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Cologne Stays The Course


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A season after suffering a heartbreaking loss in Game 7 of the Continental Cup finals, failing in their attempt to repeat as Cup winners the Cologne Express are choosing to stay the course. General Manager Ryan Power remained adamant that if he was going to go to a full rebuild the market needed to be there for some of Colognes more notable star power players, namely Captain Thomas O'Malley. While they headed into the off season without a goalie, Cologne was able to succesfully re-tool their roster in the off season filling in all the holes and making it all just barely fit under the cap. When asked about the off season and the decision not to rebuild, Power had the following to say.


"You know a lot of people are of the mind set that if you don't have the best team on paper (or close) that you should just rebuild. That is an easy mind set to have when factors both in and out of your control are working in your favor. For example, it's no secret that I am an aggressive trader. It's that reason why I currently sit with zero picks upcoming until Season 47. What sense does it make for me to push my team out of a playoff spot to force sell players for arguably less than their value and give someone else, in this case New York a lotto pick? Besides having the best team on paper means nothing. Look at Seattle last season. Realistically speaking, i have some of the best forwards in the VHL on my roster. O'Malley, Koenig, these guys are our anchors. They make the players around them better. When you add in a depth scoring piece like Klose, I mean look how well Koenig and Klose are doing in the World Cup against many of the same players they will face this upcoming season? You add in the fact that we have stalwart Ron World Peace on our blue line and up and coming franchise defender Humbert coming in? I saw no reason to hit some emergency button. We are still a solid team this season, and we will continue to make the best decisions for this franchise not just based on some "we are the best in the league" metric."

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I live the logic others lose to lazy lies, long after losing learn what life loathes and what looms low beneath the illuminating lunar leap of lime light. 

Nicki Minaj, please give Denise his computer back.

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