs to utilize their announcement zone more often, and this is where the extra commissioners come into play. The commissioners can come up with more ideas on how to recruit as well as talk to prospects since they will have less on their hands. 


I understand that I cannot throw many facts to back my viewpoint up, but I can throw some theories. More hands on deck in the VHLm could lead to more interest from the site alone which would mean more people will recruit so the league can be more interesting! I know that I generally love recruiting when I am interested in the minor leagues due to the league's commitment to excellence in their minors. I think more commissioners will result in more recruits, which in turn has more commissioners to try and help them.



My opinion is based off the idea that more interest in the VHLm means that more people will be recruited, and an alternative belief is one that believes that more commissioners will allow for a more productive communication in the VHLm and will supply more activity. The VHLm has to reach back into the golden age and have true competition. Once that is done, the VHL will be set for many seasons. Look at the SHL's resurgence, they went through years of terrible recruiting classes and it was not until they invested in their minors that something changed. A huge recruiting class allowed for many important jobs to be filled and produced many prospects to bring back competition in both leagues. The VHLm is important, and my ideas are here to help a rebirth. 


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I dont need an overseer!

eh... I didn't really mean in that way although it may be perceived as such. I thought it would be perceived that they just make sure that GM's are submitting lines, are active in the locker room and are actively helping prospects out. 

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eh... I didn't really mean in that way although it may be perceived as such. I thought it would be perceived that they just make sure that GM's are submitting lines, are active in the locker room and are actively helping prospects out. 


I was just messing with you heh.

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what would be helpful to see in Vol 3 if you're planning on writing one.  A proposal for each commissioner's responsibilities (include delegating those responsibilities which are currently maintained by the two)

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I think 2 commission works fine, less chiefs, less room for errors or miscommunication. I just speak from my experience

i respect your opinion, but in my opinion, the VHLm needs more hands on deck. Commissioners are what first came to my mind, but I think more VHLm jobs (other than gm) will help the league out a lot.
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I love the minor league/noob aspects of the sim leagues -- so helping out is always a joy to me :)


Should apply to ass commish next time around for the VHLM :)

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O4L aka Ofer is another SMJHL commissioner but is extremely quiet in that front :) My apologies

Ofer's my GM in Calgary in the SHL. I'll be up in the SHL soon enough!



I'd probably be interested in some kind of a VHLM job. The VHLM needs to be some kind of anchor in the league, making the minor seasons more fun and competitive. Obviously, steps have already been taken to improve it by removing a couple of teams.

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