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Things that will never happen.


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  1. MVP winner that doesn't make the playoffs
  2. Stockholm to win a cup
  3. Cologne Express to draft in the 1st round
  4. Eaglesfan to finally understand how horrible the US really are.
  5. A 90+ oa player
  6. O'Malley to lose an award. 
  7. People to fully understand the ISIS situation without making racial assumptions. 
  8. Drinking coffee won't make me shit after 5 minutes.
  9. Facebook adding a dislike button
  10. Joseph Roy III winning the Slobo
  11. An awesome new skin made by me (Scrap it)
  12. boubabi for commish
  13. No more pot smoker in the VHL
  14. Me winning some weekly predictions
  15. The return of uncapped tpe for cuts
  16. Someone to beat Tukio's TPE record.
  17. Trades before the trade deadline.
  18. Having sex with a girl
  19. The return of prime time Squinty and Koradek
  20. Donald Trump being president (The world begs you)
  21. Chip Kelly to trade for a black player.
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nah, they will eventually add some BS emotions shit instead. A dislike button would be dramatic for them.

While I agree with you, I don't think it really matters now that Facebook has been taken over by an older generation that post to it far more than the younger one does. Being someone in the middle generation, I find myself rarely using FB for anything other than joint message conversations to set up plans and such now. Hell even then I started using Slack instead.

But "the kids" as it were have moved on to so much else now. 

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nah, they will eventually add some BS emotions shit instead. A dislike button would be dramatic for them.

While I agree with you, I don't think it really matters now that Facebook has been taken over by an older generation that post to it far more than the younger one does. Being someone in the middle generation, I find myself rarely using FB for anything other than joint message conversations to set up plans and such now. Hell even then I started using Slack instead.

But "the kids" as it were have moved on to so much else now. 

You are so old Denise!

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nah, they will eventually add some BS emotions shit instead. A dislike button would be dramatic for them.

While I agree with you, I don't think it really matters now that Facebook has been taken over by an older generation that post to it far more than the younger one does. Being someone in the middle generation, I find myself rarely using FB for anything other than joint message conversations to set up plans and such now. Hell even then I started using Slack instead.

But "the kids" as it were have moved on to so much else now. 

...what is Slack?

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nah, they will eventually add some BS emotions shit instead. A dislike button would be dramatic for them.

While I agree with you, I don't think it really matters now that Facebook has been taken over by an older generation that post to it far more than the younger one does. Being someone in the middle generation, I find myself rarely using FB for anything other than joint message conversations to set up plans and such now. Hell even then I started using Slack instead.

But "the kids" as it were have moved on to so much else now. 

...what is Slack?


It's a giant messaging app that you can use to connect with people. I use it right now for my small business and group of friends I regularly talk with. It automatically syncs and connects with google, has built in meetings (video and audio streaming) as well as the ability to create multiple channels. Our biggest issue trying to coordinate messages for FB was if someone went off topic for paragraphs people would have to scroll to get to messages that were important. With slack we have channels for random conversations, actual work related things, etc. It also has built in functions for sharing any type of file including images and videos. It's a great app honestly.

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