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Updaters Strike; Make Draper Do Work


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The S48 Playoffs should take place soon, but there was a bit of a delay on the opening game being played this past weekend. The league is a day behind with it's schedules playoff games as the issue at hand was that the blue team was allowing TPE awarded to certain member groups as a sort of "pat on the back". The one member group in question was the Graders. Every year the graders get TPE rewards/awards for their excellent grading ability and swift time frame. However, the Updaters noticed this and decided to hold out on updating until Draper brought his whip to the negotiating table. It seems now the issue has been solved and the graders will not earn their TPE rewards this year (not that they deserve them for simply reviewing). Game, set, match and the Updaters now can continue to go about their business without the lazy graders getting rewarded for doing theirs. Also this is a VHL Fan article dedicated to making Draper do things as part of an ongoing series called: Standup to Don Draper.


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2 minutes ago, evrydayimbyfuglien said:

Couldn't you have waited until AFTER I got first place in the Grader standings? 


What he said was wrong, I said quite clearly that I wasn't stopping the grading awards at this point in the season for the sake of a few TPE (especially since DAAD has been spending time updating the FIGA all season).

This season will be last, though.

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2 minutes ago, Draper said:


What he said was wrong, I said quite clearly that I wasn't stopping the grading awards at this point in the season for the sake of a few TPE (especially since DAAD has been spending time updating the FIGA all season).

This season will be last, though.

Okay, I can deal with that then. Assuming we're still getting paid to grade review, of course. 

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25 minutes ago, Kendrick said:

Someone still has a cork in their rear end?

Not sure how noticing the irony of your statement is 'having a cork in my rear end', but sure, whatever makes you feel better

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21 minutes ago, ADwyer87 said:

Not sure how noticing the irony of your statement is 'having a cork in my rear end', but sure, whatever makes you feel better

Makes me feel great, thanks for checking in

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Lol, Kendrick. I love how I'm just finding out about this because of your post.


How is "reviewing" any different than grading? It's the same damn thing to me. I still read over everything people write, I just don't put a number on it. It's exactly the same thing. Still the exact same amount of work for people. We're not just copying and pasting text into a counter and that's it.


Also, yeah...what Draper said. FIGA is still going until the end of this season. I'm not going to have all of the FIGA leaderboards I've been updating all season go to waste. The phrasing of your article makes you sound like a dick. :lol: I know you're a good dude though.


For grading or reviewing, the awards were in place to award the people who do more to earn a little bit extra. It's a measly 1-3 TPE. 3 TPE for only 2 people. 2 TPE for 2 people, everyone else gets only 1 TPE. It's really nothing.

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2 hours ago, brovy said:

Iam the guy at the strike roasting marshmallows and making s'mores :)

I'm the one handing you 7 dollars to pay for my portion of the marshmallows. Great smores by the way!

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19 minutes ago, DollarAndADream said:

Lol, Kendrick. I love how I'm just finding out about this because of your post.


How is "reviewing" any different than grading? It's the same damn thing to me. I still read over everything people write, I just don't put a number on it. It's exactly the same thing. Still the exact same amount of work for people. We're not just copying and pasting text into a counter and that's it.


Also, yeah...what Draper said. FIGA is still going until the end of this season. I'm not going to have all of the FIGA leaderboards I've been updating all season go to waste. The phrasing of your article makes you sound like a dick. :lol: I know you're a good dude though.


For grading or reviewing, the awards were in place to award the people who do more to earn a little bit extra. It's a measly 1-3 TPE. 3 TPE for only 2 people. 2 TPE for 2 people, everyone else gets only 1 TPE. It's really nothing.

I'm not knocking the graders good sir, just knocking the whole awards thing. Keep in mind the Updaters were getting 0 TPE each season....so...

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4 minutes ago, Kendrick said:

I'm not knocking the graders good sir, just knocking the whole awards thing. Keep in mind the Updaters were getting 0 TPE each season....so...

But none of you fuckers do a god damn thing and nobody appreciates you because of it.




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10 minutes ago, Kendrick said:

I'm not knocking the graders good sir, just knocking the whole awards thing. Keep in mind the Updaters were getting 0 TPE each season....so...

But seriously though, I suppose with grading it had to do with people being able to do more than they are "required" to do. With updating it's mostly around the same thing, but I guess you guys weren't given the option of doing more or else you might have.


That's the thing though. I feel like they are two different jobs and they shouldn't be considered as being unfair if one gets awards. Grading and reviewing is more of a competitive thing. You could be a grader if you wanted and get those extra uncapped TPE at the end of the season if you wanted. The option is there for everyone to be a grader. Nobody really applies for it. That's why things are late sometimes. For the past couple of seasons I've been trying to get more but nobody wants it. I'm lucky to have the graphics team as good as it is with Beketov, Jack, Boubabi, and 701 around. For writing, if evrydayimbyfuglien and adwyer weren't there I don't know what I'd do. I'm lucky they both came to the VHL when they did because the grader personnel was pretty barren.

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5 minutes ago, DollarAndADream said:

But seriously though, I suppose with grading it had to do with people being able to do more than they are "required" to do. With updating it's mostly around the same thing, but I guess you guys weren't given the option of doing more or else you might have.


That's the thing though. I feel like they are two different jobs and they shouldn't be considered as being unfair if one gets awards. Grading and reviewing is more of a competitive thing. You could be a grader if you wanted and get those extra uncapped TPE at the end of the season if you wanted. The option is there for everyone to be a grader. Nobody really applies for it. That's why things are late sometimes. For the past couple of seasons I've been trying to get more but nobody wants it. I'm lucky to have the graphics team as good as it is with Beketov, Jack, Boubabi, and 701 around. For writing, if evrydayimbyfuglien and adwyer weren't there I don't know what I'd do. I'm lucky they both came to the VHL when they did because the grader personnel was pretty barren.

I could be a grader sure, but I'm an Updater. Not to mention they take about the same time each week to complete the job. So this isn't about type of workload, but length of workload.

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4 minutes ago, Kendrick said:

I could be a grader sure, but I'm an Updater. Not to mention they take about the same time each week to complete the job. So this isn't about type of workload, but length of workload.

I suppose. Updating is a once a week deal though.

Reviewing is a multiple time per week, depending on how much work you want to do, with a minimum of 4 per week, type of deal. I mean, for the guys who do their minimum each week, I suppose maybe that 1 extra TPE FIGA Award is pretty useless. But for the guys who clearly do way more work then everyone else, I think the awards make sense.

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3 minutes ago, DollarAndADream said:

I suppose. Updating is a once a week deal though.

Reviewing is a multiple time per week, depending on how much work you want to do, with a minimum of 4 per week, type of deal. I mean, for the guys who do their minimum each week, I suppose maybe that 1 extra TPE FIGA Award is pretty useless. But for the guys who clearly do way more work then everyone else, I think the awards make sense.

So if I was a graphic grader and did 6 graphics per week that would be more time consuming than updating 25 player pages each week? All I'm saying is awards for that should mean updaters get TPE at the end of the season, especially after doing all the shitty update threads. Thats another thing, we bring up an issue with an update thread and people start to blame us haha. Off-season updating is a complete bitch.

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3 minutes ago, Kendrick said:

So if I was a graphic grader and did 6 graphics per week that would be more time consuming than updating 25 player pages each week? All I'm saying is awards for that should mean updaters get TPE at the end of the season, especially after doing all the shitty update threads. Thats another thing, we bring up an issue with an update thread and people start to blame us haha. Off-season updating is a complete bitch.

Yeah but every problem with updating is the Updater's faults. Everyone knows this.


Yeah I accept that the FIGA is done with after this season. Makes sense to me.

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2 hours ago, Draper said:

Updaters don't get awards cause i gotta do their jobs for em' 

That is the first time you have ever had to cover my ass, and one of the first weeks in my 40+ years of updating that anyone has had to at all. I deserve a nice retirement package when all is said and done.

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