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Hey VHL! Another World Cup is upon us! Our GMs have been announced and they will pick the rosters for their respective teams within the next couple of days! 


Western Europe have won back-to-back Gold Medals, while Scandinavia and the States have capped the silver medals in S46 and S43, respectively. The Mercs won their first ever medal last tournament and Team World won the bronze in S43. Where's Canada in this list? They have been very unsuccessful over the past few world cups and I personally would love to see the country that is known for its dominance and passionate love affair with the sport of hockey to rise again. 


Personally, I would love the Medals to go to (in order of Gold to Bronze) Western Europe, Mercs, Canada.


The gold medal, for obvious reasons, because my player, Phil Hamilton, will most likely represent the team on defense... The silver medal to the Mercs because they are the underdogs and have never achieved silver (and who doesn't love an underdog?) and Canada because my name is joe and I am Canadian


What's your ideal Medal Standings?!?!?!

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